angular.module("Bastion.i18n").run(['gettextCatalog', function (gettextCatalog) {
gettextCatalog.setStrings('es', {" Changesets":"Changesets"," Content":"Contenido"," Red Hat Repositories":"Repositorios de Red Hat"," created successfully.":"Creado con éxito."," environment cannot be set to an environment already on its path":"No se puede configurar un entorno que ya está en su ruta "," items selected.":"Filtro de paquete %s borrado","%X repositories successfully created.":"Creado con éxito.","%d products may have missing repositories":"Productos y repositorios","%s (%s other errata) install canceled":"instalación de %s (%s otro error) cancelada","%s (%s other errata) install failed":"%s (%s otras erratas) falló instalación","%s (%s other errata) install timed out":"%s (%s otras erratas) instalación se detuvo","%s (%s other errata) installed":"%s (%s otras erratas) instaladas","%s (%s other package groups) install canceled":"instalación de %s (%s otros grupos de paquetes) cancelada","%s (%s other package groups) install failed":"%s (%s otros grupos de paquetes) falló instalación","%s (%s other package groups) install timed out":"%s (%s otros grupos de paquetes) instalación se detuvo","%s (%s other package groups) installed":"%s (%s otros grupos de paquetes) instalados","%s (%s other package groups) remove canceled":"borrado de %s (%s otros grupos de paquetes) cancelado","%s (%s other package groups) remove failed":"%s (%s otros grupos de paquetes) falló la remoción","%s (%s other package groups) remove timed out":"%s (%s otros grupos de paquetes) la remoción se detuvo","%s (%s other package groups) removed":"%s (%s otros grupos de paquetes) moved","%s (%s other package groups) update canceled":"actualización de %s (%s otros grupos de paquetes) cancelada","%s (%s other package groups) update failed":"%s (%s otros grupos de paquetes) falló actualización","%s (%s other package groups) update timed out":"%s (%s otros grupos de paquetes) la actualización se detuvo","%s (%s other package groups) updated":"%s (%s otros grupos de paquetes) actualizados","%s (%s other packages) install canceled":"instalación de %s (%s otros paquetes) cancelada ","%s (%s other packages) install failed":"%s (%s otros paquetes) falló la instalación","%s (%s other packages) install timed out":"%s (%s otros paquetes) la instalación se detuvo","%s (%s other packages) installed":"%s (%s otros paquetes) instalados","%s (%s other packages) remove canceled":"Borrado %s (%s otros paquetes) cancelado","%s (%s other packages) remove failed":"%s (%s otros paquetes) falló la remoción","%s (%s other packages) remove timed out":"%s (%s otros paquetes) la remoción se detuvo","%s (%s other packages) removed":"%s (%s otros paquetes) retirados","%s (%s other packages) update canceled":"Actualización %s (%s otros paquetes) cancelada","%s (%s other packages) update failed":"%s (%s otros paquetes) falló actualización","%s (%s other packages) update timed out":"%s (%s otros paquetes) actualización se detuvo ","%s (%s other packages) updated":"%s (%s otros paquetes) actualizados","%s Distributors Removed Successfully":"%s sistemas retirados ","%s Removed Successfully":"%s retirados ","%s Systems Removed Successfully":"%s sistemas retirados ","%s ago":"hace %s ","%s erratum install canceled":"Instalación de %s erratas cancelada","%s erratum install failed":"%s instalación de errata falló","%s erratum install timed out":"%s instalación de errata se detuvo","%s erratum installed":"%s errata instalada","%s for more details.":"%s para mayor información.","%s is not a valid package name":"%s no es un nombre de paquete válido","%s package group install canceled":"Instalación del grupo de paquetes %s cancelada","%s package group install failed":"%s instalación de grupo de paquetes falló","%s package group install timed out":"%s instalación de grupo de paquetes se detuvo","%s package group installed":"%s grupo de paquetes instalado","%s package group remove canceled":"Borrado del grupo de paquetes %s cancelado","%s package group remove failed":"%s retiro de grupo de paquetes falló","%s package group remove timed out":"%s retiro de grupo de paquetes se detuvo","%s package group removed":"%s grupo de paquetes retirado","%s package group update canceled":"Actualización del grupo de paquetes %s cancelada","%s package group update failed":"%s actualización de grupo de paquetes falló","%s package group update timed out":"%s actualización de grupo de paquetes se detuvo","%s package group updated":"%s grupo de paquetes actualizado","%s package install canceled":"instalación de paquetes %s cancelada","%s package install failed":"%s instalación de paquetes falló","%s package install timed out":"%s instalación de paquetes se detuvo","%s package installed":"%s paquete instalado","%s package remove canceled":"borrado de paquetes %s cancelado","%s package remove failed":"%s remoción de paquetes falló","%s package remove timed out":"%s remoción de paquetes se detuvo","%s package removed":"%s paquete retirado","%s package update canceled":"actualización de paquetes %s cancelada","%s package update failed":"%s actualización de paquetes falló","%s package update timed out":"%s actualización de paquetes se detuvo","%s package updated":"%s paquete actualizado","%s updated successfully.":"","%{app_name} Version: %{version}":"%{newline}Razón: %{reason}","%{consumed} of %{total}":"","%{definition_type}: %{definition_name}":"","%{errata} (%{rest} other errata)":"%{errata} (%{rest} otros errores)","%{group} (%{rest} other package groups)":"%{group} (%{rest} otros grupos de paquetes)","%{name} (Registered: %{time})":"%{name} (Registrado: %{time})","%{newline}Reason: %{reason}":"%{newline}Razón: %{reason}","%{object} Default Info":"","%{package} (%{rest} other packages)":"%{package} (%{rest} otros paquetes)","%{repo} (Product: %{product})":"%{repo} (Producto: %{product})","%{start_date} / %{end_date}":"","« Back":"","'%s' created successfully.":"","'%s' did not meet the current search criteria and is not being shown.":"'%s' no cumplió con los criterios actuales de búsqueda y no se muestra.","'%s' no longer matches the current search criteria.":"'%s' ya no concuerda con los criterios de búsqueda actuales.","'%s' was deleted.":"","(%X of %Y repositories selected)":"","(%{n} Types)":"","(Entire product selected)":"","(Load %X More)":"","(Loaded %X of %Y Total)":"","(Undo)":"","(no repositories available)":"Etiqueta de repositorio desconocida: %s","+ Add":"","+ All":"","+ Import Manifest":"+ Importar manifiesto","+ New %s":"+ Nuevo usuario","+ New Architecture":"","+ New Changeset":"+ Nuevo Changeset","+ New Distributor":"Distribuciones","+ New Domain":"","+ New GPG Key":"+ Nueva llave GPG","+ New Key":"+ Nueva llave","+ New Model":"+ Nuevo rol","+ New Organization":"+ Nueva organización","+ New Plan":"+ Nuevo Plan","+ New Provider":"+ Nuevo proveedor","+ New Role":"+ Nuevo rol","+ New Smart Proxy":"","+ New Subnet":"","+ New System":"+ Nuevo sistema","+ New User":"+ Nuevo usuario","+ New View Definition":"+ Nueva organización","+ Yes":"",", RAM: %s":"","- Remove":"Retiro de paquetes","400 - Invalid Parameters":"","403 - Permission denied":"","404 - That page doesn't exist or is missing!":"","500 Internal Server Error":"",": '%s' is a built-in environment":"","<< Previous":"","A keyname must be provided":"Se debe proporcionar un nombre de clave","A label was not provided during environment creation; therefore, a label of '%{label}' was automatically assigned. If you would like a different label, please delete the environment and recreate it with the desired label.":"No se proporcionó una etiqueta durante la creación %s; por lo tanto, se ha asignado automáticamente una etiqueta de '%s'. Si desea una etiqueta diferente, por favor borre la %s y vuelva a crearla con la etiqueta deseada.","A label was not provided during organization creation; therefore, a label of '%{label}' was automatically assigned. If you would like a different label, please delete the organization and recreate it with the desired label.":"No se proporcionó una etiqueta durante la creación %s; por lo tanto, se ha asignado automáticamente una etiqueta de '%s'. Si desea una etiqueta diferente, por favor borre la %s y vuelva a crearla con la etiqueta deseada.","A label was not provided during product creation; therefore, a label of '%{label}' was automatically assigned. If you would like a different label, please delete the product and recreate it with the desired label.":"No se proporcionó una etiqueta durante la creación %s; por lo tanto, se ha asignado automáticamente una etiqueta de '%s'. Si desea una etiqueta diferente, por favor borre la %s y vuelva a crearla con la etiqueta deseada.","A label was not provided during repository creation; therefore, a label of '%{label}' was automatically assigned. If you would like a different label, please delete the repository and recreate it with the desired label.":"No se proporcionó una etiqueta durante la creación %s; por lo tanto, se ha asignado automáticamente una etiqueta de '%s'. Si desea una etiqueta diferente, por favor borre la %s y vuelva a crearla con la etiqueta deseada.","A request has been received by Katello server '%{url}' to retrieve the logins for email '%{email}'. The following is a list of those logins:":"","A request has been received to reset the Katello password for user '%s'. In order to reset this password, click the URL below.":"","About":"Sobre","Account Number":"","Activation Key":"Llaves de activación","Activation Keys":"Llaves de activación","Activation Keys provide a set of characteristics that may be applied to a system during system registration. This includes things such as, default environment to assign to the system, subscriptions to allocate to the system, system template to apply to the system...etc.":"","Activation Keys provide a set of characteristics that may be applied to a system during system registration. This includes things such as, default environment to assign to the system, subscriptions to allocate to the system...etc.":"","Activation key '%s' was created.":"Ha sido creada la llave de activación '%s' ","Activation key '%s' was deleted.":"Ha sido borrada la llave de activación '%s'.","Activation key '%s' was updated.":"Ha sido actualizada la llave de activación '%s' ","Add":"","Add All":"","Add Global Permission":"Permisos globales","Add New Environment":"Entorno","Add Package Canceled":"Borrado de paquetes cancelado","Add Package Complete":"Retiro de paquete completo","Add Package Error":"Añadiendo grupo de paquete...","Add Package Group Canceled":"Borrado de grupos de paquetes cancelado","Add Package Group Complete":"Retiro de grupo de paquetes completo","Add Package Group Error":"Añadiendo grupo de paquete...","Add Package Group Timeout":"Retiro de grupo de paquetes expiró","Add Package Timeout":"Añadiendo grupo de paquete...","Add Permission":"Permisos","Add Permission to":"Permisos","Add Product":"Productos","Add Repository":"Repositorio","Add Subscriptions â¸":"Suscripciones","Added":"","Added LDAP group '%s'":"Añadido grupo LDAP '%s'","Added content view '%s'":"Ha sido añadida la plantilla '%s'","Added distribution '%s'":"Ha sido añadida la distribución '%s'","Added erratum '%s'":"Ha sido añadida la errata '%s'","Added package '%s'":"Ha sido añadido el paquete '%s'","Added product '%s'":"Ha sido añadido el producto '%s'","Added repository '%s'":"Ha sido añadido el repositorio '%s'","Added to changeset '%X'":"Ha sido borrado el Changeset '%s'","Added:":"","Adding Package Group...":"Añadiendo grupo de paquete...","Adding Package...":"Añadiendo paquete...","Adding...":"Añadiendo paquete...","Administer":"Administrar","Administer Activation Keys":"Administrar llaves de activación","Administer Changesets in Environment":"Administrar Changesets en un entorno","Administer Content View Definitions":"Administrar Changesets en un entorno","Administer GPG Keys":"Administrar llaves GPG","Administer Organization":"Administrar organización","Administer Providers":"Administrar proveedores","Administer Roles":"Administrar roles","Administer System Groups":"Administrar grupos del sistema","Administer Users":"Administrar usuarios","Administration":"Gestor","Administrator":"Gestor","Advisory":"","Alert":"","All":"Todos","All Content Views":"","All Errata":"Erratas","All Products":"Productos","All Repos":"Repositorio","All Repositories":"Repositorios","All Systems for owner %s in candlepin":"Todos los sistemas para propietario %s en Candlepin","All environments for owner %s in candlepin":"Todos los entornos para propietario %s en Candlepin","All providers for owner %s in candlepin":"Todos los proveedores para propietario en %s Candlepin","All repository GPG keys for Product '%s' were updated.":"Todas las llaves GPG de repositorio para producto '%s' han sido actualizadas","Amount of RAM (MB):":"","An environment does not exist. If you would like to manage changesets and content, please create a new environment.":"","An error has occurred when communicating with the server, please refresh the page to retrieve the current changeset.":"","Application":"","Applied":"","Apply Deletion Changeset":"+ Nuevo Changeset","Apply Failed":"Falló","Apply Promotion Changeset":"Promoción de Changeset '%s' ha sido creada.","Apply Selected Plan to Selected Products":"Elegir planes para aplicar a productos seleccionados","Applying...":"","Arch":"","Architecture":"Arquitectura","Architecture:":"Arquitectura","Architectures":"","Are you sure you want to %X the %Y entered on the %Z selected system(s)?":"","Are you sure you want to add the %X selected system(s) to the system group(s) entered?":"","Are you sure you want to change all systems in the group?":"","Are you sure you want to delete the %X selected distributor(s)?":"","Are you sure you want to delete the %X selected system(s)?":"","Are you sure you want to delete the system group?":"","Are you sure you want to delete this GPG Key?":"","Are you sure you want to delete this provider?":"","Are you sure you want to install the errata entered on the %X selected system(s)?":"","Are you sure you want to remove the %X selected system(s) from the system group(s) entered?":"","Are you sure you want to remove this architecture?":"","Are you sure you want to remove this deletion changeset?":"","Are you sure you want to remove this distributor?":"","Are you sure you want to remove this domain?":"","Are you sure you want to remove this hardware model?":"","Are you sure you want to remove this organization?":"","Are you sure you want to remove this product?":"","Are you sure you want to remove this promotion changeset?":"","Are you sure you want to remove this repository?":"","Are you sure you want to remove this role?":"","Are you sure you want to remove this smart proxy?":"","Are you sure you want to remove this subnet?":"","Are you sure you want to remove this system?":"","Are you sure you want to remove this user?":"","Are you sure?":"","Are you sure? If any users have this environment set as their default, it will unset it.":"","Associated Bugs":"","At least one activation key must be provided":"Al menos una llave de activación debe ser promovida","At least one environment is required to create or register distributors in your current organization.":"Se requiere al menos un entorno para crear o registrar sistemas en su organización actual.","At least one environment is required to create or register systems in your current organization.":"Se requiere al menos un entorno para crear o registrar sistemas en su organización actual.","At least one erratum ID must be provided.":"Al menos una llave de activación debe ser promovida","At least one name must be provided.":"Al menos una llave de activación debe ser promovida","At least one organization must exist.":"Al menos una organización debe existir.","At least one package group name must be provided.":"Al menos una llave de activación debe ser promovida","At least one system group must be selected.":"Se debe proporcionar uno o más grupos de sistemas.","Attach":"","Attach to Key":"Llaves de activación","Attached Subscriptions":"","Authentication":"","Auto-attach %{val}, %{sla}":"","Auto-attach Off, No Service Level Preference":"","Auto-attach Off, Service Level %s":"","Auto-attach On, No Service Level Preference":"","Auto-attach On, Service Level %s":"","Auto-complete Product":"","Auto-complete View":"","Auto-complete repository":"Ha sido borrado el repositorio '%s'","Available Errata":"Suscripciones disponibles","Available Subscriptions":"Suscripciones disponibles","Back":"","Back to Results":"","Before removing this definition, all promoted content views must first be deleted from their respective environments using a deletion changeset.":"","Before removing this provider, all promoted repositories must first be deleted from their respective environments using a deletion changeset: ":"","Before removing this repository from the product, it must first be deleted from the following environments using a deletion changeset: ":"","Beta":"","Browser Default Locale":"Usar el Navegador de configuración regional","Bug Fix":"Tipo: corrección de error","Build Host":"","By Environments":"Por entornos","CDN loading error: %s not found":"Error al cargar CDN: %s no se encontró ","CDN loading error: access denied to %s":"Error en carga de CDN: acceso denegado para %s","CDN loading error: access forbidden to %s":"Error de carga CDN: acceso prohibido a %s","Can't copy System Groups to a different org: '%{org1}' != '%{org2}'":"No se puede copiar los grupos del sistema en un org diferente: '%{org1}' != '%{org2}'","Can't update the '%s' environment":"","Cancel":"Cancelado.","Cancel Changeset Review":"","Cancel Review":"Cancelado.","Canceled synchronization of %{name}: %{id}":"Sincronización cancelada de %{name}: %{id}","Canceled.":"Cancelado.","Cancelled":"Cancelado.","Candlepin Event":"Evento de Candlepin","Candlepin environment already exists: %s":"Borrando el entorno en Candlepin: %s","Cannot add/remove or change permissions related to a locked role.":"No se pueden añadir o cambiar permisos relacionados con el rol bloqueado.","Cannot change the name or description of a locked role.":"No se puede cambiar el nombre o descripción de un rol bloqueado.","Cannot clone repository from %{from_env} to %{to_env}. They are not sequential.":"","Cannot create activation keys in the '%s' environment":"","Cannot delete currently logged user":"No se puede borrar el usuario que está conectado actualmente ","Cannot delete from %s, view does not exist there.":"","Cannot delete the changeset '%s' because it is not in the review phase.":"No se puede borrar el changeset '%s' ya que no se encuentra en la fase de revisión.","Cannot delete view while it exits in environments":"No se puede modificar una plantilla que esté en otro entorno","Cannot discover repos for the Red Hat Provider":"","Cannot dissociate user '%{username}' from '%{role}' role. Need at least one user in the '%{role}' role.":"No se puede desasociar el usuario '%{username}' del rol '%{role}'. Se necesita por lo menos un usuario en el rol '%{role}'.","Cannot dissociate user '%{user}' from '%{role}' role. Need at least one user in the '%{role}' role.":"No se puede desasociar el usuario '%{user}' del rol '%{role}'. Se necesita por lo menos un usuario en el rol '%{role}'.","Cannot promote the changeset '%s' because it is not in the review phase.":"No se puede presentar el changeset '%s' ya que no se encuentra en la fase de revisión.","Cannot promote the changeset '%{changeset}' while another colliding changeset (%{another_changeset}) is being promoted.":"","Cannot register a system to the '%s' environment":"","Cannot specify a tag if all_tags is selected.":"No se puede especificar una etiqueta si se selecciona all_tags .","Cannot specify a verb if all_verbs is selected.":"No se puede especificar un verbo si se selecciona all_verbs.","Cannot specify all_types without all_tags and all_verbs":"No se puede especificar all_types sin all_tags y all_verbs","Change Password:":"Changesets","Changeset Details":"Changesets","Changeset Management":"Administración de contraseña","Changeset is empty.":"Historial de contraseña","Changesets":"Changesets","Changesets History":"Historial de contraseña","Changesets allow you to either promote content to or delete content from an environment.
For a promotion, you may promote content from one environment to the next along a promotion path. Once you have created a promotion changeset, clicking \"Add\" next to one or more products will add them to the changeset. If products already exist in the next environment, you may promote other types of content. Once you have created a changeset, click the \"Review\" button to place the changeset in a locked state for review and when ready click the \"Promote\" button to apply it to the next environment.
For a deletion, you may remove content from the current environment. Once you have created a deletion changeset, clicking \"Add\" next to content will add that content to the changeset. Once you have created a changeset, click the \"Review\" button to place the changeset in a locked state for review and when ready click the \"Delete\" button to apply it to the current environment. Note: deletion of content from %s is not allowed using a deletion changeset.
":"","Checked In":"Nunca se registró","Choose %s...":"","Choose Environment:":"Entorno","Choose Existing Views":"","Choose New System Registration Defaults:":"No hay registro de sistema predeterminado establecido para este usuario. ","Choose a product..":"","Choose an Organization":"Ver organización","Choose domains...":"","Choose operating systems...":"","Clear":"Borrado","Clear Disabled Helptips:":"","Clear the Search":"Búsqueda de contenido","Cleared":"Borrado","Click Add or Remove next to a user name to apply or remove them from role.":"","Click Add permission from the bar below to add a permission.":"","Click edit permission from the bar below to edit the current permission.":"","Click on 'Add Environment' to create the first environment":"Haga clic en 'Añadir entorno' para crear el primer entorno.","Click to edit":"","Clone":"","Close":"","Close Add Permission":"Permisos globales","Close Changeset Details":"Changesets","Close Details":"Información","Close Edit Permission":"Permisos globales","Close Role Details":"","Collapse":"","Collapse All":"","Compare Repositories":"Repositorios","Component":"","Composite View Definition":"","Composite?":"","Confirm:":"","Confirmation":"Organización","Consumed":"","Consumed: %{consumed} of %{total}":"","Consumed: Unlimited":"","Content":"Contenido","Content Download URL: ":"","Content Search":"Búsqueda de contenido","Content View":"Contenido","Content View %{view} is already in environment %{env}":"","Content View Definitions":"","Content View Defintions":"","Content View:":"Contenido","Content Views":"Contenido","Content Views Overview":"","Content view '%{view}' is not in environment '%{env}'":"","Content view definition '%s' was created.":"Proveedor '%s' ha sido creado.","Content view definition '%s' was deleted.":"Proveedor '%s' ha sido borrado.","Content view definition '%s' was updated.":"Proveedor '%s' ha sido actualizado.","Content view definition '%{new_definition_name}' created successfully as a clone of '%{definition_name}'.":"","Content view is not in environment '%s'.":"No se pudo hallar entorno '%s'","Contents:":"Contenido","Continue":"Contenido","Contract":"Contenido","Contract Number":"","Copy":"","Couildn't find content view with id '%s'":"No se pudo hallar el ID del producto '%s' ","Could not delete organization '%s'.":"No se puede borrar organización '%s'.","Could not modify environments. One or more associated activation keys (%s) would become invalid.":"No se pudieron modificar los entornos. Una o varias llaves de activación (%s) se invalidarían.","Could not modify environments. System group membership does not match new environment association.":"No se pudieron modificar los entornos. La membresía del grupo de sistema no coincide con la asociación del nuevo entorno.","Couldn't find GPG key '%s'":"No se pudo hallar la llave GPG '%s' ","Couldn't find activation key '%s'":"No se pudo hallar la llave de activación '%s' ","Couldn't find changeset '%s'":"No se pudo hallar el Changeset '%s'","Couldn't find content view '%s'":"No se pudo hallar proveedor '%s'","Couldn't find custom info with keyname '%s'":"No se pudo encontrar la información personalizada","Couldn't find distributor '%s'":"No se pudo hallar el repositorio '%s'","Couldn't find environment '%s'":"No se pudo hallar entorno '%s'","Couldn't find organization '%s'":"No se pudo hallar la organización '%s'","Couldn't find organization with ID %s":"No se pudo encontrar la organización con el ID %s","Couldn't find permissions '%s'":"No se pudieron hallar los permisos '%s'","Couldn't find pool '%{pool}' in activation_key '%{ak}'":"No se pudo encontrar el pool '%{pool}' en activation_key '%{ak}'","Couldn't find product with id '%s'":"No se pudo hallar el ID del producto '%s' ","Couldn't find provider '%s'":"No se pudo hallar proveedor '%s'","Couldn't find repository '%s'":"No se pudo hallar el repositorio '%s'","Couldn't find repository set with id.":"No se pudo hallar el repositorio '%s'","Couldn't find subject of synchronization":"No se pudo hallar asunto de sincronización","Couldn't find sync plan '%{plan}' in organization '%{org}'":"No se pudo encontrar el plan de sincronización '%{plan}' en la organización '%{org}'","Couldn't find system '%s'":"No se pudo hallar el sistema '%s'","Couldn't find system group '%s'":"No se pudo hallar el grupo de sistemas '%s'","Couldn't find user '%s'":"No se pudo hallar el usuario '%s' ","Couldn't find user role '%s'":"No