![Alchemy CMS](http://alchemy-cms.com/assets/alchemy_logo.png) [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/alchemy_cms.png)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/alchemy_cms) [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/magiclabs/alchemy_cms.png?branch=2.7-stable)](http://travis-ci.org/magiclabs/alchemy_cms) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/magiclabs/alchemy_cms.png)](https://codeclimate.com/github/magiclabs/alchemy_cms) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/magiclabs/alchemy_cms/badge.png?branch=2.7-stable)](https://coveralls.io/r/magiclabs/alchemy_cms) About ----- Alchemy is a powerful, userfriendly and flexible Rails 3 CMS. Read more on the [website](http://alchemy-cms.com) and in the [guidelines](http://guides.alchemy-cms.com). Features -------- - Highly flexible Templating - Gorgious End-User centric interface - Multilingual - Multidomain - SEO friendly - Access Control - Fulltext Search - RSS Feeds - Contactforms - Attachments and downloads - Powerful image rendering - Extendable - Integrates in existing Rails Apps - Caching - BSD License - Hostable on any Server that supports Ruby on Rails, a SQL Database and ImageMagick Rails Version ------------- This version of Alchemy runs with Rails 3.2.11+. If you are looking for a Rails 3.1 compatible version check the [2.1-stable branch](https://github.com/magiclabs/alchemy_cms/tree/2.1-stable). If you are looking for a Rails 3.0 compatible version check the [2.0-stable branch](https://github.com/magiclabs/alchemy_cms/tree/2.0-stable). If you are looking for a Rails 2.3 compatible version check the [1.6-stable branch](https://github.com/magiclabs/alchemy_cms/tree/1.6-stable). Ruby Version ------------ Alchemy runs with Ruby >= 1.9.3 (including Ruby 2.0.0). For a Ruby 1.8.7 compatible version use the [2.3-stable branch](https://github.com/magiclabs/alchemy_cms/tree/2.3-stable). Installation ------------ Use the installer (recommended): gem install alchemy_cms alchemy new my_magicpage cd my_magicpage Start the local server: rails server Then just switch to your browser and open `http://localhost:3000` Add to existing Rails project ----------------------------- In your Gemfile: gem 'alchemy_cms', github: 'magiclabs/alchemy_cms', branch: '2.7-stable' Run in terminal: bundle install bundle exec rake alchemy:install ### Note: If you did not mounted Alchemy on the root route `'/'`, then you have to add Alchemy's view helpers manually to your app. Just paste this in your `app/controllers/application_controller.rb` ``` helper Alchemy::PagesHelper ``` Upgrading --------- After updating Alchemy you should run the upgrader. Run in terminal: bundle exec rake alchemy:upgrade Tipps ----- - Read the guidelines: http://guides.alchemy-cms.com. - Read the documentation: http://rubydoc.info/github/magiclabs/alchemy_cms - Ask the community: http://groups.google.com/group/alchemy-cms Getting Help ------------ * If you have bugs, please use the [issue tracker on Github](https://github.com/magiclabs/alchemy_cms/issues). * For Q&A and general usage, please use the [User Group](http://groups.google.com/group/alchemy-cms) or the IRC channel. * New features should be discussed on our [Trello Board](https://trello.com/alchemycms). *PLEASE* don't use the Github issues for new features. Resources --------- * Homepage: * Live-Demo: (user: demo, password: demo) * API Documentation: * Issue-Tracker: * Sourcecode: * User Group: * IRC Channel: #alchemy_cms on irc.freenode.net * Discussion Board: Authors --------- * Thomas von Deyen: * Robin Böning: * Marc Schettke: * Hendrik Mans: * Carsten Fregin: License ------- * BSD: