# Abracadabra A lightweight gem for swapping out text with a fully-compliant Rails 4 form in one click. Much of the concepts and html mark-up were taken from the awesome [x-editable](http://vitalets.github.io/x-editable/) plugin and the Rails version of this, [x-editable-rails](https://github.com/werein/x-editable-rails). However, this was written from the ground up and uses fully Rails-compliant forms without hacking into x-editable's core files, or overriding them. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'abracadabra' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install abracadabra ## Usage * Requires JQuery, JQuery-UJS (rails.js), Bootstrap and Font-Awesome (unless you override the framework specific classes with CSS) In your `application.css`, AFTER Bootstrap (currently only supports Bootstrap), include the css file: ```css *= require abracadabra ``` In your `application.js`, AFTER Jquery (required), include the javascript file: ```js //= require abracadabra ``` ## Helpers The bread and butter of abracadabra is its helper, `click_to_edit`. It's pretty much as readable as it gets: ```ruby <%= click_to_edit @user, path: user_path(@user), attribute: :name %> ``` When a user clicks the link generated by this helper, a form with a text field input will replace the link. It's fully Rails compliant, and the form markup that is generated is identical to a `form_for` with `remote: true`. Here's what it looks like: ![Abracadabra Demo](http://recordit.co/CbgPTahYix.gif "Abracadabra Demo") The first parameter of `click_to_edit` is the object to be edited, and the only other required parameters are `path` and `attribute`. `path` specifies where the form will be submitted, and `attribute` specifies the column being updated. It accepts the following parameters: ```ruby ### REQUIRED ### path: user_path(@user) # Description: Specifies where the form will be submitted. attribute: :name # Description: Specifies what attribute your text field will be updating. ### OPTIONAL ### class: "my-class" # Description: Class(es) to be added to the abracadabra link. The class # "abracadabra" is added # either way. # Default: only "abracadabra" id: "my-id" # Description: ID to be added to the abracadabra link. # Default: nil (No ID) value: "blah" # Description: An alternate value, other than what object.attribute would return. # Default: object.attribute method: "patch" # Description: HTTP REST method to use. Use anything but "get". # Default: "patch" buttonless: true # Description: Removes submit and cancel buttons, submission and cancellation is then # done through the Enter/Tab and Escape keys, respectively. # Default: false remote: true # Description: Same as link_to's `remote: true`, form submits via AJAX. # Default: true # IMPORTANT: `type` will be ignored if `remote = false` is used. HTML is the default # in Rails for standard form submissions. type: :js # Description: Content type -- responds to any content type (:js and :script can both be # used to respond with Javascript). # Default: :script (:js) # IMPORTANT: On ajax:success, this will remove the specific abracadabra instance from # the DOM entirely. ALSO, this will be remote if the main form is remote. deletable: true # Boolean: DELETE will be submitted without a confirmation dialog # OR deletable: "Are you sure?" # String: Confirmation dialog, with the string as the message, will be displayed after # clicking the DELETE link # Description: Puts a link to DELETE the object (obviously, it always uses DELETE as # the HTTP verb). # Default: false deletable_path: user_path(@user) # Description: Specifies where the form will be submitted. # Default: path (uses the same path as the main form if `deletable_path` isn't declared). deletable_type: :js # Description: Deletable content type -- responds to any content type (:js and :script # can both be used to respond with Javascript). # Default: :script (:js) # Boolean: Open the next abracadabra instance after successful form submission (main # form, not the DELETE link's submission) by using `.abracadabra` as the selector. tab_to_next: true # OR tab_to_next: ".my-class" # IMPORTANT: If this is a class, this abracadabra instance MUST have the same class # as well. # String: The class or ID of the next abracadabra instance to open on successful form # submission. Use `.` before a class selector or `#` before a an ID selector just as you # would when finding an element in Javascript. # Description: Puts a link to DELETE the object (obviously, it always uses DELETE as the # HTTP verb). # Default: false submit_on_blur: true # Description: Submit form when focus leaves the input, rather than simply closing it # out. # Default: false ``` ## Configuration Abracadabra allows some customization. If you would like to change what icon classes are used for the `submit`, `cancel`, and `delete` icons, you can change them globally. In any Javascript file that loads **BEFORE** abracadabra's Javascript file that you required above, change any/all of the following variables to suit your project's needs: ```javascript abracadabraSubmitIcon = "fa fa-check"; // default abracadabraCancelIcon = "fa fa-times"; // default abracadabraDeleteIcon = "fa fa-times-circle-o"; // default ``` ## Future & Contributing 1. I would love anyone to add date pickers and other alternate field types to this. 2. I would love the different Bootstrap classes to be overridable with an initializer (config/abracadabra.rb), rather than Javascript (not sure if this is even possible), so that any framework could be used. Same with the Font-Awesome button classes. 3. I would love for a `buttons: false` option to be offered that would allow only `Tab`, `Enter` and `Escape` to submit or cancel the form submission. 4. I would love for a `tabbable: true` option to be offered that would tab to the next text input with the `abracadabra` class. Any other ideas, feel free to contribute! 1. Fork it ( http://github.com/TrevorHinesley/abracadabra/fork ) 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request