se pudo hallar el rol '%s' ","Create":"","Create Application Life Cycle Management Environment":"","Create Product":"Productos","Create Repositories":"Repositorios de Red Hat","Create Repositories Under A Product":"","Create Repository":"Repositorio","Create Within Product":"","Create repositories within:":"Repositorios de Red Hat","Created (UTC)":"","Created / Last Checked In":"Registrado / Último registrado","Created previously":"","Creating an owner in candlepin: %s":"Crear un propietario en Candlepin: %s","Creating environment in candlepin: %s":"Crear un entorno en Candlepin: %s","Creating...":"","Critical":"Gravedad: crítica","Current Organization":"Seleccionar organización","Current Subscriptions":"Suscripciones","Current System Registration Defaults":"No hay registro de sistema predeterminado establecido para este usuario. ","Current organization is being deleted, switch to a different one.":"","Custom Content Repositories":"Personalizar repositorios de contenido ","Custom Information":"","DETAILS":"","Daily at %{time} from %{date} %{zone}":"A diario a las %{time} en %{date} %{zone}","Dashboard":"Tabla de mandos","Date":"","Date format is incorrect.":"La fecha del formato es incorrecta","Debug Certificate":"","Debug RPMs":"","Default Organization no longer selected.":"La organización predeterminada ya no está seleccionada.","Default Organization: '%s' saved.":"Organización predeterminada: '%s' guardada","Definition":"Distribuciones","Definition cannot be deleted since one of its views has already been promoted. Using a changeset, please delete the views from existing environments before deleting the definition.":"El repositorio no puede ser borrado porque ya ha sido promovido. Se utiliza Changeset, por favor borre el repositorio de los entornos antes de borrarlo.","Delete":"Borrar roles","Delete All":"Borrar roles","Delete Content View Definitions":"Borrar el contenido del entorno","Delete Content from Environment":"Borrar el contenido del entorno","Delete Distributors":"Distribución seleccionada","Delete Manifest":"Borrar roles","Delete Organization":"Borrar organización","Delete Providers":"Borrar proveedores","Delete Roles":"Borrar roles","Delete System Group":"Borrar el grupo del sistema","Delete Systems":"Borrar sistemas","Delete Systems in System Group":"Borrar sistemas en el grupo de sistemas","Delete Users":"Borrar usuarios","Delete in progress (%s)":"Ha sido borrado el rol '%s'","Deleted GPG key '%s'":"Ha sido borrada la llave GPG '%s'.","Deleted System Group %{group} and it's %{count} systems.":"Grupo del sistema borrado %{group} y sus sistemas %{count}.","Deleted activation key '%s'":"Ha sido borrada la llave de activación '%s'","Deleted changeset '%s'":"Ha sido borrado el Changeset '%s'","Deleted custom info '%s'":"Se borró la información personalizada '%s'","Deleted distributor '%s'":"Ha sido retirada la distribución '%s'","Deleted environment '%s'":"Ha sido borrado el entorno '%s'","Deleted permission '%s'":"Ha sido borrado el permiso '%s'","Deleted product '%s'":"Ha sido borrado el producto '%s'","Deleted provider [ %s ]":"Proveedor borrado [ %s ]","Deleted repository '%s'":"Ha sido borrado el repositorio '%s'","Deleted role '%s'":"Ha sido borrado el rol '%s'","Deleted sync plan '%s'":"Ha sido borrado el plan de sincronización '%s'","Deleted system '%s'":"Ha sido borrado el sistema '%s'","Deleted system group '%s'":"Ha sido borrado el grupo de sistemas '%s'","Deleted system group '%{s}' and it's %{n} systems.":"Grupo de sistemas borrado '%{s}' y sus %{n} sistemas. ","Deleted user '%s'":"Ha sido borrado el usuario '%s'","Deleting a manifest will permanently remove all current subscriptions. All systems consuming these subscriptions have them removed. Do you wish to proceed with removing this manifest?":"","Deleting environment in candlepin: %s":"Borrando el entorno en Candlepin: %s","Deleting owner in candlepin: %s":"Borrando propietario en Candlepin: %s","Deletion from %s":"Ha sido borrado el rol '%s'","Dependencies":"Dependencias","Dependency of ":"Dependencias","Description":"Suscripciones","Description:":"Suscripciones","Deselect all":"","Details":"Información","Details for the currently selected permission.":"","Dhcp:":"","Difference":"","Difference:":"","Directory":"","Disable/enable is not supported for custom repositories.":"Habilitado/inhabilitado no es soportado para repositorios personales","Disabled help tips have been re-enabled.":"Consejos inactivos han sido reactivados","Discover":"","Discovered URLS:":"","Discovery URL not set.":"","Display":"","Distribution":"Distribuciones","Distribution '%s' does not belong to the specified product!":"iDistribución '%s' no pertenece al producto especificado!","Distribution '%s' not found in the changeset":"No se encontró la distribución '%s' en el Changeset","Distribution '%s' not found within the repository":"No se encontró la distribución '%s' dentro del repositorio","Distributions":"Distribuciones","Distributor":"Distribuciones","Distributor '%s' was created.":"Permiso '%s' ha sido creado.","Distributor '%s' was updated.":"Producto '%s' ha sido actualizado.","Distributor Events":"Distribuciones","Distributor Info":"Distribuciones","Distributor Name:":"Distribuciones","Distributor Properties":"Distribuciones","Distributor subscriptions updated.":"Suscripciones de sistemas actualizados.","Distributors":"Distribuciones","Dns:":"","Do you also want to delete the systems in the system group?":"Borrar sistemas en el grupo de sistemas","Do you want to set this GPG Key as the key for all repositories within this product?":"","Domain":"Dominio","Domains":"Dominios","Domains:":"Dominios","Done":"","Download":"","Download Manifest":"","Duration":"Organización","ERRATA":"","ERROR: This content view has one or more repositories in common with the following views: %X.
Please unselect views that should no longer be included in this definition.":"","Edit Activation Key enables you to modify the selected activation key. This key may be used during system registration. For example,
subscription-manager register --org %s --activationkey %s":"","Edit Changeset Details":"Changesets","Edit Details":"Información","Edit Details for All Systems":"","Edit Environment":"Entorno","Edit GPG Key enables you to modify the selected GPG Key. A new key can be copied and pasted in directly.":"","Edit Permission":"Permisos","Edit Permission in":"Permisos","Edit Product":"Productos","Edit Role":"Modificar roles","Edit Role Details":"","Edit Systems' Environment and Content View":"Ver contenido de entorno","Either organization ID or environment ID needs to be specified":"Necesita especificar el ID de la organización o el ID de entorno","Either packages or groups must be provided":"Se deben proporcionar ya sean los paquetes o los grupos.","Either packages or groups must be provided":"Deben promoverse los paquetes o los grupos","Email Address:":"","Email sent to '%s' with password reset instructions.":"Correo-e enviado a '%s' con instrucciones para restablecer la contraseñaa","Email sent to '%s' with valid login user names.":"Correo -e enviado a '%s' con nombres de usuario de ingreso válidos.","Empty request received to install Packages or Package Groups for System '%s'.":"Solicitud vacía recibida para instalar paquetes o grupos de paquetes para el sistema '%s'.","Empty request received to install Packages or Package Groups for System Group '%s'.":"Solicitud vacía recibida para instalar paquetes o grupos de paquetes para el grupo del sistema '%s'.","Empty request received to uninstall Packages or Package Groups for System '%s'.":"Solicitud vacía recibida para desinstalar paquetes o grupos de paquetes para el sistema '%s'.","Empty request received to uninstall Packages or Package Groups for System Group '%s'.":"Solicitud vacía recibida para desinstalar paquetes o grupos de paquetes para el grupo del sistema '%s'.","Empty request received to update Packages or Package Groups for System Group '%s'.":"Solicitud vacía recibida para actualizar paquetes o grupos de paquetes para el grupo del sistema '%s'.","Enable Red Hat Repositories":"Repositorios de Red Hat","Enabled":"","Enabled by Default: ":"","Enabled?":"","End":"","End Date":"","Enhancement":"Tipo: mejoramiento","Enter Errata...":"Instalando erratas...","Enter Package or Group Name(s)...":"Añadiendo grupo de paquete...","Enter Selected Content...":"","Enter system name...":"","Env: ":"","Environment":"Entorno","Environment %s has a successor. Only the last environment on a path can be deleted":"Entorno %s tiene un sucesor. Solamente el último entorno en una ruta puede ser borrado","Environment %s has a successor. Only the last environment on a path can be deleted.":"Entorno %s tiene un sucesor. Solamente el último entorno en una ruta puede ser borrado.","Environment '%s' was created.":"Ha sido creado entorno '%s'. ","Environment '%s' was deleted.":"Ha sido borrado entorno '%s'. ","Environment '%s' was updated.":"Ha sido actualizado entorno '%s'","Environment Promotion Paths":"Ver contenido de entorno","Environment cannot be in its own promotion path":"No puede haber entorno en su propia ruta de entorno","Environment(s): %E":"Entornos","Environment(s): %{environments}":"Ver contenido de entorno","Environment:":"Entorno","Environments":"Entornos","Errata":"Erratas","Errata (%s)":"Erratas","Errata (0)":"Erratas","Errata Install":"Instalar erratas","Errata Install scheduled by %s":"Instalación de erratas programada por %s","Errata scheduled for install.":"Erratas programadas para instalación.","Erratum":"Erratas","Erratum '%s' doesn't belong to the specified product!":"iLa errata '%s' no pertenece al producto especificado!","Erratum '%s' not found in the changeset":"No se encontró la errata '%s' en Changeset","Erratum '%s' not found within the repository":"No se encontró la errata '%s' dentro del repositorio","Erratum Install Canceled":"Instalación de erratas cancelada","Erratum Install Complete":"Instalación de errata completa","Erratum Install Failed":"Falló la instalación de errata","Erratum Install Timed Out":"Tiempo de espera de la instalación de errata","Erratum with id '%s' not found":"No se encontró errata con ID '%s'","Error":"","Error generating version":"","Error on Install":"Instalar erratas","Error syncing!":"Error al sincronizar","Error while deleting provider [ %{name} ]: %{error}":"Error al borrar el proveedor [ %{name} ]: %{error}","Error:":"","Event":"","Events History":"Historial de eventos","Every %{day} at %{time} from %{date} %{zone}":"Todos los %{day} a las %{time} desde %{date} %{zone}","Example Searches:":"","Existing Product:":"Productos de sincronización","Expand":"","Expand All":"","Expand each Red Hat Product below to examine the different repository sets available. When enabling a repository set, the different repositories within are discoverd and may be enabled individually.":"","Expanded":"","Expected attribute is missing:":"Falta atributo esperado:","Expires: %s":"","FAIL":"","Fact":"Eventos","Facts":"Eventos","Failed":"Falló","Failed for distributor(s):":"Falló para el o los sistema(s):","Failed for system(s):":"Falló para el o los sistema(s):","Failed to apply changeset.":"Falló al aplicar el Changeset.","Failed to create candlepin environment %s":"Falló la creación de entorno de Candlepin %s","Failed to create candlepin owner %s":"Falló la creación de propietario de Candlepin %s","Failed to delete all environments for owner %{org} in candlepin: %{message}":"No se logró borrar todos los entornos para el propietario %{org} en candlepin: %{message}","Failed to delete all providers for owner %s in candlepin":"Falló el borrado de todos los proveedores para el propietario %s en Candlepin","Failed to delete all systems for owner %{org} in candlepin: %{message}":"No se logró borrar todos los sistemas para el propietario %{org} en candlepin: %{message}","Failed to delete candlepin environment %s":"Falló el borrado de entorno de Candlepin %s","Failed to delete candlepin owner %s":" Falló el borrado de Candlepin %s","Failed to delete changeset '%s'. Check notices for more details":"Falló el borrado de Changeset '%s'. Verifique los anuncios para obtener mayor información. ","Failed to delete organization '%s'. Check notices for more details. ":"Falló el borrado de organización '%s'. Verifique los anuncios para obtener mayor información. ","Failed to generate a new version of content view '%{view_name}'.":"","Failed to generate content view '%{view_name}' version %{view_version}.":"","Failed to generate version %{view_version} of content view '%{view_name}'.":"","Failed to promote changeset '%s'. Check notices for more details":"Falló la promoción de Changeset '%s'. Verifique los anuncios para obtener mayor información. ","Failed to publish content view '%{view_name}' from definition '%{definition_name}'.":"","Features:":"","File":"Lista de archivo","File