require 'duplicate' module CryptoconditionsRuby module Types CONDITION = 'condition' FULFILLMENT = 'fulfillment' class ThresholdSha256Fulfillment < BaseSha256Fulfillment TYPE_ID = 2 FEATURE_BITMASK = 0x09 attr_accessor :bitmask, :threshold, :subconditions private :bitmask def initialize(threshold = nil) if threshold && (!threshold.is_a?(Integer) || threshold < 1) raise StandardError, "Threshold must be a integer greater than zero, was: #{threshold}" end self.threshold = threshold self.subconditions = [] end def add_subcondition(subcondition, weight = 1) if subcondition.is_a?(String) subcondition = Condition.from_uri(subcondition) end unless subcondition.is_a?(Condition) raise TypeError, 'Subconditions must be URIs or objects of type Condition' end unless weight.is_a?(Integer) || weight < 1 raise StandardError, "Invalid weight: #{weight}" end subconditions.push( 'type' => CONDITION, 'body' => subcondition, 'weight' => weight ) end def add_subcondition_uri(subcondition_uri) unless subcondition_uri.is_a?(String) raise TypeError, "Subcondition must be provided as a URI string, was #{subcondition_uri}" end add_subcondition(Condition.from_uri(subcondition_uri)) end def add_subfulfillment(subfulfillment, weight = 1) if subfulfillment.is_a?(String) subfulfillment = Fulfillment.from_uri(subfulfillment) end unless subfulfillment.is_a?(Fulfillment) raise TypeError, 'Subfulfillments must be URIs or objects of type Fulfillment' end if !weight.is_a?(Integer) || weight < 0 raise StandardError, "Invalid weight: #{weight}" end subconditions.push( 'type' => FULFILLMENT, 'body' => subfulfillment, 'weight' => weight ) end def add_subfulfillment_uri(subfulfillment_uri) unless subfulfillment_uri.is_a?(String) raise TypeError, "Subfulfillment must be provided as a URI string, was: #{subfulfillment_uri}" end add_subfulfillment(Fulfillment.from_uri(subfulfillment_uri)) end def bitmask bitmask = super subconditions.each do |cond| bitmask |= cond['body'].bitmask end bitmask end def get_subcondition_from_vk(vk) subconditions.inject([]) do |store, c| if c['body'].is_a?(Ed25519Fulfillment) && Utils::Base58.encode(c['body'].public_key.to_s) == vk store.push(c) elsif c['body'].is_a?(ThresholdSha256Fulfillment) result = c['body'].get_subcondition_from_vk(vk) store += result if result end store end end def write_hash_payload(hasher) raise StandardError, 'Requires subconditions' if subconditions.empty? _subconditions = subconditions.inject([]) do |store, c| writer = writer.write_var_uint(c['weight']) writer.write( c['type'] == FULFILLMENT ? c['body'].condition_binary : c['body'].serialize_binary ) store.push(writer.buffer) end sorted_subconditions = ThresholdSha256Fulfillment.sort_buffers(_subconditions) hasher.write_uint32(threshold) hasher.write_var_uint(sorted_subconditions.length) sorted_subconditions.each do |cond| hasher.write(cond) end hasher end def calculate_max_fulfillment_length total_condition_len = 0 _subconditions = do |c| condition_len = ThresholdSha256Fulfillment.predict_subcondition_length(c) fulfillment_len = ThresholdSha256Fulfillment.predict_subfulfillment_length(c) total_condition_len += condition_len { 'weight' => c['weight'], 'size' => fulfillment_len - condition_len } end _subconditions.sort_by! { |x| x['weight'].abs } worst_case_fulfillments_length = total_condition_len + ThresholdSha256Fulfillment.calculate_worst_case_length(threshold, _subconditions) if worst_case_fulfillments_length == -Float::INFINITY raise StandardError, 'Insufficient subconditions/weights to meet the threshold' end # Calculate resulting total maximum fulfillment size predictor = predictor.write_uint32(threshold) predictor.write_var_uint(subconditions.length) subconditions.each do |c| predictor.write_uint8(nil) predictor.write_var_uint(c['weight']) unless c['weight'] == 1 end predictor.skip(worst_case_fulfillments_length) predictor.size end def self.predict_subcondition_length(cond) return cond['body'].condition_binary.length if cond['type'] == FULFILLMENT cond['body'].serialize_binary.length end def self.predict_subfulfillment_length(cond) fulfillment_len = if cond['type'] == FULFILLMENT cond['body'].condition.max_fulfillment_length else cond['body'].max_fulfillment_length end predictor = predictor.write_uint16(nil) predictor.write_var_octet_string('0' * fulfillment_len) predictor.size end def self.calculate_worst_case_length(threshold, subconditions, index = 0) return 0 if threshold <= 0 if index < subconditions.length next_condition = subconditions[index] [ next_condition['size'] + ThresholdSha256Fulfillment.calculate_worst_case_length( threshold - next_condition['weight'].abs, subconditions, index + 1 ), ThresholdSha256Fulfillment.calculate_worst_case_length( threshold, subconditions, index + 1 ) ].max else -Float::INFINITY end end def parse_payload(reader, *args) raise TypeError, 'reader must be a Reader instance' unless reader.is_a?