require 'fileutils' require 'uri' require 'net/http' require 'tempfile' module Fig class NotFoundException < Exception end class OS def list(dir) Dir.entries(dir) - ['.','..'] end def exist?(path) File.exist?(path) end def mtime(path) File.mtime(path) end def read(path) end def write(path, content), "w") { |f| f << content } end SUCCESS = 0 NOT_MODIFIED = 3 NOT_FOUND = 4 def download_list(url) uri = URI.parse(url) case uri.scheme when "ftp" ftp = ftp.login ftp.chdir(uri.path) packages = [] ftp.retrlines('LIST -R .') do |line| parts = line.gsub(/\\/, '/').sub(/^\.\//, '').sub(/:$/, '').split('/') packages << parts.join('/') if parts.size == 2 end ftp.close packages else raise "Protocol not supported: #{url}" end end def download(url, path) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(path)) uri = URI.parse(url) case uri.scheme when "ftp" ftp = ftp.login begin if File.exist?(path) && ftp.mtime(uri.path) <= File.mtime(path) return false else puts "downloading #{url}" ftp.getbinaryfile(uri.path, path, 256*1024) return true end rescue Net::FTPPermError raise end when "http" http = puts "downloading #{url}", "w") do |file| http.get(uri.path) do |block| file.write(block) end end when "ssh" # TODO need better way to do conditional download # timestamp = `ssh #{uri.user + '@' if uri.user}#{} "ruby -e 'puts File.mtime(\\"#{uri.path}\\").to_i'"`.to_i out = nil timestamp = File.exist?(path) ? File.mtime(path).to_i : 0 tempfile ="tmp") IO.popen("ssh #{uri.user + '@' if uri.user}#{} \"fig-download #{timestamp} #{uri.path}\"") do |io| first = true while bytes = if first $stderr.puts "downloading #{url}" first = false end tempfile << bytes end end tempfile.close case $?.exitstatus when NOT_MODIFIED tempfile.delete return false when NOT_FOUND tempfile.delete raise "File not found: #{uri}" when SUCCESS, path) return true else tempfile.delete $stderr.puts "Unable to download file: #{$?.exitstatus}" exit 1 end else raise "Unknown protocol: #{url}" end end def download_resource(url, dir) FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir) download(url, File.join(dir, URI.parse(url).path.split('/').last)) end def download_archive(url, dir) FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir) basename = URI.parse(url).path.split('/').last path = File.join(dir, basename) download(url, path) case basename when /\.tar\.gz$/ fail unless system "tar -C #{dir} -zxf #{path}" when /\.tgz$/ fail unless system "tar -C #{dir} -zxf #{path}" when /\.tar\.bz2$/ fail unless system "tar -C #{dir} -jxf #{path}" when /\.zip$/ fail unless system "unzip -q -d #{dir} #{path}" else raise "Unknown archive type: #{basename}" end end def upload(local_file, remote_file, user) puts "uploading #{local_file} to #{remote_file}" uri = URI.parse(remote_file) case uri.scheme when "ssh" dir = uri.path[0, uri.path.rindex('/')] cmd = "mkdir -p #{dir} && cat > #{uri.path}" fail unless system "cat #{local_file} | ssh #{uri.user + '@' if uri.user}#{} '#{cmd}'" when "ftp" # fail unless system "curl -T #{local_file} --create-dirs --ftp-create-dirs #{remote_file}" require 'net/ftp' ftp_uri = URI.parse(ENV["FIG_REMOTE_URL"]) ftp_root_path = ftp_uri.path ftp_root_dirs = ftp_uri.path.split("/") remote_publish_path = uri.path[0, uri.path.rindex("/")] remote_publish_dirs = remote_publish_path.split("/") # Use array subtraction to deduce which project/version folder to upload to, # i.e. [1,2,3] - [2,3,4] = [1] remote_project_dirs = remote_publish_dirs - ftp_root_dirs do |ftp| ftp.login # Assume that the FIG_REMOTE_URL path exists. ftp.chdir(ftp_root_path) remote_project_dirs.each do |dir| # Can't automatically create parent directories, so do it manually. if ftp.nlst().index(dir).nil? ftp.mkdir(dir) ftp.chdir(dir) else ftp.chdir(dir) end end ftp.putbinaryfile(local_file) end else fail unless system "curl -p -T #{local_file} --create-dirs --ftp-create-dirs #{remote_file}" end end def clear_directory(dir) FileUtils.rm_rf(dir) FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir) end def exec(dir,command) Dir.chdir(dir) { raise "Command failed" unless system command } end def copy(source, target) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(target)) FileUtils.copy_file(source, target) target end def log_info(msg) puts msg end end end