# frozen_string_literal: true require "octokit" require "jwt" module CiToolkit # Utility class that provides an access token that can be used with the Github API class GithubBot # Provides a jwt token for authentication. Sores the private key and app id for the bot class Credentials attr_reader :app_id def initialize(app_id = ENV["CRVSH_BOT_GITHUB_APP_ID"], private_key = ENV["CRVSH_BOT_GITHUB_APP_PRIVATE_KEY"]) @app_id = app_id.to_i @private_key = private_key end def jwt_token return if @private_key.nil? JWT.encode( { iat: Time.now.to_i, exp: Time.now.to_i + (9 * 60), iss: @app_id }, OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(@private_key), "RS256" ) end end # stack = Faraday::RackBuilder.new do |builder| # builder.response :logger # builder.use Octokit::Response::RaiseError # builder.adapter Faraday.default_adapter # end # Octokit.middleware = stack def initialize( credentials = CiToolkit::GithubBot::Credentials.new, client = Octokit::Client.new(bearer_token: credentials.jwt_token, auto_paginate: true) ) @app_id = credentials.app_id @client = client end def create_token return unless (installation_id = find_app_installation) @client.create_app_installation_access_token( installation_id, { accept: Octokit::Preview::PREVIEW_TYPES[:integrations] } )[:token] end private def find_app_installation @client.find_app_installations( { accept: Octokit::Preview::PREVIEW_TYPES[:integrations] } ).select { |installation| @app_id.equal?(installation[:app_id]) }.first[:id] end end end