/* browserify task --------------- Bundle javascripty things with browserify! This task is set up to generate multiple separate bundles, from different sources, and to use Watchify when run from the default task. See browserify.bundleConfigs in gulp/config.js */ var browserify = require('browserify'); var watchify = require('watchify'); var bundleLogger = require('../util/bundleLogger'); var gulp = require('gulp'); var handleErrors = require('../util/handleErrors'); var source = require('vinyl-source-stream'); var config = require('../config').browserify; gulp.task('browserify', function(callback) { var bundleQueue = config.bundleConfigs.length; var browserifyThis = function(bundleConfig) { var bundler = browserify({ // Required watchify args cache: {}, packageCache: {}, fullPaths: false, // Specify the entry point of your app entries: bundleConfig.entries, // Add file extentions to make optional in your requires extensions: config.extensions, // Enable source maps! debug: config.debug }); var bundle = function() { // Log when bundling starts bundleLogger.start(bundleConfig.outputName); return bundler .bundle() // Report compile errors .on('error', handleErrors) // Use vinyl-source-stream to make the // stream gulp compatible. Specifiy the // desired output filename here. .pipe(source(bundleConfig.outputName)) // Specify the output destination .pipe(gulp.dest(bundleConfig.dest)) .on('end', reportFinished); }; if(global.isWatching) { // Wrap with watchify and rebundle on changes bundler = watchify(bundler); // Rebundle on update bundler.on('update', bundle); } var reportFinished = function() { // Log when bundling completes bundleLogger.end(bundleConfig.outputName); if(bundleQueue) { bundleQueue--; if(bundleQueue === 0) { // If queue is empty, tell gulp the task is complete. // https://github.com/gulpjs/gulp/blob/master/docs/API.md#accept-a-callback callback(); } } }; return bundle(); }; // Start bundling with Browserify for each bundleConfig specified config.bundleConfigs.forEach(browserifyThis); });