Name":"Nombre de plan","Filelist":"Lista de archivo","Filter":"Filtro","Filter on Loaded Events...":"","Filter on all packages...":"Instalando paquetes","Filter on loaded Events...":"","Filter paths...":"Filtros","Filter...":"Filtro","Filters":"Filtros","Forgot %{username} or %{password}?":"","From IP:":"","Full Access":"Éxito","Full Name:":"Nombre de plan","Full Products":"Productos","GPG Key":"llave GPG","GPG Key '%s' was created.":"Ha sido creada llave GPG '%s'.","GPG Key '%s' was deleted.":"Ha sido borrada llave GPG '%s'.","GPG Key '%s' was updated.":"Ha sido actualizada llave GPG '%s' ","GPG Key URL: ":"llave GPG","GPG Key assigned at the Product Level for":"","GPG Key assigned at the Repository Level for":"","GPG Keys":"llaves GPG","GPG Keys are not required. This field may be left blank.":"","GPG Keys may be stored by uploading a key directly or copying and pasting the key in upon creation. By visiting the Providers page and selecting either a product or repository, a GPG key that has been created here can be associated with the given entity.":"","Gateway:":"","Generate and Download":"","Generating and downloading the debug certificate allows a user to view the repositories in any environment from a browser.":"","Generating version: %{view_version}":"","Global Permissions":"Permisos globales","Global permissions allow you to create permissions that span all organizations, or choose a specific organization to apply permissions.":"","Global permissions are permissions that span all organizations; however, organization permissions apply only to the organization they are associated with.":"","Go":"","Good":"","Group":"Grupos LDAP","Guest":"Huésped","Guests":"Huésped","HW Models":"","Hardware Model":"","Hardware Models":"","Hardware model:":"","History":"Historia","Host":"Host","Host & Guest Info":"","Hostname":"Host","Hourly from %{date} - %{time} %{zone}":"Cada hora desde %{date} - %{time} %{zone}","Hypervisor":"Hipervisor","Hypervisor does not support this action":"El hipervisor no soporta esta acción","Hypervisors do not have errata":"Los hipervisores no tienen erratas","Hypervisors do not have packages":"Los hipervisores no tienen paquetes","Hypervisors do not have software products":"Los hipervisores no tienen productos de software","ID":"","ID / Link":"","ID: %s doesn't exist ":"ID: %s no existe ","ISOs":"","If you continue having trouble, please contact an Administrator.":"","If you did not request this password to be reset, just ignore this email and the password will continue to stay the same.":"","If you have a subscription manifest you may upload it below. This manifest may be obtained by visiting the Red Hat Customer Portal or by contacting your support representative.":"","Import":"Importar","Import History":"Importar historia","Import Time":"Importar","Import in progress (%M)":"","Import in progress (%s)":"","Info":"","Info:":"","Initial Application Life Cycle Management Environment":"","Initial Creation Params":"Parámetros de registro iniciales","Initial Registration Params":"Parámetros de registro iniciales","Inline Help Enabled:":"","Install":"Instalar erratas","Install Finished":"Falló la instalación de errata","Install of Errata '%{errata}' scheduled for System Group '%{group}' failed. Reason: %{message}":"Falló la instalación de errata '%{errata}' programada para el grupo del sistema '%{group}'. Razón: %{message}","Install of Errata '%{errata}' scheduled for System Group '%{group}'.":"Instalación de errata '%{errata}' programada para el grupo del sistema '%{group}'.","Install of Package Groups '%{groups}' scheduled for System Group '%{name}' failed. Reason: %{message}":"Falló la instalación de los grupos de paquetes '%{groups}' programada para el grupo del sistema '%{name}'. Razón: %{message}","Install of Package Groups '%{groups}' scheduled for System Group '%{name}'.":"Instalación de grupos de paquetes '%{groups}' programada para el grupo del sistema '%{name}'.","Install of Package Groups '%{g}' scheduled for System '%{s}'.":"Instalación de grupos de paquetes '%{g}' programada para sistema '%{s}'.","Install of Packages '%{packages}' scheduled for System Group '%{name}' failed. Reason: %{message}":"Falló la instalación de paquetes '%{packages}' programada para el grupo del sistema '%{name}'. Razón: %{message}","Install of Packages '%{packages}' scheduled for System Group '%{name}'.":"Instalación de paquetes '%{packages}' programada para el grupo del sistema '%{name}'.","Install of Packages '%{p}' scheduled for System '%{s}'.":"Instalación de paquetes '%{p}' programada para sistema '%{s}'.","Installed Packages":"Instalando paquete...","Installing":"Instalando errata...","Installing Erratum...":"Instalando errata...","Installing Package Group...":"Instalando grupo de paquetes...","Installing Package...":"Instalando paquete...","Insufficient Subscriptions":"Suscripciones de Red Hat","Insufficient Subscriptions are Attached to This System":"","Interfaces":"Intervalo","Intersection":"","Intersection:":"","Interval":"Intervalo","Invalid Subscriptions":"Suscripciones disponibles","Invalid date or time format":"Fecha inválida o formato de hora","Invalid organization":"Organización inválida","Invalid parameters sent in the request for this operation. Please contact a system administrator.":"Parámetros inválidos enviados en la solicitud para esta operación. Por favor contacte a un administrador de sistemas.","Invalid parameters sent. You may have mistyped the address. If you continue having trouble with this, please contact an Administrator.":"Parámetros inválidos enviados en la solicitud para esta operación. Por favor contacte a un administrador de sistemas.","Invalid resource type '%{resource_type}'. Resource Types can be one of '%{possible_types}'":"Tipo de recurso inválido '%{resource_type}'. Tipos de recursos pueden ser alguno de '%{possible_types}'","Invalid state":"Estado inválido","Invalid verb '%{verb}'. Verbs for resource type '%{resource_type}' can be one of %{possible_verbs}":"Verbo inválido '%{verb}'. Verbos para tipo de recurso '%{resource_type}' pueden ser alguno de %{possible_verbs}","Issued":"","Issued: ":"","It is not allowed to create products in Red Hat provider.":"No se permite la creación de productos en el proveedor de Red Hat.","It is not allowed to delete manifest for a custom provider.":"No se permite borrar el manifiesto para un proveedor personalizado.","It is not allowed to import manifest for a custom provider.":"No se permite importar manifiesto para un proveedor personalizado.","It is not allowed to refresh products for custom provider.":"No se permite actualizar productos para proveedor personal.","It is not allowed to update a Red Hat product.":"No se permite la actualización de un producto de Red Hat.","It is not allowed to update a Red Hat repository.":"No se permite la actualización de un repositorio de Red Hat.","Katello Logins":"Nombres de usuario de Katello","Katello Logo":"Nombres de usuario de Katello","Katello User '%s' Password Reset":"Usuario de katello '%s' contraseña restablecida","Key":"Clave","LDAP Group '%s' was created.":"Ha sido creado el grupo LDAP '%s'.","LDAP Group Mapping for '%s' was removed.":"Ha sido retirada la asignación de grupo LDAP para '%s'.","LDAP Groups":"Grupos LDAP","LDAP group '%{group}' associated to role '%{role}' was not found.":"No se encoentró el grupo LDAP '%{group}' asociado al rol '%{role}'.","Label":"","Label has already been taken":"","Last Booted":"","Last Checked In":"Registrado / Último registrado","Last Checked in Date":"","Latest Notifications":"","Level":"","License":"","Limit":"","Limits":"","List":"Lista","List Actions":"Distribuciones","Load %{n} More":"","Loading Changeset":"Changesets","Loading Permissions":"Permisos globales","Loading Role":"Modificar roles","Loading dependencies.":"Dependencias","Location":"Organización","Log Out":"","Logout Successful":"Salida exitosa","Make this my default organization.":"Crearla como mi organización predeterminada.","Make this your default organization.":"Crearla como mi organización predeterminada.","Manage Environments":"Ver entornos","Manage Organizations":"Administrar organizaciones","Manage Packages":"Paquetes","Manifest %s failed":"","Manifest File":"","Manifest History":"Historial de contraseña","Manifest from %s":"","Manifest subscriptions unchanged from previous":"","Match Installed Software":"Coincidir con el software instalado","Match System":"Coincidir con sistema","Message":"","Missing":"","Modify Content View Defintions":"","Modify Distributors":"Distribuciones","Modify Distributors in Environment":"Modificar sistemas en entorno","Modify Organization and Administer Environments":"Modificar organización y administrar entorno","Modify Providers and Administer Products":"Modificar proveedores y administrar productos","Modify Roles":"Modificar roles","Modify System Group details and system membership":"Modificar la información del grupo de sistemas y membresía de sistemas","Modify Systems":"Modificar sistemas","Modify Systems in Environment":"Modificar sistemas en entorno","Modify Systems in System Group":"Modificar sistemas en grupo de sistemas","Modify Users":"Modificar usuarios","More >>":"","More details":"%s para mayor información.","More...":"","Multi-entitlement":"","Name":"Nombre","Name can not be blank.":"Nombre no puede estar en blanco","Name of Your System:":"Falló para el o los sistema(s):","Name:":"Nombre","Names and labels must be unique across all organizations":"","Netmask:":"","Network:":"","Networking":"","Never checked in":"Nunca se registró","Never checked in.":"Nunca se registró.","New Activation Key":"Llaves de activación","New Architecture":"Arquitectura","New Changeset":"+ Nuevo Changeset","New Domain":"Dominio","New GPG Key":"+ Nueva llave GPG","New Hardware Model":"","New Organization":"+ Nueva organización","New Product Label":"","New Product Name":"+ Nuevo proveedor","New Product:":"Productos","New Provider":"+ Nuevo proveedor","New Role":"+ Nuevo rol","New Smart Proxy":"","New Subnet":"","New Sync Plan":"Planes de sincronización","New System Group":"Grupo de sistemas","New User":"+ Nuevo usuario","New View Definition":"","New distributor":"Distribuciones","New system":"+ Nuevo sistema","Next >>":"","No":"Ninguno","No Content View":"Contenido","No Content Views":"Contenido","No Overlap with Current":"No se superpone al actual","No Red Hat products currently exist, please import a manifest here to receive Red Hat content.":"","No Service Level Preference":"No hay preferencia de nivel de servicio","No alternate release version choices are available. These choices are based upon the Red Hat manifest imported and the content available in the CDN.":"","No changesets found.":"No se encontró","No content views exist in the changeset.":"No se encontró el producto %s en el Changeset.","No content views found.":"","No default environment. Select an organization to choose from available environments.":"","No distributions available.":"Distribuciones","No distributions exist in this changeset.":"No se encontró la distribución '%s' en el Changeset","No domains found.":"","No environments are available in this organization. Please add some environments to be able register systems to this organization.":"No hay entornos disponibles actualmente en esta organización. Por favor añada algo a la organización o seleccione una organización que tenga un entorno establecido como predeterminado. ","No environments are currently available in this organization. Please add some to be able to create activation keys.":"No hay entornos disponibles actualmente en esta organización. Por favor añada algo a la organización o seleccione una organización que tenga un entorno establecido como predeterminado. ","No environments are currently available in this organization. Please either add some to the organization or select an organization that has an environment to set user default.":"No hay entornos disponibles actualmente en esta organización. Por favor añada algo a la organización o seleccione una organización que tenga un entorno establecido como predeterminado. ","No environments are currently available in this organization. Saving will set user to no system registration default environment.":"No hay entornos disponibles actualmente en esta organización. Por favor añada algo a la organización o seleccione una organización que tenga un entorno establecido como predeterminado. ","No errata available.":"","No errata exist in this changeset.":"No se encontró la errata '%s' en Changeset","No errors":"No hay errores","No event history found for %s":"","No events matching your search criteria.":"No hay eventos coincidentes con sus criterios de búsqueda.","No new packages installed":"No hay paquetes nuevos instalados","No operating systems found.":"","No package profile received for %s":"No se ha recibido perfil de paquetes para %s","No packages are currently filtered.":"%s remoción de paquetes falló","No packages available":"No se han retirado paquetes","No packages exist in this changeset.":"No se encontró el paquete '%s' en el Changeset","No packages removed":"No se han retirado paquetes","No packages updated":"No hay paquetes actualizados","No products":"Producto","No products are available containing this content type.":"","No products exist in this changeset.":"No se encontró el producto %s en el Changeset.","No products or repositories are currently associated.":"","No recently synced products.":"","No repositories available":"Etiqueta de repositorio desconocida: %s","No repositories exist in this changeset.":"No se encontró repositorio '%s' en el Changeset.","No smart proxy with %s feature found.":"","No synchronization of the %s is currently running":"Actualmente no se está ejecutando la sincronización del %s","No system groups found.":"Información del grupo del sistema","No system registration default environment. Select an organization to choose from available environments.":"","No system registration default set for this user.":"No hay registro de sistema predeterminado establecido para este usuario. ","No systems currently exist in this system group.":"","No systems found.":"No se encontró","No, only delete the system group.":"Por favor seleccione al menos un grupo de sistema.","None":"Ninguno","None defined for this Organization.":"Administrar organización","None.":"Ninguno","Not Applied":"","Not enough pools: %{not_allocated} sockets out of %{allocate} not covered":"","Not found":"No se encontró","Note: This will be set as your initial default environment.":"","Notifications":"","Number of Sockets or LPARs:":"","Number of sockets must be higher than 0 for system %s":"Número de sockets debe ser superior a 0 para sistema %s","OK":"","OS":"","OS: ":"","Off":"Apagado","Ok":"","On":"Encendido","On Products & Repositories you can add your own Products and Repositories to your Provider. This allows you to synchronize content from any remote repository to this server. Simply add a Product and then setup one or more repositories to add to this Provider. This feature is only available for Custom Providers.":"","On:":"Encendido","One of parameters [%s] required but not specified.":"ID de la organización se requiere pero no está especificado.","One or more errata must be provided":"Se deben proporcionar una o varias erratas.","One or more errors found in Package names '%s'.":"Uno o más errores se hallaron en nombres de paquetes '%s'.","One or more of the groups provided has an action pending.":"Se debe proporcionar uno o más grupos de sistemas.","One or more of the packages provided has an action pending.":"","One or more package names are invalid.":"Se deben proporcionar una o varias erratas.","One or more repositories are still enabled for this content set.":"","One or more system groups must be provided.":"Se debe proporcionar uno o más grupos de sistemas.","One repository successfully created.":"Repositorio '%s' creado.","Only %s favorites may be created.":"Únicamente se pueden crear %s favoritos ","Only one Red Hat provider permitted for an Organization":"Únicamente se permite un proveedor de Red Hat para una organización","Only show syncing.":"","Open Source Subscription Management":"Administración de suscripción de código abierto","Open Source Systems Management":"Administración de sistemas de código abierto","Operating systems:":"Ver sistemas","Organization":"Organización","Organization %s has more than one environment. Please specify target environment for distributor registration.":"La organización %s tiene más de un entorno. Por favor especifique un entorno de destino para el registro del sistema.","Organization %s has more than one environment. Please specify target environment for system registration.":"La organización %s tiene más de un entorno. Por favor especifique un entorno de destino para el registro del sistema.","Organization %{org} has the '%{env}' environment only. Please create an environment for distributor registration.":"La organización %s tiene más de un entorno. Por favor especifique un entorno de destino para el registro del sistema.","Organization %{org} has the '%{env}' environment only. Please create an environment for system registration.":"","Organization '%s' has been scheduled for background deletion.":"Organización '%s' ha sido programada para borrado en el segundo plano.","Organization '%s' was created.":"Organización '%s' ha sido creada.","Organization '%s' was updated.":"Organización '%s' ha sido actualizada.","Organization [ %{org} ] already contains default info [ %{info} ] for [ %{object} ]":"","Organization cannot be blank.":"La organización no puede estar en blanco.","Organization:":"Organización","Organizations":"Organizaciones","Organizations allow content and systems to be separated by logical divisions. To edit the environments within an organization, click on that organization and then click on the desired environment.":"","Other":"","Own Role must be included in roles '%s'":"","Package":"Paquetes","Package '%s' doesn't belong to the specified product!":"iPaquete '%s' no pertenece al producto especificado!","Package '%s' not found in the changeset":"No se encontró el paquete '%s' en el Changeset","Package '%s' not found within the repository":"No se encontró el paquete '%s' dentro del repositorio","Package '%s' was not found in the source environment.":"No se encontró paquete '%s' en el entorno de origen.","Package Dependencies":"Dependencias","Package Group":"Grupos de paquetes","Package Group Install":"Instalación de grupo de paquetes","Package Group Install Canceled":"Instalación de grupo de paquetes cancelada","Package Group Install Complete":"Instalación de grupo de paquetes completa","Package Group Install Failed":"Instalación de grupo de paquetes falló","Package Group Install Timed Out":"Instalación de grupo de paquetes expiró","Package Group Install scheduled by %s":"Instalación de grupo de paquetes programada por %s","Package Group Remove":"Retiro de grupo de paquetes","Package Group Remove Canceled":"Borrado de grupos de paquetes cancelado","Package Group Remove Complete":"Retiro de grupo de paquetes completo","Package Group Remove Failed":"Retiro de grupo de paquetes falló","Package Group Remove Timed Out":"Retiro de grupo de paquetes expiró","Package Group Remove scheduled by %s":"Retiro de grupo de paquetes programado por %s","Package Group Update":"Actualización de grupo de paquetes","Package Group Update scheduled by %s":"Actualización de grupo de paquetes programada por %s","Package Groups":"Grupos de paquetes","Package Install":"Instalación de paquetes","Package Install Canceled":"Instalación de paquetes cancelada","Package Install Complete":"Instalación de paquete completa","Package Install Failed":"Instalación de paquete falló","Package Install Timed Out":"Instalación de paquete expiró","Package Install scheduled by %s":"Instalación de paquetes programada por %s","Package Remove":"Retiro de paquetes","Package Remove Canceled":"Borrado de paquetes cancelado","Package Remove Complete":"Retiro de paquete completo","Package Remove Failed":"Retiro de paquete falló","Package Remove Timed Out":"Retiro de paquete expiró","Package Remove scheduled by %s":"Retiro de paquetes programado por %s","Package Size":"Filtros de paquetes","Package Update":"Actualización de paquetes","Package Update Canceled":"Actualización de paquetes cancelada","Package Update Complete":"Actualización de paquete completa","Package Update Failed":"Falló la actualización de paquete ","Package Update Timed Out":"Tiempo de espera de actualización de paquetes","Package Update scheduled by %s":"Actualización de paquetes programada por %s","Package group update canceled":"","Package group update complete":"","Package group update failed":"","Package group update timed out":"","Package with id '%s' not found":"No se encontró el paquete con ID '%s' ","Packages":"Paquetes","Packages (%s)":"Paquetes","Packages (0)":"Paquetes","Packages must be provided":"Se deben proporcionar los paquetes ","Packages:":"Paquetes","Parameter":"","Parameters":"Filtros de paquetes","Partial Products":"Productos","Password":"","Password Strength":"","Password has been reset for user '%s'.":"La contraseña se ha restablecido para el usuario '%s'.","Password reset token has expired for user '%s'.":"La señal de restablecimiento de la contraseña ha expirado para el usuario '%s'.","Password:":"","Paste GPG Key":"llave GPG","Pending":"Pendiente","Permission":"Permisos","Permission '%s' was created.":"Permiso '%s' ha sido creado.","Permission '%s' was removed.":"Permiso '%s' ha sido retirado.","Permission '%s' was updated.":"Permiso '%s' ha sido actualizado.","Permission Denied. User '%{user}' does not have permissions to access organization '%{org}'.":"Permiso negado. El usuario '%{user}' no tiene permiso para accecer a la organización '%{org}'.","Permission For:":"Permisos","Permissions":"Permisos","Permissions for this role.":"Permiso '%s' ha sido retirado.","Physical":"Físicos","Physical or Virtual":"","Place Changeset in Review State":"Ver Changesets en entorno","Plan":"Plan","Plan Name":"Nombre de plan","Please add '%{component_content_views}' to the changeset '%{changeset}' if you wish to promote the composite view '%{composite_view}' with it.":"Agregue el producto '%{product}' al changeset '%{changeset}' si desea presentar el repositorio '%{repo}' con este.","Please add '%{product}' product to the changeset '%{changeset}' if you wish to promote repository '%{repo}' with it.":"Agregue el producto '%{product}' al changeset '%{changeset}' si desea presentar el repositorio '%{repo}' con este.","Please create at least one environment.":"Por favor cree por lo menos un entorno.","Please provide pool and quantity":"Por favor proporcionar grupo y cantidad","Please provide serial ID":"Por favor proporcione un ID de serie","Please provide subscription ID":"","Please request the required privileges from an administrator.":"","Please select Package(s) or Package Group(s).":"Por favor seleccione al menos un grupo de sistema.","Please select Permissions to view and add permissions for this role or Users to see current users with this role.":"","Please select Permissions to view permissions for this role or Users to see current users with this role.":"","Please select at least one system group.":"Por favor seleccione al menos un grupo de sistema.","Pool %s has no product associated":"Grupo %s no tiene producto asociado","Preferred Locale":"","Primary DNS:":"","Prior Environment":"Entorno","Processing changeset modifications, please wait.":"","Product":"Productos","Product %s not found in the changeset.":"No se encontró el producto %s en el Changeset.","Product '%s' created.":"Producto '%s' creado.","Product '%s' removed.":"Producto '%s' retirado.","Product '%s' was updated.":"Producto '%s' ha sido actualizado.","Product Name: ":"Productos","Product Selection":"","Product(s) in this environment/content view":"No se halló producto '%s' en este entorno.","Product: ":"Productos","Products":"Productos","Products & Repositories":"Productos y repositorios","Products and Repositories":"Productos y repositorios","Products refreshed from CDN":"Productos actualizados desde una CDN","Progress:":"","Promote":"Promoviendo","Promote Content Views":"Promover el contenido para un entorno","Promote Content to Environment":"Promover el contenido para un entorno","Promote to ":"Promoviendo","Promoted":"Promoviendo","Promoted By:":"","Promoting":"Promoviendo","Promotion Changeset '%s' was created.":"Promoción de Changeset '%s' ha sido creada.","Promotion Changeset '%s' was deleted.":"Promoción de Changeset '%s' ha sido borrada.","Promotion Date:":"Promoviendo","Promotion to %s":"Promoviendo","Promotions Overview":"","Provided Product Details":"","Provided Products":"Proveedores","Provider":"Proveedor","Provider '%s' was created.":"Proveedor '%s' ha sido creado.","Provider '%s' was deleted.":"Proveedor '%s' ha sido borrado.","Provider '%s' was updated.":"Proveedor '%s' ha sido actualizado.","Provider cannot be deleted since one of its products or repositories has already been promoted. Using a changeset, please delete the repository from existing environments before deleting it.":"El proveedor no puede ser borrado porque uno de sus productos o repositorios ya ha sido promovido. Se utiliza Changeset, por favor borre el repositorio de los entornos existentes antes de borrarlo.","Provider: ":"Proveedor","Providers":"Proveedores","Providers provide many types of content such as packages, errata, kickstart trees, and installation disc images. A provider may be delivering all of your paid content or it could simply be a local yum repository providing a few yum repos.":"","Provides":"Proveedores","Publish":"","Publish Content View