require_relative 'test_helper' describe "FastExcel::FormatExt align" do before do @workbook = true) @format = @workbook.add_format end it "should give default aligns" do assert_equal({horizontal: :align_none, vertical: :align_none}, @format.align) end it "should set align by full name" do @format.align = :align_center assert_equal({horizontal: :align_center, vertical: :align_none}, @format.align) end it "should set by string" do @format.align = "align_center" assert_equal({horizontal: :align_center, vertical: :align_none}, @format.align) end it "should set by short name" do @format.align = :center assert_equal({horizontal: :align_center, vertical: :align_none}, @format.align) end it "should set by hash" do @format.align = {v: "center", h: "center"} assert_equal({horizontal: :align_center, vertical: :align_vertical_center}, @format.align) end it "should raise exception for unknown value" do error = assert_raises(ArgumentError) do @format.align = :aaa end assert_equal(error.message, "Can not set align = :aaa, possible values are: [:align_none, :align_left, "\ ":align_center, :align_right, :align_fill, :align_justify, :align_center_across, :align_distributed, "\ ":align_vertical_top, :align_vertical_bottom, :align_vertical_center, :align_vertical_justify, :align_vertical_distributed]") end it "should raise exception for unknown hash key" do error = assert_raises(ArgumentError) do @format.align = {aaa: 1} end assert_equal(error.message, "Not allowed keys for align: [:aaa], possible keys: [:horizontal, :h, :vertical, :v]") end it "should get and set" do @format.align = {h: :center, v: :center} format2 = @workbook.add_format(align: @format.align) assert_equal({horizontal: :align_center, vertical: :align_vertical_center}, format2.align) end end describe "FastExcel::FormatExt colors" do before do workbook = true) @format = workbook.add_format end it "should set font color as hex num" do @format.font_color = 0xFF0000 assert_equal(0xFF0000, @format.font_color) end it "should set font color as hex string" do @format.font_color = '0xFF0000' assert_equal(0xFF0000, @format.font_color) end it "should set font color as css hex string" do @format.font_color = '#FF0000' assert_equal(0xFF0000, @format.font_color) end it "should set font color as short hex string" do @format.font_color = 'FF0000' assert_equal(0xFF0000, @format.font_color) end it "should set font color as name" do @format.font_color = 'red' assert_equal(0xFF0000, @format.font_color) end it "should set font css color" do @format.font_color = 'alice_blue' assert_equal(0xF0F8FF, @format.font_color) end it "should allow to use symbol" do @format.font_color = :alice_blue assert_equal(0xF0F8FF, @format.font_color) end it "should have long method for border colors" do @format.border_bottom_color = :alice_blue assert_equal(0xF0F8FF, @format.border_bottom_color) assert_equal(0xF0F8FF, @format.bottom_color) end it "should raise for unexpected type" do error = assert_raises(ArgumentError) do @format.font_color = {aaa: 1} end assert_equal(error.message, "Can not use Hash ({:aaa=>1}) for color value, expected String or Hex Number") end it "should raise for unexpected color" do error = assert_raises(ArgumentError) do @format.font_color = :aaa end assert_equal(error.message, "Unknown color value :aaa, expected hex string or color name") end end describe "FastExcel::FormatExt border" do before do workbook = true) @format = workbook.add_format end it "should set border as symbol" do @format.bottom = :border_thin assert_equal(:border_thin, @format.bottom) end it "should set border as short symbol" do @format.bottom = :thin assert_equal(:border_thin, @format.bottom) end it "should set border as string" do @format.bottom = "thin" assert_equal(:border_thin, @format.bottom) end it "should set border as number" do @format.bottom = 1 assert_equal(:border_thin, @format.bottom) end it "should set border with long prop name" do error = assert_raises(ArgumentError) do @format.border_bottom = :aaa end assert_equal(error.message, "Unknown value :aaa for border. Possible values: "\ "[:none, :thin, :medium, :dashed, :dotted, :thick, :double, :hair, :medium_dashed, "\ ":dash_dot, :medium_dash_dot, :dash_dot_dot, :medium_dash_dot_dot, :slant_dash_dot]") end it "should get value with long name" do @format.bottom = "thin" assert_equal(:border_thin, @format.border_bottom) end end