h1. Setting Up the Hydra-Head Plugin as a Project Containing a Rails Application for Testing or Demo This document describes how to set up a project for the hydra-head plugin code itself - primarily intended for the hydra-head plugin developers. It will contain a pre-configured rails application for testing the hydra-head plugin. It does NOT describe how to set up a rails application that uses the hydra-head plugin. For that, see "CREATE_RAILS_APP":https://github.com/projecthydra/hydra-head/blob/master/CREATE_RAILS_APP.textile. h2. Install the Hydra-Plugin and its Contained Test Host Application h4. (0) Install Prerequisites. See "INSTALL_PREREQ":/projecthydra/hydra-head/blob/master/INSTALL_PREREQ.textile h4. (1) Get the hydra-head engines plugin from github and include the testing rails application.
git clone --recursive git@github.com:projecthydra/hydra-head.git cd hydra-headThis will also initialize and update the jetty and hydra-plugin_test_host git submodules. The former is a copy of Jetty pre-configured for Hydra with Fedora and Solr installed. The latter is a preconfigured Rails application to house and test the hydra-head engines plugin. This hydra-head directory is the root of the plugin. h4. (2) Use bundler to install the gem dependencies.
bundle installNote that if you have RVM installed, it will create/use a gemset called "hyhead". h4. (3) Put a copy of the hydra-head plugin into the testing application The rails application used for testing MUST have a copy of the hydra-head plugin added to its vendor/plugins directory. We provide a "rake task":http://hudson.projecthydra.org/job/hydra-head-rails2-plugin/Documentation/file.README_RAKE_TASKS.html#hyhead_Test_Host_Setup__setup_test_host for this which copies your current hydra-head plugin code into hydra-plugin_test_host/vendor/plugins as well as the fixtures and cucumber features required for testing.
rake hyhead:setup_test_hosth4. (5) Migrate the test databases See below to reset the test databases when re-running tests. You must do this within the hydra-plugin_test_host directory, not at the root of the plugin.
cd hydra-plugin_test_hostTo ensure that the tests do not rely on non-test data, do this:
rake db:drop:allMigrate the test databases:
rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=testIn case you ever run the server in development mode, you will need to migrate the databases without RAILS_ENV set to test:
rake db:migrateNow cd back up to the root of the hydra-head plugin directory:
cd ../h3. Now you're ready to run the tests If you want to run the tests, see "TESTING_PLUGIN":/projecthydra/hydra-head/blob/master/TESTING_PLUGIN.textile h2. Running the Testing Application The test host app is a regular Rails app with Blacklight installed. It's configured with the assumption that the hydra-head plugin is installed into vendor/plugins/hydra-head. Hydra expects Fedora and Solr instances to be running (for testing, a jetty instance is provided in the hydra-head plugin directory. See also config/solr.yml and config/fedora.yml). Change into the root of the test app and start it like you normally start any rails app.
cd hydra-plugin_test_host script/server