Definitions":"","Publish View Definition":"","Publish new content view from this view definition":"","Published":"","Publishing":"","Publishing...":"","Pulp not running":"","Pulp service unavailable during creating repository '%s', please try again later.":"","Quantity":"","Queued.":"En cola.","RAM (MB)":"","RPMs":"","Read Activation Keys":"Ver llaves de activación","Read Activation Keys permission":"Ver permiso de llaves de activación","Read Changesets in Environment":"Ver Changesets en entorno","Read Content View Definitions":"","Read Content Views":"Ver entornos","Read Distributors":"Distribuciones","Read Distributors in Environment":"Ver sistemas en entorno","Read Environment Contents":"Ver contenido de entorno","Read Environments":"Ver entornos","Read Environments permission":"Ver Permiso de entornos ","Read Everything":"Ver todo","Read Organization":"Ver organización","Read Organizations":"Ver organizaciones","Read Organizations permission":"Ver permiso de organizaciones","Read Providers":"Ver proveedores","Read Providers permission":"Ver permiso de proveedores ","Read Roles":"Ver roles","Read Roles permission":"Ver permiso de roles","Read System Group":"Leer grupo de sistema","Read Systems":"Ver sistemas","Read Systems in Environment":"Ver sistemas en entorno","Read Systems in System Group":"Leer sistemas en grupo de sistemas","Read Users":"Ver usuarios","Read Users permission":"Ver permiso de usuarios","Read only role.":"Ver solamente rol.","Reason: %s":"Razón: %s","Red Hat Provider Details":"Ver proveedores","Red Hat Repositories":"Repositorios de Red Hat","Red Hat Subscriptions":"Suscripciones de Red Hat","Red Hat provider can not be deleted":"No se puede borrar el proveedor de Red Hat","References:":"","Refresh":"","Refresh Results":"","Refresh repositories":"Repositorios","Refreshing":"","Register Distributors":"Distribución seleccionada","Register Distributors in Environment":"Registrar sistemas en entorno","Register Systems":"Registrar sistemas","Register Systems in Environment":"Registrar sistemas en entorno","Registered":"Registrar sistemas","Registered / Last Checked In":"Registrado / Último registrado","Release":"","Release Version":"Ver permiso de roles","Remove":"Retiro de paquetes","Remove Activation Key":"Ver llaves de activación","Remove All":"","Remove Architecture":"Seleccionar arquitectura","Remove Changeset":"+ Nuevo Changeset","Remove Distributor":"Ha sido retirada la distribución '%s'","Remove Distributor(s)":"Ha sido retirada la distribución '%s'","Remove Distributors in Environment":"Retirar sistemas en entorno","Remove Domain":"Dominio","Remove Environment":"Ver entornos","Remove GPG Key":"+ Nueva llave GPG","Remove Model":"","Remove Organization":"Ver organización","Remove Package Canceled":"Borrado de paquetes cancelado","Remove Package Complete":"Retiro de paquete completo","Remove Package Error":"Retirando grupo de paquetes...","Remove Package Group Canceled":"Borrado de grupos de paquetes cancelado","Remove Package Group Complete":"Retiro de grupo de paquetes completo","Remove Package Group Error":"Retirando grupo de paquetes...","Remove Package Group Timeout":"Retirando grupo de paquetes...","Remove Package Timeout":"Retirando grupo de paquetes...","Remove Product":"Ha sido retirado el producto '%s'","Remove Provider":"Ver proveedores","Remove Repository":"Ha sido retirado el repositorio '%s'","Remove Role":"Ver roles","Remove Selected":"Ha sido retirada la plantilla '%s'","Remove Smart Proxy":"","Remove Subnet":"","Remove Sync Plan":"Planes de sincronización","Remove System":"Ver sistemas","Remove System(s)":"Ver sistemas","Remove Systems in Environment":"Retirar sistemas en entorno","Remove User":"Ver usuarios","Removed LDAP group '%s'":"Ha sido retirado grupo LDAP '%s'","Removed content view '%s'":"Ha sido retirada la plantilla '%s'","Removed distribution '%s'":"Ha sido retirada la distribución '%s'","Removed erratum '%s'":"Ha sido retirada la errata '%s'","Removed package '%s'":"Ha sido retirado el paquete '%s'","Removed product '%s'":"Ha sido retirado el producto '%s'","Removed repository '%s'":"Ha sido retirado el repositorio '%s'","Removed:":"","Removing Package Group...":"Retirando grupo de paquetes...","Removing Package...":"Retirando paquetes...","Removing...":"Retirando paquetes...","Rendering 404:":"Entregando 404:","Rendering 422:":"Entregando 400:","Rendering 500:":"Entregando 500:","Repo ID or environment must be provided":"Se debe proporcionar Id de repositorio o entorno ","Repo Type: ":"","Repos":"Repositorio","Repos discovery failed.":"Ha sido habilitaado el repositorio '%s'.","Repositories":"Repositorios","Repositories can be deleted only in the '%s' environment.":"","Repository":"Repositorio","Repository '%X'":"Ha sido retirado el repositorio '%s'","Repository '%s' created.":"Repositorio '%s' creado.","Repository '%s' disabled.":"Ha sido inhabilitaado el repositorio '%s'.","Repository '%s' enabled.":"Ha sido habilitaado el repositorio '%s'.","Repository '%s' finished syncing successfully.":"Se ha completado la sincronización del repositorio '%s' ","Repository '%s' not found in the changeset":"No se encontró repositorio '%s' en el Changeset.","Repository '%s' removed.":"Repositorio '%s' retirado.","Repository '%s' updated.":"Repositorio '%s' actualizado.","Repository Comparison":"Comparación de repositorio","Repository Details":"Repositorios","Repository Discovery":"Repositorios","Repository Discovery already in progress":"","Repository Label":"Repositorios","Repository Name":"Repositorios","Repository Set":"Repositorios","Repository Url":"Repositorio","Repository can be only created for custom provider.":"","Repository cannot be deleted since it has already been promoted. Using a changeset, please delete the repository from existing environments before deleting it.":"El repositorio no puede ser borrado porque ya ha sido promovido. Se utiliza Changeset, por favor borre el repositorio de los entornos antes de borrarlo.","Repository cannot be disabled since it has already been promoted.":"El repositorio no puede inhabilitarse porque ya está siendo promovido.","Repository has already been cloned to %{cv_name} in environment %{to_env}":"","Repository has already been promoted to %{to_env}":"El repositorio no puede inhabilitarse porque ya está siendo promovido.","Repository of the distribution '%s' has not been promoted into the target environment!":"iRepositorio de la distribución '%s' no ha sido promovido en el entorno de destino!","Repository of the erratum '%s' has not been promoted into the target environment!":"iRepositorio de la errata '%s' no ha sido promovido en el entorno de destino!","Repository of the package '%s' has not been promoted into the target environment!":"iRepositorio del paquete '%s' no ha sido promovido en el entorno de destino!","Repository sets are enabled by default for custom products.":"","Repository sets are enabled by default for custom products..":"","Repository sets are not applicable for custom products..":"","Repository sets are not available for custom products.":"","Repository sets cannot be disabled for custom products.":"El repositorio no puede inhabilitarse porque ya está siendo promovido.","Request":"Huésped","Request received has either an invalid or expired token. Token: '%s'":"La solicitud recibida tiene una credencial inválida o caduca. Credencial: '%s'","Required Host":"","Requires":"","Resource not found on the server":"No se encontró recurso en el servidor","Result":"","Results":"","Retry":"","Review":"","Role":"Rol","Role '%s' was created.":"Rol '%s' ha sido creado.","Role '%s' was deleted.":"Rol '%s' ha sido borrado.","Role '%s' was updated.":"Rol '%s' ha sido actualizado.","Role Details":"Información","Roles":"Roles","Roles for all users were synchronised with LDAP groups":"Roles para todos los usuarios han sido sincronizados con grupos LDAP","Route does not exist:":"Ruta no existe:","Running":"Ejecutando.","Running.":"Ejecutando.","SLA":"","SLA: %s":"","SYSTEMS":"","Save":"","Save Architecture":"Seleccionar arquitectura","Save Changeset":"+ Nuevo Changeset","Save Domain":"Dominio","Save Model":"","Save Roles":"Ver roles","Save Smart Proxy":"","Save Subnet":"","Save User":"+ Nuevo usuario","Save as Favorite":"","Saving...":"","Scope":"","Search":"Búsqueda de contenido","Search Errata":"Erratas","Search for all packages with a specific requires:":"","Search for kernel in the title:":"","Search is not available for the current content":"","Search packages":"Todos los paquetes","Search repositories":"Repositorios de Red Hat","Search...":"","Searching by exact name:":"","Searching by name and arch:":"","Searching by severity (critical, important, moderate, low allowed):":"","Searching by type (bugfix, security, enhancement allowed):":"","Searching for a specific arch:":"","Searching for a specific minor version:":"","Searching for all repositories containing the word \"Server\"":"","Searching for an exact errata:":"","Searching for an exact package:":"","Searching starting with kernel:":"","Secondary DNS:":"","Security":"Tipo: seguridad","Select All":"","Select Architecture":"Seleccionar arquitectura","Select Auto-attach Level...":"","Select None":"Seleccionar organización","Select Organization":"Seleccionar organización","Select Plans to apply to selected Products":"Elegir planes para aplicar a productos seleccionados","Select Products to schedule":"Elegir productos para programar","Select Repositories: ":"Repositorios de Red Hat","Select System Groups.":"Borrar el grupo del sistema","Select a View":"","Select a set of repositories that you wish to compare the contents of by clicking the checkboxes inside the cells.":"","Select all":"","Select an Organization:":"Seleccionar organización","Selected URLs":"","Service Level %s":"Nivel de servicio %s","Setting the release version limits content to this version only, preventing newer packages from being available for installation.":"","Setup":"","Severity":"Gravedad: baja","Severity: Critical":"Gravedad: crítica","Severity: Important":"Gravedad: importante","Severity: Low":"Gravedad: baja","Severity: Moderate":"Gravedad: moderada","Shared":"Borrado","Show":"","Show %P more":"","Show all results regardless of which columns they exist in.":"","Show only results that do not exist in all selected columns.":"","Show only results that exist in all selected columns.":"","Signature":"","Size (Packages)":"Paquetes","Smart Proxies":"","Smart Proxy":"","Sockets":"","Sockets: %s":"","Software":"Software","Some changeset modifications have not finished processing, are you sure you want to leave the page? By leaving you may lose some modifications.":"","Sorry about that! It seems something went wrong. If you continue having trouble with this, please contact an Administrator.":"","Source RPMs":"","Stacking ID":"","Start":"","Start Date":"","Start Date and Time can't be blank":"Fecha de inicio y hora no pueden quedar en blanco","Start Time":"","Started content deletion from %{env} environment using '%{changeset}'":"Se inició el borrado de contenido desde el entorno %{env} usando '%{changeset}'","Started content promotion to %{env} environment using '%{changeset}'":"Se inició la presentación de contenido para el entorno %{env} usando '%{changeset}'","Started generating version %{view_version} of content view '%{view_name}'.":"","Started publish of content view '%{view_name}' from definition '%{definition_name}'.":"","Starts / Ends":"","Status":"Estatus de sincronización","Strong":"","Subnet":"","Subnets":"","Subscribe Systems To Content Views":"","Subscription":"Suscripciones","Subscription Filter Options":"Suscripciones","Subscription Info":"Suscripciones","Subscription Manager Applications":"","Subscription Manifest":"Suscripciones","Subscription manifest delete for provider '%{name}' failed":"Falló la carga del manifiesto de suscripción para el proveedor '%s'. ","Subscription manifest deleted successfully for provider '%s'.":"","Subscription manifest import for provider '%s' skipped":"Falló la carga del manifiesto de suscripción para el proveedor '%s'. ","Subscription manifest import for provider '%{name}' failed":"Falló la carga del manifiesto de suscripción para el proveedor '%s'. ","Subscription manifest must be specified on upload.":"Manifiesto de suscripción debe ser especificado en la carga.","Subscription manifest upload for provider '%s' failed.":"Falló la carga del manifiesto de suscripción para el proveedor '%s'. ","Subscription manifest uploaded successfully for provider '%s'.":"Ha sido cargado el manifiesto de suscripción para proveedor '%s'.","Subscription manifest uploaded successfully for provider '%s'. Please enable the repositories you want to sync by selecting 'Enable Repositories' and selecting individual repositories to be enabled.":"Ha sido cargado el manifiesto de suscripción para el proveedor '%s'. Por favor habilite