class FollowerStash def initialize card=nil @followed_affected_cards = { |h,v| h[v]=[] } @visited = add_affected_card(card) if card end def add_affected_card card Auth.as_bot do if !@visited.include? card.key @visited.add card.key card.all_direct_follower_ids_with_reason do |user_id, reason| notify Card.fetch(user_id), :of=>reason end if card.left and !@visited.include?( and follow_field_rule = card.left.rule_card(:follow_fields) follow_field_rule.item_names(:context=>card.left.cardname).each do |item| if @visited.include? item.to_name.key add_affected_card card.left break elsif item.to_name.key == Card[:includes].key includee_set => if !@visited.intersection(includee_set).empty? add_affected_card card.left break end end end end end end end def followers @followed_affected_cards.keys end def each_follower_with_reason # "follower" is a card object, "followed" a card name @followed_affected_cards.each do |user, reasons| yield(user,reasons.first) end end private def notify follower, because @followed_affected_cards[follower] << because[:of] end end def act_card @supercard || self end def followable? true end def notable_change? !silent_change && !supercard && current_act && Card::Auth.current_id != WagnBotID && followable? end event :notify_followers_after_save, :after=>:subsequent, :on=>:save, :when=>proc{ |ca| ca.notable_change? } do notify_followers end # in the delete case we have to calculate the follower_stash beforehand # but we can't pass the follower_stash through the ActiveJob queue. # We have to deal with the notifications in the extend phase instead of the subsequent phase event :stash_followers, :after=>:approve, :on=>:delete do act_card.follower_stash ||= act_card.follower_stash.add_affected_card self end event :notify_followers_after_delete, :after=>:extend, :on=>:delete, :when=>proc{ |ca| ca.notable_change? } do notify_followers end def notify_followers begin @current_act.reload @follower_stash ||= @current_act.actions.each do |a| @follower_stash.add_affected_card a.card if a.card end @follower_stash.each_follower_with_reason do |follower, reason| if follower.account and follower != follower.account.send_change_notice @current_act, reason[:set_card].name, reason[:option] end end rescue =>e #this error handling should apply to all extend callback exceptions "\nController exception: #{e.message}" Card::Error.current = e notable_exception_raised end end format do view :list_of_changes, :denial=>:blank do |args| action = get_action(args) relevant_fields = case action.action_type when :create then [:cardtype, :content] when :update then [:name, :cardtype, :content] when :delete then [:content] end do |type| edit_info_for(type, action) end.compact.join end view :subedits, :perms=>:none do |args| subedits = get_act(args).relevant_actions_for(card).map do |action| if action.card_id != action.card.format(:format=>@format).render_subedit_notice(:action=>action) end end.compact.join if subedits.present? wrap_subedits subedits else '' end end view :subedit_notice, :denial=>:blank do |args| action = get_action(args) name_before_action = (action.new_values[:name] && action.old_values[:name]) || wrap_subedit_item %{#{name_before_action} #{action.action_type}d #{ render_list_of_changes(args) }} end view :followed, :perms=>:none, :closed=>true do |args| if args[:followed_set] && (set_card = Card.fetch(args[:followed_set])) && args[:follow_option] && (option_card = Card.fetch(args[:follow_option])) option_card.description set_card else 'followed card' end end view :follower, :perms=>:none, :closed=>true do |args| args[:follower] || 'follower' end view :unfollow_url, :perms=>:none, :closed=>true do |args| if args[:followed_set] && (set_card = Card.fetch(args[:followed_set])) && args[:follow_option] && args[:follower] rule_name = set_card.follow_rule_name args[:follower] target_name = "#{args[:follower]}+#{Card[:follow].name}" update_path = page_path target_name, :action=>:update, :card=>{:subcards=>{rule_name=>Card[:never].name}} card_url update_path # absolutize path end end def edit_info_for field, action return nil unless action.new_values[field] item_title = case action.action_type when :update then 'new ' when :delete then 'deleted ' else '' end item_title += "#{field}: " item_value = if action.action_type == :delete action.old_values[field] else action.new_values[field] end wrap_list_item "#{item_title}#{item_value}" end def get_act args @notification_act ||= args[:act] || (args[:act_id] and Act.find(args[:act_id])) || card.acts.last end def get_action args args[:action] || (args[:action_id] and Action.fetch(args[:action_id])) || card.last_action end def wrap_subedits subedits "\nThis update included the following changes:#{wrap_list subedits}" end def wrap_list list "\n#{list}\n" end def wrap_list_item item " #{item}\n" end def wrap_subedit_item text "\n#{text}\n" end end format :email_text do view :last_action, :perms=>:none do |args| act = get_act(args) "#{act.main_action.action_type}d" end end format :email_html do view :last_action, :perms=>:none do |args| act = get_act(args) "#{act.main_action.action_type}d" end def wrap_list list "\n" end def wrap_list_item item "
  • #{item}
  • \n" end def wrap_subedit_item text "
  • #{text}
  • \n" end end