# encoding: utf-8 require "logstash/inputs/base" require "logstash/namespace" # Azure Storage SDK for Ruby require "azure/storage" require 'json' # for registry content require "securerandom" # for generating uuid. # Registry item to coordinate between mulitple clients class LogStash::Inputs::RegistryItem attr_accessor :file_path, :etag, :offset, :reader, :gen # Allow json serialization. def as_json(options={}) { file_path: @file_path, etag: @etag, reader: @reader, offset: @offset, gen: @gen } end # as_json def to_json(*options) as_json(*options).to_json(*options) end # to_json def initialize(file_path, etag, reader, offset = 0, gen = 0) @file_path = file_path @etag = etag @reader = reader @offset = offset @gen = gen end # initialize end # class RegistryItem # Logstash input plugin for Azure Blobs # # This logstash plugin gathers data from Microsoft Azure Blobs class LogStash::Inputs::LogstashInputAzureblob < LogStash::Inputs::Base config_name "azureblob" # If undefined, Logstash will complain, even if codec is unused. default :codec, "json_lines" # Set the account name for the azure storage account. config :storage_account_name, :validate => :string # Set the key to access the storage account. config :storage_access_key, :validate => :string # Set the container of the blobs. config :container, :validate => :string # Set the endpoint for the blobs. # # The default, `core.windows.net` targets the public azure. config :endpoint, :validate => :string, :default => 'core.windows.net' # Set the value of using backup mode. config :backupmode, :validate => :boolean, :default => false, :deprecated => true, :obsolete => 'This option is obsoleted and the settings will be ignored.' # Set the value for the registry file. # # The default, `data/registry`, is used to coordinate readings for various instances of the clients. config :registry_path, :validate => :string, :default => 'data/registry' # Sets the value for registry file lock duration in seconds. It must be set to -1, or between 15 to 60 inclusively. # # The default, `15` means the registry file will be locked for at most 15 seconds. This should usually be sufficient to # read the content of registry. Having this configuration here to allow lease expired in case the client crashed that # never got a chance to release the lease for the registry. config :registry_lease_duration, :validate => :number, :default => 15 # Set how many seconds to keep idle before checking for new logs. # # The default, `30`, means trigger a reading for the log every 30 seconds after entering idle. config :interval, :validate => :number, :default => 30 # Set the registry create mode # # The default, `resume`, means when the registry is initially created, it assumes all logs has been handled. # When set to `start_over`, it will read all log files from begining. config :registry_create_policy, :validate => :string, :default => 'resume' # Sets the header of the file that does not repeat over records. Usually, these are json opening tags. config :file_head_bytes, :validate => :number, :default => 0 # Sets the tail of the file that does not repeat over records. Usually, these are json closing tags. config :file_tail_bytes, :validate => :number, :default => 0 # Sets how to break json # # Only works when the codec is set to `json`. Sets the policy to break the json object in the array into small events. # Break json into small sections will not be as efficient as keep it as a whole, but will reduce the usage of # the memory. # Possible options: `do_not_break`, `with_head_tail`, `without_head_tail` config :break_json_down_policy, :validate => :string, :default => 'do_not_break' # Sets when break json happens, how many json object will be put in 1 batch config :break_json_batch_count, :validate => :number, :default => 10 # Sets the page-size for returned blob items. Too big number will hit heap overflow; Too small number will leads to too many requests. # # The default, `100` is good for default heap size of 1G. config :blob_list_page_size, :validate => :number, :default => 100 # Constant of max integer MAX = 2 ** ([42].pack('i').size * 16 -2 ) -1 public def register # this is the reader # for this specific instance. @reader = SecureRandom.uuid @registry_locker = "#{@registry_path}.lock" # Setup a specific instance of an Azure::Storage::Client client = Azure::Storage::Client.create(:storage_account_name => @storage_account_name, :storage_access_key => @storage_access_key, :storage_blob_host => "https://#{@storage_account_name}.blob.#{@endpoint}") # Get an azure storage blob service object from a specific instance of an Azure::Storage::Client @azure_blob = client.blob_client # Add retry filter to the service object @azure_blob.with_filter(Azure::Storage::Core::Filter::ExponentialRetryPolicyFilter.new) end # def register def run(queue) # we can abort the loop if stop? becomes true while !stop? process(queue) @logger.debug("Hitting interval of #{@interval}ms . . .") Stud.stoppable_sleep(@interval) { stop? } end # loop end # def run def stop cleanup_registry end # def stop # Start processing the next item. def process(queue) begin blob, start_index, gen = register_for_read if(!blob.nil?) begin blob_name = blob.name # Work-around: After returned by get_blob, the etag will contains quotes. new_etag = blob.properties[:etag] # ~ Work-around blob, header = @azure_blob.get_blob(@container, blob_name, {:end_range => (@file_head_bytes-1) }) if header.nil? unless @file_head_bytes.nil? or @file_head_bytes <= 0 if start_index == 0 # Skip the header since it is already read. start_index = @file_head_bytes else # Adjust the offset when it is other than first time, then read till the end of the file, including the tail. start_index = start_index - @file_tail_bytes start_index = 0 if start_index < 0 end blob, content = @azure_blob.get_blob(@container, blob_name, {:start_range => start_index} ) # content will be used to calculate the new offset. Create a new variable for processed content. content_length = content.length unless content.nil? is_json_codec = (defined?