Feature: Plugins Work ### #@slow_process #Scenario: acmcommits.com integration works #Given I am in a git repository named "dot_com" with acmcommits enabled #When I run `acmcommits --config` and wait for output #And I enter "dot_com" for "Plugin Name" #And I enter "true" for "enabled" #And I enter "b2a70ac0b64e012fa61522000a8c42dc" for "api_key" # Then I should be presented "Successfully Configured" # When I do a git commit # Then the output should contain "*** Preserving this moment in history." # And there should be exactly 1 jpg in "../.acmcommits/dot_com" ### Scenario: Disable loltext Given I am in a git repository named "loltext" with acmcommits enabled And I run `acmcommits --config` and wait for output And I enter "loltext" for "Plugin Name" And I enter "false" for "enabled" Then I should be presented "Successfully Configured" When I do a git commit Then the output should contain "*** Preserving this moment in history." And there should be exactly 1 jpg in "../.acmcommits/loltext" Scenario: lolsrv integration works Given I am in a git repository named "lolsrv" with acmcommits enabled When I run `acmcommits --config` and wait for output And I enter "lolsrv" for "Plugin Name" And I enter "true" for "enabled" And I enter "http://localhost" for "server" Then I should be presented "Successfully Configured" When I do a git commit Then the output should contain "*** Preserving this moment in history." And there should be exactly 1 jpg in "../.acmcommits/lolsrv"