module Shoulda # :nodoc: module Matchers module ActiveModel # :nodoc: # Ensures that the attribute can be set to the given value or values. If # multiple values are given the match succeeds only if all given values # are allowed. Otherwise, the matcher fails at the first bad value in the # argument list (the remaining arguments are not processed then). # # Options: # * with_message - value the test expects to find in # errors.on(:attribute). Regexp or string. If omitted, # the test looks for any errors in errors.on(:attribute). # * strict - expects the model to raise an exception when the # validation fails rather than adding to the errors collection. Used for # testing `validates!` and the `strict: true` validation options. # # Example: # it { should_not allow_value('bad').for(:isbn) } # it { should allow_value('isbn 1 2345 6789 0').for(:isbn) } # def allow_value(*values) if values.empty? raise ArgumentError, 'need at least one argument' else*values) end end class AllowValueMatcher # :nodoc: include Helpers attr_accessor :attribute_with_message attr_accessor :options def initialize(*values) self.values_to_match = values self.message_finder_factory = ValidationMessageFinder self.options = {} end def for(attribute) self.attribute_to_set = attribute self.attribute_to_check_message_against = attribute self end def on(context) @context = context self end def with_message(message, options={}) self.options[:expected_message] = message if options.key?(:against) self.attribute_to_check_message_against = options[:against] end self end def strict self.message_finder_factory = ExceptionMessageFinder self end def matches?(instance) self.instance = instance values_to_match.none? do |value| self.value = value set_and_double_check_attribute!(attribute_to_set, value) errors_match? end end def failure_message "Did not expect #{expectation}, got error: #{matched_error}" end alias failure_message_for_should failure_message def failure_message_when_negated "Expected #{expectation}, got #{error_description}" end alias failure_message_for_should_not failure_message_when_negated def description message_finder.allow_description(allowed_values) end private attr_accessor :values_to_match, :message_finder_factory, :instance, :attribute_to_set, :attribute_to_check_message_against, :context, :value, :matched_error def set_and_double_check_attribute!(attribute_name, value) instance.__send__("#{attribute_name}=", value) if value.nil? ensure_attribute_was_cleared!(attribute_name) end end def ensure_attribute_was_cleared!(attribute_name) if instance.respond_to?(attribute_name) actual_value = instance.__send__(attribute_name) if !actual_value.nil? raise Shoulda::Matchers::ActiveModel::CouldNotClearAttribute.create(actual_value) end end end def errors_match? has_messages? && errors_for_attribute_match? end def has_messages? message_finder.has_messages? end def errors_for_attribute_match? if expected_message self.matched_error = errors_match_regexp? || errors_match_string? else errors_for_attribute.compact.any? end end def errors_for_attribute message_finder.messages end def errors_match_regexp? if Regexp === expected_message errors_for_attribute.detect { |e| e =~ expected_message } end end def errors_match_string? if errors_for_attribute.include?(expected_message) expected_message end end def expectation includes_expected_message = expected_message ? "to include #{expected_message.inspect}" : '' [error_source, includes_expected_message, "when #{attribute_to_set} is set to #{value.inspect}"].join(' ') end def error_source message_finder.source_description end def error_description message_finder.messages_description end def allowed_values if values_to_match.length > 1 "any of [#{', ')}]" else values_to_match.first.inspect end end def expected_message if options.key?(:expected_message) if Symbol === options[:expected_message] default_expected_message else options[:expected_message] end end end def default_expected_message message_finder.expected_message_from(default_attribute_message) end def default_attribute_message default_error_message( options[:expected_message], model_name: model_name, instance: instance, attribute: attribute_to_set ) end def model_name instance.class.to_s.underscore end def message_finder, attribute_to_check_message_against, context) end end end end end