(LogStash::Codecs::JSON) == 'constant') && (@codec.is_a? LogStash::Codecs::JSON) if (is_json_codec) skip = content.index '{' content.slice!(skip-1) unless (skip.nil? || skip == 0) end #if if is_json_codec && (@break_json_down_policy != 'do_not_break') @logger.debug("codec is json and policy is not do_not_break") @break_json_batch_count = 1 if @break_json_batch_count <= 0 tail = content[-@file_tail_bytes..-1] while (!content.nil? && content.length > @file_tail_bytes) json_event = get_jsons!(content, @break_json_batch_count) break if json_event.nil? @logger.debug("Got json: ========================") @logger.debug("#{json_event[0..50]}...#{json_event[-50..-1]}") @logger.debug("End got json: ========================") @logger.debug("Processed content: #{content[0..50]}...") if @break_json_down_policy == 'with_head_tail' @logger.debug("Adding json head/tails.") json_event = "#{header}#{json_event}#{tail}" end #if @codec.decode(json_event) do |event| decorate(event) queue << event end # decode end else @logger.debug("Non-json codec or the policy is do not break") # Putting header and content and tail together before pushing into event queue content = "#{header}#{content}" unless header.nil? || header.length == 0 @codec.decode(content) do |event| decorate(event) queue << event end # decode end #if ensure # Making sure the reader is removed from the registry even when there's exception. new_offset = start_index new_offset = 0 if start_index == @file_head_bytes && content.nil? # Reset the offset when nothing has been read. new_offset = new_offset + content_length unless content_length.nil? new_registry_item = LogStash::Inputs::RegistryItem.new(blob_name, new_etag, nil, new_offset, gen) update_registry(new_registry_item) end # begin end # if rescue StandardError => e @logger.error("Oh My, An error occurred. \nError:#{e}:\nTrace:\n#{e.backtrace}", :exception => e) end # begin end # process # Get json objects out of a string and return it. Note, content will be updated in place as well. def get_jsons!(content, batch_size) return nil if content.nil? || content.length == 0 return nil if (content.index '{').nil? hit = 0 count = 0 index = 0 first = content.index('{') move_opening = true move_closing = true while(hit < batch_size) inIndex = content.index('{', index) if move_opening outIndex = content.index('}', index) if move_closing break if count == 0 && (inIndex.nil? || outIndex.nil?) if(inIndex.nil?) index = outIndex elsif(outIndex.nil?) index = inIndex else index = [inIndex, outIndex].min end #if if content[index] == '{' count += 1 move_opening = true move_closing = false elsif content[index] == '}' count -= 1 move_closing = true move_opening = false end #if index += 1 if (count < 0) throw "Malformed json encountered." end #if hit += 1 if count == 0 end # slice left & then right to making sure the leading characters are trimed. content.slice!(0, first) if first > 0 return content.slice!(0, index-first) end #def get_jsons! # Deserialize registry hash from json string. def deserialize_registry_hash (json_string) result = Hash.new temp_hash = JSON.parse(json_string) temp_hash.values.each { |kvp| result[kvp['file_path']] = LogStash::Inputs::RegistryItem.new(kvp['file_path'], kvp['etag'], kvp['reader'], kvp['offset'], kvp['gen']) } return result end #deserialize_registry_hash # List all the blobs in the given container. def list_all_blobs blobs = Set.new [] continuation_token = NIL @blob_list_page_size = 100 if @blob_list_page_size <= 0 loop do # Need to limit the returned number of the returned entries to avoid out of memory exception. entries = @azure_blob.list_blobs(@container, { :timeout => 60, :marker => continuation_token, :max_results => @blob_list_page_size }) entries.each do |entry| blobs << entry end # each continuation_token = entries.continuation_token break if continuation_token.empty? end # loop return blobs end # def list_blobs # Raise generation for blob in registry def raise_gen(registry_hash, file_path) begin target_item = registry_hash[file_path] begin target_item.gen += 1 # Protect gen from overflow. target_item.gen = target_item.gen / 2 if target_item.gen == MAX rescue StandardError => e @logger.error("Fail to get the next generation for target item #{target_item}.", :exception => e) target_item.gen = 0 end min_gen_item = registry_hash.values.min_by { |x| x.gen } while min_gen_item.gen > 0 registry_hash.values.each { |value| value.gen -= 1 } min_gen_item = registry_hash.values.min_by { |x| x.gen } end end end # raise_gen # Acquire a lease on a blob item with retries. # # By default, it will retry 60 times with 1 second