= tomcat-rails
Tomcat Rails allows you to run a rails application within a Tomcat container.
This project has just born, there are a lot of things to do. Take a look at the TODO.txt file and feel free to add new features, tests, patches...
jgem install calavera-tomcat-rails -s http://gems.github.com
cd myrailsapp
jruby -S tomcat_rails
Tomcat-Rails allows you to configure some parameters when the server is started from the command line, the following is a list of the currently supported options:
* -p, --port PORT => port to bind to.
* -e, --env ENVIRONMENT => rails environment.
* -c, --context CONTEXT => application context path.
* --lib, --jars LIBS_DIR => directory containing jars.
* --classes CLASSES_DIR => directory containing classes.
The server can also be configured from a yaml file. If a file is not especified, the server tries to load the file config/tomcat.yml. Within this file you can add other options like jruby.min.runtimes(:jruby_min_runtimes) or jruby.max.runtimes(:jruby_max_runtimes).
jruby -S tomcat_rails -f
jruby -S tomcat_rails --config my_custom_configuration.yml
== Copyright
Copyright (c) 2009 David Calavera. See LICENSE for details.