(Utils::Reader) self.threshold = reader.read_var_uint condition_count = reader.read_var_uint condition_count.times do weight = reader.read_var_uint fulfillment = reader.read_var_octet_string condition = reader.read_var_octet_string if !fulfillment.empty? && !condition.empty? raise TypeError, 'Subconditions may not provide both subcondition and fulfillment.' elsif if !fulfillment.empty? add_subfulfillment(Fulfillment.from_binary(fulfillment), weight) elsif !condition.empty? add_subcondition(Condition.from_binary(condition), weight) else raise TypeError, 'Subconditions must provide either subcondition or fulfillment.' end end end end def write_payload(writer) raise TypeError, 'writer must be a Writer instance' unless writer.is_a?(Utils::Writer) subfulfillments = do |c, i| next unless c['type'] == FULFILLMENT subfulfillment = c.dup subfulfillment.merge!( 'index' => i, 'size' => c['body'].serialize_binary.length, 'omit_size' => c['body'].condition_binary.length ) end.compact smallest_set = ThresholdSha256Fulfillment.calculate_smallest_valid_fulfillment_set( threshold, subfulfillments )['set'] optimized_subfulfillments = do |c, i| if c['type'] == FULFILLMENT && !smallest_set.include?(i) subfulfillment = c.dup subfulfillment.update( 'type' => CONDITION, 'body' => c['body'].condition ) else c end end serialized_subconditions = do |c| writer_ = writer_.write_var_uint(c['weight']) writer_.write_var_octet_string(c['type'] == FULFILLMENT ? c['body'].serialize_binary : '') writer_.write_var_octet_string(c['type'] == CONDITION ? c['body'].serialize_binary : '') writer_.buffer end sorted_subconditions = ThresholdSha256Fulfillment.sort_buffers(serialized_subconditions) writer.write_var_uint(threshold) writer.write_var_uint(sorted_subconditions.length) sorted_subconditions.each { |c| writer.write(c) } writer end def self.calculate_smallest_valid_fulfillment_set(threshold, fulfillments, state = nil) state ||= { 'index' => 0, 'size' => 0, 'set' => [] } if threshold <= 0 { 'size' => state['size'], 'set' => state['set'] } elsif state['index'] < fulfillments.length next_fulfillment = fulfillments[state['index']] with_next = ThresholdSha256Fulfillment.calculate_smallest_valid_fulfillment_set( threshold - next_fulfillment['weight'].abs, fulfillments, 'size' => state['size'] + next_fulfillment['size'], 'index' => state['index'] + 1, 'set' => state['set'] + [next_fulfillment['index']] ) without_next = ThresholdSha256Fulfillment.calculate_smallest_valid_fulfillment_set( threshold, fulfillments, 'size' => state['size'] + next_fulfillment['omit_size'], 'index' => state['index'] + 1, 'set' => state['set'] ) with_next['size'] < without_next['size'] ? with_next : without_next else { 'size' => Float::INFINITY } end end def self.sort_buffers(buffers) Duplicate.duplicate(buffers).sort_by { |item| [item.length, item] } end def to_dict subfulfillments = do |c| subcondition = c['body'].to_dict subcondition.merge!('weight' => c['weight']) end { 'type' => 'fulfillment', 'type_id' => type_id, 'bitmask' => bitmask, 'threshold' => threshold, 'subfulfillments' => subfulfillments } end def parse_dict(data) raise TypeError, 'reader must be a dict instance' unless data.is_a?(Hash) self.threshold = data['threshold'] data['subfulfillments'].each do |subfulfillments| weight = subfulfillments['weight'] if subfulfillments['type'] == FULFILLMENT add_subfulfillment(Fulfillment.from_dict(subfulfillments), weight) elsif subfulfillments['type'] == CONDITION add_subcondition(Condition.from_dict(subfulfillments), weight) else raise TypeError, 'Subconditions must provide either subcondition or fulfillment.' end end end def validate(message: nil, **_kwargs) fulfillments = { |c| c['type'] == FULFILLMENT } min_weight = Float::INFINITY total_weight = 0 fulfillments.each do |fulfillment| min_weight = [min_weight, fulfillment['weight'].abs].max total_weight += min_weight end # Total weight must meet the threshold return if total_weight < threshold valid_decisions = do |fulfillment| if fulfillment['body'].validate(message: message, **_kwargs) [true] * fulfillment['weight'] end end.compact.flatten valid_decisions.count >= threshold end end end end