interval. def acquire_lease(blob_name, retry_times = 60, interval_sec = 1) lease = nil; retried = 0; while lease.nil? do begin lease = @azure_blob.acquire_blob_lease(@container, blob_name, { :timeout => 60, :duration => @registry_lease_duration }) rescue StandardError => e if(e.type && e.type == 'LeaseAlreadyPresent') if (retried > retry_times) raise end retried += 1 sleep interval_sec else # Anything else happend other than 'LeaseAlreadyPresent', break the lease. This is a work-around for the behavior that when # timeout exception is hit, somehow, a infinite lease will be put on the lock file. @azure_blob.break_blob_lease(@container, blob, { :break_period => 30 }) end end end #while return lease end # acquire_lease # Return the next blob for reading as well as the start index. def register_for_read begin all_blobs = list_all_blobs registry = all_blobs.find { |item| item.name.downcase == @registry_path } registry_locker = all_blobs.find { |item| item.name.downcase == @registry_locker } candidate_blobs = all_blobs.select { |item| (item.name.downcase != @registry_path) && ( item.name.downcase != @registry_locker ) } start_index = 0 gen = 0 lease = nil # Put lease on locker file than the registy file to allow update of the registry as a workaround for Azure Storage Ruby SDK issue # 16. # Workaround: https://github.com/Azure/azure-storage-ruby/issues/16 registry_locker = @azure_blob.create_block_blob(@container, @registry_locker, @reader) if registry_locker.nil? lease = acquire_lease(@registry_locker) # ~ Workaround if(registry.nil?) registry_hash = create_registry(candidate_blobs) else registry_hash = load_registry end #if picked_blobs = Set.new [] # Pick up the next candidate picked_blob = nil candidate_blobs.each { |candidate_blob| registry_item = registry_hash[candidate_blob.name] # Appending items that doesn't exist in the hash table if registry_item.nil? registry_item = LogStash::Inputs::RegistryItem.new(candidate_blob.name, candidate_blob.properties[:etag], nil, 0, 0) registry_hash[candidate_blob.name] = registry_item end # if if ((registry_item.offset < candidate_blob.properties[:content_length]) && (registry_item.reader.nil? || registry_item.reader == @reader)) picked_blobs << candidate_blob end } picked_blob = picked_blobs.min_by { |b| registry_hash[b.name].gen } if !picked_blob.nil? registry_item = registry_hash[picked_blob.name] registry_item.reader = @reader registry_hash[picked_blob.name] = registry_item start_index = registry_item.offset raise_gen(registry_hash, picked_blob.name) gen = registry_item.gen end #if # Save the chnage for the registry save_registry(registry_hash) @azure_blob.release_blob_lease(@container, @registry_locker, lease) lease = nil; return picked_blob, start_index, gen rescue StandardError => e @logger.error("Oh My, An error occurred. #{e}:\n#{e.backtrace}", :exception => e) return nil, nil, nil ensure @azure_blob.release_blob_lease(@container, @registry_locker, lease) unless lease.nil? lease = nil end # rescue end #register_for_read # Update the registry def update_registry (registry_item) begin lease = nil lease = acquire_lease(@registry_locker) registry_hash = load_registry registry_hash[registry_item.file_path] = registry_item save_registry(registry_hash) @azure_blob.release_blob_lease(@container, @registry_locker, lease) lease = nil rescue StandardError => e @logger.error("Oh My, An error occurred. #{e}:\n#{e.backtrace}", :exception => e) ensure @azure_blob.release_blob_lease(@container, @registry_locker, lease) unless lease.nil? lease = nil end #rescue end # def update_registry # Clean up the registry. def cleanup_registry begin lease = nil lease = acquire_lease(@registry_locker) registry_hash = load_registry registry_hash.each { | key, registry_item| registry_item.reader = nil if registry_item.reader == @reader } save_registry(registry_hash) @azure_blob.release_blob_lease(@container, @registry_locker, lease) lease = nil rescue StandardError => e @logger.error("Oh My, An error occurred. #{e}:\n#{e.backtrace}", :exception => e) ensure @azure_blob.release_blob_lease(@container, @registry_locker, lease) unless lease.nil? lease = nil end #rescue end # def cleanup_registry # Create a registry file to coordinate between multiple azure blob inputs. def create_registry (blob_items) registry_hash = Hash.new blob_items.each do |blob_item| initial_offset = 0 initial_offset = blob_item.properties[:content_length] if @registry_create_policy == 'resume' registry_item = LogStash::Inputs::RegistryItem.new(blob_item.name, blob_item.properties[:etag], nil, initial_offset, 0) registry_hash[blob_item.name] = registry_item end # each save_registry(registry_hash) return registry_hash end # create_registry # Load the content of the registry into the registry hash and return it. def load_registry # Get content registry_blob, registry_blob_body = @azure_blob.get_blob(@container, @registry_path) registry_hash = deserialize_registry_hash(registry_blob_body) return registry_hash end # def load_registry # Serialize the registry hash and save it. def save_registry(registry_hash) # Serialize hash to json registry_hash_json = JSON.generate(registry_hash) # Upload registry to blob @azure_blob.create_block_blob(@container, @registry_path, registry_hash_json) end # def save_registry end # class LogStash::Inputs::LogstashInputAzureblob