# intercom-ruby Ruby bindings for the Intercom API (https://api.intercom.io). [API Documentation](https://api.intercom.io/docs) [Gem Documentation](http://rubydoc.info/github/intercom/intercom-ruby/master/frames) For generating Intercom javascript script tags for Rails, please see https://github.com/intercom/intercom-rails ## Installation gem install intercom Using bundler: gem 'intercom' ## Basic Usage ### Configure your access credentials ```ruby Intercom.app_id = "my_app_id" Intercom.api_key = "my-super-crazy-api-key" ``` ### Resources The API supports: POST,PUT,GET https://api.intercom.io/v1/users POST,PUT,GET https://api.intercom.io/v1/users/messages POST https://api.intercom.io/v1/users/impressions POST https://api.intercom.io/v1/users/notes ### Examples #### Users ```ruby user = Intercom::User.find_by_email("bob@example.com") user.custom_data["average_monthly_spend"] = 1234.56 user.save user = Intercom::User.find_by_user_id("1") user = Intercom::User.create(:email => "bob@example.com", :name => "Bob Smith") user = Intercom::User.new(params) user.save Intercom::User.all.count Intercom::User.all.each {|user| puts %Q(#{user.email} - #{user.custom_data["average_monthly_spend"]}) } Intercom::User.all.map {|user| user.email } ``` #### Companies ```ruby user = Intercom::User.find_by_email("bob@example.com") user.company = {:id => 6, :name => "Intercom"} user.companies = [{:id => 6, :name => "Intercom"}, {:id => 9, :name => "Test Company"}] ``` You can also pass custom data within a company: ```ruby user.company = {:id => 6, :name => "Intercom", :referral_source => "Google"} ``` #### Message Threads ```ruby Intercom::MessageThread.create(:email => "bob@example.com", :body => "Example message from bob@example.com to your application on Intercom.") Intercom::MessageThread.find(:email => "bob@example.com", :thread_id => 123) Intercom::MessageThread.find_all(:email => "bob@example.com") Intercom::MessageThread.mark_as_read(:email => "bob@example.com", :thread_id => 123) ``` #### Impressions ```ruby Intercom::Impression.create(:email => "bob@example.com", :location => "/path/in/my/app", :user_ip => "", :user_agent => "my-savage-iphone-app-0.1" ``` #### Notes ```ruby Intercom::Note.create(:email => "bob@example.com", :body => "This is the text of the note") ``` #### Events The simplest way to create an event is directly on the user ```ruby user = Intercom::User.find_by_email("bob@example.com") user.track_event("invited-friend") ``` For more control create events through Intercom::Event ```ruby Intercom::Event.create(:event_name => "invited-friend", :user => user) # With an explicit event creation date Intercom::Event.create(:event_name => "invited-friend", :user => user, :created_at => 1391691571) # With metadata Intercom::Event.create(:event_name => "invited-friend", :user => user, metadata => { :invitee_email => 'pi@example.org', :invite_code => 'ADDAFRIEND' } ) ``` Metadata Objects support a few simple types that Intercom can present on your behalf ```ruby Intercom::Event.create(:event_name => "placed-order", :user => current_user, metadata => { :order_date => Time.now.to_i, :stripe_invoice => 'inv_3434343434', :order_number => { :value => '3434-3434', :url => 'https://example.org/orders/3434-3434' }, price: { :currency => 'usd', :amount => 2999 } } ) ``` The metadata key values in the example are treated as follows- - order_date: a Date (key ends with '_date'). - stripe_invoice: The identifier of the Stripe invoice (has a 'stripe_invoice' key) - order_number: a Rich Link (value contains 'url' and 'value' keys) - price: An Amount in US Dollars (value contains 'amount' and 'currency' keys) ### Errors ```ruby Intercom::AuthenticationError Intercom::ServerError Intercom::ServiceUnavailableError Intercom::ResourceNotFound ```