los repositorios que desea sincronizar, seleccione 'Habilitar repositorios' y los repositorios individuales que van a ser activados.","Subscriptions":"Suscripciones","Subscriptions are Current":"Suscripciones","Subscriptions are Current Until %s":"","Subscriptions are not Current":"Suscripciones","Subscriptions successfully added to Activation Key '%s'.":"Se han añadido suscripciones añadidas a la llave de activación '%s'.","Subscriptions successfully removed from Activation Key '%s'.":"Suscripciones retiradas de la llave de activación '%s'","Success":"Éxito","Successful for distributor(s): ":"Exitoso para sistema(s):","Successful for system(s): ":"Exitoso para sistema(s):","Successfully added system[s] to group '%s'.":"Se agregó exitosamente los sistema[s] al grupo '%s'.","Successfully deleted changeset '%s'.":"Ha sido borrado con éxito Changeset '%s'","Successfully generated content view '%{view_name}' version %{view_version}.":"","Successfully promoted changeset '%s'.":"Changeset promovido con éxito '%s'.","Successfully published content view '%{view_name}' from definition '%{definition_name}'.":"","Successfully removed organization '%s'.":"Organización retirada '%s'.","Successfully removed system[s] from group '%s'.":"Se borró exitosamente los sistema[s] del grupo '%s'.","Successfully updated content for content view definition '%s'.":"Organización retirada '%s'.","Successfully updated environment and content view for all systems in group %{group}":"","Summary":"","Summary:":"","Super Admin":"Súper admin","Super Admin permission":"Permiso de súper administrador","Super administrator with all access.":"Súper administrador con todo el acceso","Support":"Importar","Support Level":"","Support Type":"","Sync Canceled":"Cancelado.","Sync Cancelled":"Cancelado.","Sync Management":"Administración de sincronización","Sync Overview":"","Sync Plan '%s' was created.":"Plan de sincronización '%s' ha sido creado.","Sync Plan '%s' was updated.":"Plan de sincronización '%s' ha sido actualizado.","Sync Plans":"Planes de sincronización","Sync Plans applied successfully.":"Planes de sincronización han sido aplicados.","Sync Products":"Productos de sincronización","Sync Schedule":"Programa de sincronización","Sync Status":"Estatus de sincronización","Sync complete.":"Sincronización completa.","Sync plan":"Planes de sincronización","Sync plan '%s' was deleted.":"Plan de sincronización '%s' ha sido borrado.","Synchronization":"Sincronización","Synchronization plan assigned.":"Sincronización asignada","Synchronization plan removed.":"Plan de sincronización retirado.","Synchronize Now":"Sincronización","System":"Sistema","System '%s' was created.":"Sistema '%s' ha sido creado.","System '%s' was updated.":"Sistema '%s' ha sido actualizado.","System Current Subscription(s)":"Suscripciones de Red Hat","System Default":"Plantillas de sistema","System Events":"Sistemas","System Group":"Grupo de sistemas","System Group %s created successfully.":"Grupo de sistema %s ha sido creado.","System Group %s deleted.":"Grupo de sistema %s ha sido borrado.","System Group %s has been updated.":"Grupo de sistema %s ha sido actualizado.","System Group %{new_group} created successfully as a copy of system group %{group}.":"Grupo del sistema %{new_group} creado exitosamente como copia del grupo del sistema %{group}.","System Group Info":"Información del grupo del sistema","System Group Overview":"Grupo de sistemas","System Group does not exist. Would you like to create it?":"","System Group maximum number of systems exceeded for group(s): %s":"El número máximo de grupo de sistemas de sistemas se excedió para grupo (s): %s","System Group membership modification not allowed for group(s): %s":"La modificación de membresía del grupo de sistemas no está permitida para grupo (s): %s","System Groups":"Grupos de sistema","System Groups allow you to create groups consisting of multiple systems and then use those groups to manage the systems. This includes performing actions such as package and package group installations, updates and removals as well as errata installations.":"","System Info":"Información del sistema","System Information":"Información del sistema","System Limit":"Sistema","System Notifications":"","System Properties":"Grupos de sistema","System Registration Defaults":"No hay registro de sistema predeterminado establecido para este usuario. ","System Status":"Estatus de sincronización","System Subscription Status":"Suscripciones de sistemas actualizados.","System Templates":"Plantillas de sistema","System Type":"Plantillas de sistema","System Type:":"Plantillas de sistema","System group is empty.":"El grupo de sistema está vacío.","System subscriptions updated.":"Suscripciones de sistemas actualizados.","System with uuid %s not found":"No se encontró errata con ID '%s'","System's environment not compatible with the group '%s'.":"Variable del sistema no compatible con el grupo '%s'.","System: %{system_name}, System Groups Removed: %{system_group_names}":"","Systems":"Sistemas","Systems Bulk Action: Add to system group(s): %s":"Acción de sistemas en volumen: Añadir al o los grupo(s) del sistema: %s ","Systems Bulk Action: No errata IDs have been provided.":"Acción de sistemas en volumen: No se proporcionan ID de erratas.","Systems Bulk Action: No package or package group names have been provided.":"Acción de sistemas en volumen: No se han proporcionado los nombres de paquetes o grupo de paquetes.","Systems Bulk Action: Remove from system group(s): %s":"Acción de sistemas en volumen: Retirar del o los grupo(s) del sistema: %s ","Systems Bulk Action: Schedule install of errata(s): %s":"Acción de sistemas en volumen: Programar instalación de errata(s): %s","Systems Bulk Action: Schedule install of package group(s): %s":"Acción de sistemas en volumen: Programar instalación de grupo(s) de paquetes: %s","Systems Bulk Action: Schedule install of package(s): %s":"Acción de sistemas en volumen: Programar instalación de paquete(s): %s","Systems Bulk Action: Schedule uninstall of package group(s): %s":"Acción de sistemas en volumen: Programar desinstalación de grupo(s) de paquetes: %s","Systems Bulk Action: Schedule uninstall of package(s): %s":"Acción de sistemas en volumen: Programar desinstalación de paquete(s): %s","Systems Bulk Action: Schedule update of all packages":"Acción de sistemas en volumen: Programar actualización de todos los pquetes","Systems Bulk Action: Schedule update of package group(s): %s":"Acción de sistemas en volumen: Programar actualización de grupo(s) de paquetes: %s","Systems Bulk Action: Schedule update of package(s): %s":"Acción de sistemas en volumen: Programar actualización de paquete(s): %s","Systems [%s] not found.":"Sistemas [%s] no se encontró.","TITLE":"","TYPE":"","Tftp:":"","The '%s' environment cannot contain a changeset!":"","The amount of RAM memory, in megabytes (MB), which this system has":"","The class of CPU supplied in this machine. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures.":"","The class of the machine reported by the Open Boot Prom. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures.":"","The current organization cannot be deleted. Please switch to a different organization before deleting.":"La actual organización no puede ser borrada. Por favor cambie a una organización diferente antes de borrar.","The definition consists of component content views that share the same repository; therefore, it cannot be published. Please visit the Content pane to resolve this issue.":"","The definition consists of component content views that share the same repository; therefore, views cannot be refreshed. Please visit the Content pane to resolve this issue.":"","The following content views were automatically added to changeset '%{changeset}' for composite view '%{composite_view}': %{component_views}":"","The following repositories are currently syncing. It is recommended that you wait for them to complete before continuing the promotion.":"","The following repositories encountered an error on their last sync. It is highly recommended to fix these errors and resync before promoting. Ignoring these may result in a broken repository in the %s environment.":"","The label requested is already used by another %s; therefore, a unique label was assigned. If you would like a different label, please delete the %s and recreate it with a unique label. Requested label: %s, Assigned label: %s":"","The number of CPU Sockets or LPARs which this system uses":"Número de sockets debe ser superior a 0 para sistema %s","The password should not contain the username.":"","The passwords do not match":"","The selected environment is not the last environment in its promotion path. Only the last environment can be deleted.":"Entorno %s tiene un sucesor. Solamente el último entorno en una ruta puede ser borrado","The selected system groups (%s) are not compatible with the selected environment.":"Los grupos de sistema seleccionados (%s) no son compatibles con el entorno seleccionado.","The system registration default you supplied was the same as the old system registration default.":"El registro del sistema predeterminado que proporcionó era el mismo sistema de registro anterior predeterminado.","There are %d products having repositories that could not be created.":"","There are currently no Global permissions for this role. Please click Add Permission in the action bar below to add a Global permission. A Global permission is one that cuts across all organizations.":"","There are currently no permissions for this organization. Please click Add Permission in the action bar below to add a permission to this organization.":"","There are currently no subscriptions attached to the distributor":"","There are currently no subscriptions attached to the system":"","There are no errata that need to be applied to registered systems.":"","There are no events to display.":"","There are no more subscriptions available.":"","There are no packages to display.":"","There are no products or repositories enabled. Try enabling via %{custom} or %{redhat}.":"","There are no products to display.":"","There are no tags for the resource type you have chosen.":"","There is already an active sync process for the '%s' repository. Please try again later":"Ya existe un proceso de sincronización activo para el repositorio '%s'. Por favor intente de nuevo más tarde.","There must be at least one plan selected":"Por lo menos debe haber un plan seleccionado","There must be at least one product selected":"Por lo menos debe haber un producto seleccionado","There was an error retrieving that row:":"","There were errors syncing repository '%s'. See notices page for more details.":"Hubo errores de sincronización del repositorio '%s'. Vea, los avisos de la página para obtener más información.","This GPG Key is not currently assigned to any products or repositories.":"","This action doesn't support pacakge groups":"Esta acción no soporta grupos de paquetes","This activation key is not currently associated with a System Group.":"","This activation key is not currently associated with a System.":"","This changeset contains no content.":"","This changeset is currently being applied.":"","This content view has one or more repositories in common with a view that is currently selected.":"","This feed has already been found in one or more existing repositories:":"","This is your default organization.":"Esta es su organización predeterminada.","This system is not currently associated with a System Group.":"No puede ser menor que el número de sistemas asociados al grupo de sistemas","This table allows you to initiate package or package group installs and removals. Simply select either Packages or Package groups, enter a comma-separated list of names in the box provided and click either +Add or -Remove.":"","This table allows you to initiate package or package group installs, updates and removals. Simply select either Packages or Package groups, enter a comma-separated list of names in the box provided and click either Install, Update or Remove. Note: for any given package or package group, there may only be 1 action in progress at a time.":"","This table allows you to initiate package updates or removals as well as update all packages. In order to update or remove packages, simply select the packages you are interested in and click Update or Remove. In order to update all packages, click Update All when no packages are selected.":"","This table shows you the status of any pending package or package group actions on the system group.":"","This will completely remove those systems.":"","This will override any GPG keys already associated with a repository within this product":"","Time":"","Title":"","Title: ":"","To IP:":"","To submit a new bug please visit %s.":"","To view the details of an item on the left, simply click on a single row.
