module Telegram module Bot # Telegram & Botan clients can perform requests in async way with # any job adapter (ActiveJob by default). Using Rails you don't need any # additional configuration. However you may want to enable async requests # by default with `async: true` in `secrets.yml`. Botan client doesn't inherit # async setting from client and must be configured separately. # # telegram: # bots: # chat_async: # token: secret # async: true # enable async mode for client # botan: botan_token # in this way botan will not be async # botan: # in this way - it's in async mode # token: botan_token # async: true # # Without Rails To start using async requests # initialize client with `id` kwarg and make sure the client is # accessible via `Teletgram.bots[id]` in job worker. Or just use # `Telegram.bots_config=` for configuration. # # Being in async mode `#request` enqueues job instead to perform # http request instead of performing it directly. # Async behavior is controlled with `#async=` writer # and can be enabled/disabled for the block with `#async`: # # client =**config, async: true) # client.send_message(message) # client.async(false) { client.send_message(other_one) } # # It can be set with custom job class or classname. By default it defines # job classes for every client class, inherited from ApplicationRecord, which # can be accessed via `.default_async_job`. You can integrate it with any # other job provider by defining a class with `.perform_later(bot_id, *args)` # method. See Async::Job for implemetation. module Async module Job class << self def included(base) base.singleton_class.send :attr_accessor, :client_class end end def perform(client_id, *args) client = self.class.client_class.wrap(client_id.to_sym) client.async(false) { client.request(*args) } end end module ClassMethods def default_async_job @default_async_job ||= begin begin ApplicationJob rescue NameError raise 'Define ApplicationJob class or setup #async= with custom job class' end klass = { include Job } klass.client_class = self const_set(:AsyncJob, klass) end end # This is used in specs. def default_async_job=(val) @default_async_job = val remove_const(:AsyncJob) if const_defined?(:AsyncJob, false) end # Prepares argments for async job. ActiveJob doesn't support # Symbol in argumens. Also we can encode json bodies only once here, # so it would not be unnecessarily serialized-deserialized. # # This is stub method, which returns input. Every client class # must prepare args itself. def prepare_async_args(*args) args end end class << self def prepended(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end # Transforms symbols to strings in hash values. def prepare_hash(hash) return hash unless hash.is_a?(Hash) hash = hash.dup hash.each { |key, val| hash[key] = val.to_s if val.is_a?(Symbol) } end end attr_reader :id def initialize(*, id: nil, async: nil, **options) @id = id self.async = async super end # Sets `@async` to `self.class.default_async_job` if `true` is given # or uses given value. # Pass custom job class to perform async calls with. def async=(val) @async = case val when true then self.class.default_async_job when String then const_get(val) else val end end # Returns value of `@async` if no block is given. Otherwise sets this value # for a block. def async(val = true) return @async unless block_given? begin old_val = @async self.async = val yield ensure @async = old_val end end # Uses job if #async is set. def request(*args) job_class = async return super unless job_class raise 'Can not enqueue job without client id' unless id job_class.perform_later(id.to_s, *self.class.prepare_async_args(*args)) end end end end