//! Representation of Cranelift IR functions. mod atomic_rmw_op; mod builder; pub mod condcodes; pub mod constant; pub mod dfg; pub mod dynamic_type; pub mod entities; mod extfunc; mod extname; pub mod function; mod globalvalue; pub mod immediates; pub mod instructions; pub mod jumptable; pub(crate) mod known_symbol; pub mod layout; pub(crate) mod libcall; mod memflags; mod memtype; pub mod pcc; mod progpoint; mod sourceloc; pub mod stackslot; mod table; mod trapcode; pub mod types; #[cfg(feature = "enable-serde")] use serde_derive::{Deserialize, Serialize}; pub use crate::ir::atomic_rmw_op::AtomicRmwOp; pub use crate::ir::builder::{ InsertBuilder, InstBuilder, InstBuilderBase, InstInserterBase, ReplaceBuilder, }; pub use crate::ir::constant::{ConstantData, ConstantPool}; pub use crate::ir::dfg::{BlockData, DataFlowGraph, ValueDef}; pub use crate::ir::dynamic_type::{dynamic_to_fixed, DynamicTypeData, DynamicTypes}; pub use crate::ir::entities::{ Block, Constant, DynamicStackSlot, DynamicType, FuncRef, GlobalValue, Immediate, Inst, JumpTable, MemoryType, SigRef, StackSlot, Table, UserExternalNameRef, Value, }; pub use crate::ir::extfunc::{ AbiParam, ArgumentExtension, ArgumentPurpose, ExtFuncData, Signature, }; pub use crate::ir::extname::{ExternalName, UserExternalName, UserFuncName}; pub use crate::ir::function::Function; pub use crate::ir::globalvalue::GlobalValueData; pub use crate::ir::instructions::{ BlockCall, InstructionData, Opcode, ValueList, ValueListPool, VariableArgs, }; pub use crate::ir::jumptable::JumpTableData; pub use crate::ir::known_symbol::KnownSymbol; pub use crate::ir::layout::Layout; pub use crate::ir::libcall::{get_probestack_funcref, LibCall}; pub use crate::ir::memflags::{Endianness, MemFlags}; pub use crate::ir::memtype::{MemoryTypeData, MemoryTypeField}; pub use crate::ir::pcc::{BaseExpr, Expr, Fact, FactContext, PccError, PccResult}; pub use crate::ir::progpoint::ProgramPoint; pub use crate::ir::sourceloc::RelSourceLoc; pub use crate::ir::sourceloc::SourceLoc; pub use crate::ir::stackslot::{ DynamicStackSlotData, DynamicStackSlots, StackSlotData, StackSlotKind, StackSlots, }; pub use crate::ir::table::TableData; pub use crate::ir::trapcode::TrapCode; pub use crate::ir::types::Type; use crate::entity::{entity_impl, PrimaryMap, SecondaryMap}; /// Map of jump tables. pub type JumpTables = PrimaryMap; /// Source locations for instructions. pub(crate) type SourceLocs = SecondaryMap; /// Marked with a label value. #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "enable-serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))] pub struct ValueLabel(u32); entity_impl!(ValueLabel, "val"); /// A label of a Value. #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Hash)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "enable-serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))] pub struct ValueLabelStart { /// Source location when it is in effect pub from: RelSourceLoc, /// The label index. pub label: ValueLabel, } /// Value label assignments: label starts or value aliases. #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Hash)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "enable-serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))] pub enum ValueLabelAssignments { /// Original value labels assigned at transform. Starts(alloc::vec::Vec), /// A value alias to original value. Alias { /// Source location when it is in effect from: RelSourceLoc, /// The label index. value: Value, }, }