To select multiple rows, hold the Control Key and click multiple rows.
If you don't need this help anymore, please click the close button in the top right of this box.":"","Total":"","Total Systems":"Ver sistemas","Type":"","Type must be one of the following [ %{list} ]":"","Type:":"","Type: Bug Fix":"Tipo: corrección de error","Type: Enhancement":"Tipo: mejoramiento","Type: Security":"Tipo: seguridad","URL":"","URL:":"","UUID":"","Unable to determine quantity for pool %s":"No se puede determinar la cantidad para grupo %s","Unable to find package %s":"No se encontró el paquete %s","Unable to parse repositories: %s":"No se pueden analizar los repositorios %s","Unable to retrieve release versions from Repository URL %{url}. Error message: %{error}":"No se pueden recuperar las versiones del lanzamiento desde la URL del repositorio %{url}. Mensaje de error: %{error}","Unable to retrieve subscription history for provider '%{name}'.":"No se puede recuperar historia de suscripción para el proveedor '%{name}'.","Uninstall of Package Groups '%{groups}' scheduled for System Group '%{name}' failed. Reason: %{message}":"Falló la desinstalación de los grupos de paquetes '%{groups}' programada para el grupo del sistema '%{name}'. Razón: %{message}","Uninstall of Package Groups '%{groups}' scheduled for System Group '%{name}'.":"Desinstalación de los grupos de paquetes '%{groups}' programada para el grupo del sistema '%{name}'.","Uninstall of Package Groups '%{p}' scheduled for System '%{s}'.":"Desinstalar grupos de paquetes '%{p}' programados para sistema '%{s}'.","Uninstall of Packages '%{packages}' scheduled for System Group '%{name}' failed. Reason: %{message}":"Falló la desinstalación de los grupos de paquetes '%{packages}' programada para el grupo del sistema '%{name}'. Razón: %{message}","Uninstall of Packages '%{packages}' scheduled for System Group '%{name}'.":"Desinstalación de los paquetes '%{packages}' programada para el grupo del sistema '%{name}'.","Uninstall of Packages '%{p}' scheduled for System '%{s}'.":"Desinstalar paquetes '%{p}' programados para sistema '%{s}'.","Union":"","Union:":"","Unique":"","Units":"","Unknown":"","Unknown changeset type, must be PROMOTION or DELETION: %s":"Tipo de Changeset desconocido, debe ser PROMOCIÓN o BORRADO: %s","Unknown provider type. Choose one of: %s":"","Unknown registration date":"Fecha de registro desconocida","Unknown repository label: %s":"Etiqueta de repositorio desconocida: %s","Unlimited":"","Unsupported URL protocol %s.":"","Up to date":"","Update":"Actualización de paquetes","Update All":"","Update Package Canceled":"Actualización de paquetes cancelada","Update Package Complete":"Actualización de paquete completa","Update Package Error":"Actualizando el paquete...","Update Package Timeout":"Actualizando el paquete...","Update of Package Groups '%{groups}' scheduled for System Group '%{name}' failed. Reason: %{message}":"Falló la actualización de grupos de paquetes '%{groups}' para el grupo del sistema '%{name}'. Razón: %{message}","Update of Package Groups '%{groups}' scheduled for System Group '%{name}'.":"Actualización de los grupos de paquetes '%{groups}' programada para el grupo del sistema '%{name}'.","Update of Packages '%{packages}' scheduled for System Group '%{group}' failed. Reason: %{message}":"Falló la actualización de los paquetes '%{packages}' programada para el grupo del sistema'%{group}'. Razón: %{message}","Update of Packages '%{packages}' scheduled for System Group '%{name}'.":"Actualización de paquetes '%{packages}' programada para el grupo del sistema '%{name}'.","Update of Packages '%{p}' scheduled for System '%{s}'.":"Actualización de paquetes '%{p}' programados para sistema '%{s}'.","Update of all packages scheduled for System '%s'.":"Actualización de todos los paquetes programada para el sistema '%s'.","Updated":"","Updates":"Plantillas","Updating Package...":"Actualizando el paquete...","Updating package group...":"","Upload":"","Upload New Manifest":"+ Importar manifiesto","Uploading":"","Upstream Distributor":"Distribución seleccionada","Usage Limit":"","Usage limit (%{limit}) exhausted for activation key '%{name}'":"Límite de uso (%{limit}) acabado para la llave de activación '%{name}'","Use Browser Locale":"Usar el Navegador de configuración regional","User":"Usuario","User '%s' was deleted.":"Usuario '%s' ha sido borrado.","User '%{username}' assigned to role '%{rolename}'":"Usuario '%{username}' asignado al rol '%{rolename}'","User '%{username}' unassigned from role '%{rolename}'":"Usuario '%{username}' desasignado del rol '%{rolename}'","User Notifications":"","User System Registration Environment updated successfully.":"Entorno de registro de sistema de usuario ha sido actualizado con éxito.","User assignments for this role":"","User does not belong to an organization.":"El usuario no pertenece a una organización.","User notifications lists all notifications generated by a user as well as global notifications that are sent to all users.":"","User updated successfully.":"Usuario ha sido actualizado.","Username":"Nombre de usuario","Username:":"Nombre de usuario","Users":"Usuarios","VLAN:":"","Validation Failed:":"","Validation failed: Label has already been taken":"","Value":"","Vendor class:":"","Verb(s):":"","Verbs":"","Version":"","Very Weak":"","View":"","View %{view} has not been promoted to %{env}":"","View Definition":"","View: ":"","Viewing %C of %T":"","Viewing %X of %Y results":"","Viewing %X of %Y results (%Z Total)":"","Viewing %{current} of %{results} results (%{items} Total %{name})":"","Viewing %{n} of %{t} results (%{t} Total Errata)":"","Views":"","Virt Guest From":"","Virtual":"Virtual","Virtual Guest":"Virtual","Virtual Only":"Virtual","Waiting":"","Warning":"","Weak":"","Welcome Back":"Bienvenido de nuevo","Wrong/Invalid parameters sent for %{controller}/%{action}.\\n Wrong Parameters: \\n%{params}\\n Parameters Received:\\n %{all_params} ":"","Yes":"","You are not authorised to perform this action.":"","You can run %s action to fix this. Note that it can take some time to complete.":"","You can synchronize repositories only in library environment'":"Puede sincronizar repositorios únicamente en el entorno de biblioteca","You cannot have more than %{max_systems} system(s) associated with system group '%{group}'.":"No puede tener más de %{max_systems} sistema(s) asociados con el grupo del sistema '%{group}'.","You do not currently have access to any organizations. Please contact an administrator to get permission to access an organization.":"Inicio de sesión, por favor contacte al administrador para obtener permiso de acceso a su organización.","You do not have access to access contents in %s":"","You do not have permissions to view changesets for %s. Please contact your administrator to gain access.":"No tiene credenciales válidas para acceder a este sistema. Por favor contacte a su administrador.","You do not have valid credentials to access this system. Please contact your administrator.":"No tiene credenciales válidas para acceder a este sistema. Por favor contacte a su administrador.","You have entered an incorrect username/password combination, or your account may currently be disabled. Please try again or contact your administrator.":"Ha ingresado una combinación de nombre de usuario y contraseña incorrectos o su cuenta puede estar inhabilitada actualmente. Por favor intente de nuevo o contacte a sus administrador.","You have no assigned roles.":"","You have not set a default organization and environment on the user %s.":"No ha establecido una organización predeterminada y entorno en el usurio %s.","You have selected all resource types; this will grant full access to the organization. Press the Cancel button to select an individual resource type.":"","You may have mistyped the address or the page may have moved.":"","You might want to log out and log back in again to clear your cookies.":"","You must be logged in to access that page.":"Debe haber ingresado para tener acceso a esa página:","You must select an organization above before you can add a permission.":"","You must select and view a permission before you can edit it.":"","You must select at least one verb.":"Por favor seleccione al menos un grupo de sistema.","You need to create an environment for this org before you can create a distributor.":"","You need to create an environment for this org before you can create a system.":"","Your current organization is no longer valid. It is possible that either the organization has been deleted or your permissions revoked, please log back in to continue.":"Su organización actual ya no es válida. Es posible que la organización haya sido borrada o que sus permisos hayan sido revocados, por favor regístrese de nuevo para continuar.","Your default environment has been removed. Please choose another one.":"Su entorno predeterminado ha sido retirado. Por favor seleccione otro.","Your update has applied successfully, but during that time another user has also made an update.":"","all packages":"Todos los paquetes","all packages update":"Actualizar todos los paquetes","all packages update failed":"Falló la actualización de todos los paquetes ","already exists (including organizations being deleted)":"","can't be blank":"No se puede dejar en blanco","cannot be a binary file.":"No puede ser un archivo binario.","cannot be blank":"No se puede dejar en blanco","cannot contain blank keynames":"No puede contener más de %s caracteres","cannot contain characters >, <, or /":"no puede contener caracteres aparte de valores ASCII","cannot contain characters other than alpha numerals, space, '_', '-'":"No puede contener caracteres diferentes a los alfanuméricos, espacio,'_', '-'.","cannot contain characters other than ascii alpha numerals, '_', '-'. ":"No puede contener caracteres que no sean alfanuméricos ASCII, '_', '-'. ","cannot contain more than %s characters":"No puede contener más de %s caracteres","cannot contain products, or repositories if it contains views":"","content view '%s' not found in the changeset":"No se encontró la plantilla '%s' en el Changeset","currently editing this changeset":"","daily":"A diario","delete":"","displayed":"","environment can only have one child":"El entorno puede solamente tener un hijo","environment required":"Se requiere entorno","hourly":"Por hora","import":"Importar","installing errata...":"Instalando erratas...","installing erratum...":"Instalando errata...","installing package group...":"Instalando grupo de paquetes...","installing package groups...":"Instalando grupos de paquetes...","installing package...":"Instalando paquete...","installing packages...":"Instalando paquetes","is invalid":"Es inválida","katello-jobs service not running":"el servicio de katello-jobs no se está ejecutando","link":"","may not be less than the number of systems associated with the system group.":"No puede ser menor que el número de sistemas asociados al grupo de sistemas","may not be set to 0.":"No se puede establecer a 0.","must be a positive integer value.":"Debe ser un valor entero positivo.","must be at least 5 characters.":"Debe tener por lo menos 5 caracteres.","must be higher than current usage (%s) or unlimited":"Debe ser mayor que el uso actual (%s) o ilimitado","must be one of %s":"Debe ser uno de %s","must be unique within one organization":"Debe ser único dentro de una organización","must be unique.":"Debe ser único.","must contain '%s'":"","must contain at least %s character":"debe contener por lo menos %s caracteres","must include a keyname and value":"","must not contain leading or trailing white spaces.":"No debe contener espacios iniciales o en blanco ","name: %s doesn't exist ":"nombre: %s no existe ","none":"Ninguno","of Unlimited":"","of environment must be unique within one organization":"","or":"","plan":"plan","product":"Producto","promote_confirm":"","removing package group...":"retirar grupo de paquetes...","removing package groups...":"retirando grupos de paquetes","removing package...":"retirando paquete...","removing packages...":"retirando paquetes...","repository refresh":"Repositorio","results.":"","the %s Bugzilla":"el Bugzilla %s ","the CloudForms Documentation":"la documentación CloudForms","the following attributes can not be updated for the Red Hat provider: [ %s ]":"Los siguientes atributos no pueden ser actualizados para el proveedor de Red Hat: [ %s ]","updating package group...":"Actualizando grupo de paquetes...","updating package groups...":"Actualizando grupos de paquetes...","updating package...":"Actualizando paquete...","updating packages...":"Actualizando paquetes...","version %s":"Permisos","weekly":"Semanal"});