require 'yajl' module Process::Naf class LogReader < ::Process::Naf::Application opt :job_id, type: :int opt :runner_id, type: :int opt_select :job_id_or_runner_id, one_of: [:job_id, :runner_id] UUID_REGEX = /[a-fA-F0-9]{8}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{12}/ attr_accessor :read_from_s3, :s3_log_reader, :jsons def work @jsons = [] if @job_id.present? job_log_files.each do |file| # Use Yajl JSON library to parse the log files, as they contain multiple JSON blocks parser = json = get_json_from_log_file(file) parser.parse(json) do |log| @jsons << log end sort_jsons end if jsons.present? jsons.each do |elem| puts insert_log_line(elem) end else puts 'No logs found' end elsif @runner_id.present? runner_log_files.each do |file| # Use Yajl JSON library to parse the log files, as they contain multiple JSON blocks parser = json = get_json_from_log_file(file) parser.parse(json) do |log| log['id'] = get_invocation_id(file.scan(UUID_REGEX).first) @jsons << log end sort_jsons end if jsons.present? jsons.each do |elem| puts insert_log_line(elem) end else puts 'No logs found' end end end private def job_log_files files = Dir["#{::Naf::PREFIX_PATH}/#{::Naf.schema_name}/jobs/#{@job_id}/*"] if files.present? @read_from_s3 = false # Sort log files based on time return files.sort { |x, y| Time.parse(y.scan(::Logical::Naf::LogParser::Base::DATE_REGEX)[0][0]) <=> Time.parse(x.scan(::Logical::Naf::LogParser::Base::DATE_REGEX)[0][0]) } else get_s3_files do @read_from_s3 = true @s3_log_reader = return s3_log_reader.retrieve_job_files(@job_id) end end end def runner_log_files invocation_uuids = ::Naf::MachineRunnerInvocation.where(machine_runner_id: @runner_id).map(&:uuid) files = [] invocation_uuids.each do |uuid| if Dir["#{::Naf::PREFIX_PATH}/#{::Naf.schema_name}/runners/#{uuid}/*"].present? files += Dir["#{::Naf::PREFIX_PATH}/#{::Naf.schema_name}/runners/#{uuid}/*"] end end if files.present? @read_from_s3 = false # Sort log files based on time return files.sort { |x, y| Time.parse(y.scan(::Logical::Naf::LogParser::Base::DATE_REGEX)[0][0]) <=> Time.parse(x.scan(::Logical::Naf::LogParser::Base::DATE_REGEX)[0][0]) } else get_s3_files do @read_from_s3 = true @s3_log_reader = s3_log_reader.runner_log_files.each do |file| if invocation_uuids.include?(file.scan(UUID_REGEX).first) files << file end end return files end end end def get_s3_files begin yield rescue 'AWS S3 Access Denied. Please check your permissions.' return [] end end def get_json_from_log_file(file) if read_from_s3 == true @s3_log_reader.retrieve_file(file) else, 'r') end end def sort_jsons # Sort log lines based on timestamp @jsons = jsons.sort { |x, y| x['line_number'] <=> y['line_number'] } end def insert_log_line(elem) if @job_id "#{elem['line_number']} #{elem['output_time']}: #{elem['message']}" elsif @runner_id "#{elem['output_time']} invocation(#{elem['id']}): #{elem['message']}" end end def get_invocation_id(uuid) ::Naf::MachineRunnerInvocation.find_by_uuid(uuid).id end end end