# coding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' describe HTTPClient do before :each do @client = HTTPClient.new end describe 'GET' do it 'performs normal GET' do HTTPClient.new.get(@srv.u('servlet')) do |s| expect(s).to eq 'get' end end it 'raises if bad URI' do expect { HTTPClient.get_content '/z/' }.to raise_error(HTTPClient::BadURIError) end describe '#download_file' do it 'writes to file' do file = Tempfile.new('httpcl') HTTPClient.new.download_file(@srv.u('largebody'), file.path) expect(file.read.length).to eq 1_000_000 end it 'compressed' do file = Tempfile.new('httpcl') @client.download_file(@srv.u('compressed?enc=gzip'), file.path) expect(file.read.length).to eq 25 end it 'compressed transparent' do @client.transparent_gzip_decompression = true file = Tempfile.new('httpcl') @client.download_file(@srv.u('compressed?enc=gzip'), file.path) cnt = file.read expect(cnt.length).to eq 5 expect(cnt).to eq 'hello' @client.download_file(@srv.u('compressed?enc=deflate'), file.path) cnt = file.read expect(cnt.length).to eq 5 expect(cnt).to eq 'hello' end it 'compressed large' do file = Tempfile.new('httpcl') @client.transparent_gzip_decompression = true content = @client.download_file(@srv.u('compressed_large?enc=gzip'), file.path) expect(file.read).to eq LARGE_STR content = @client.download_file(@srv.u('compressed_large?enc=deflate'), file.path) expect(file.read).to eq LARGE_STR end end describe '#get_content' do it 'normal' do expect(@client.get_content(@srv.u('hello'))).to eq 'hello' expect(@client.get_content(@srv.u('redirect1'))).to eq 'hello' expect(@client.get_content(@srv.u('redirect2'))).to eq 'hello' end it '' do url = @srv.u.sub(/localhost/, '') expect(@client.get_content(url + 'hello')).to eq 'hello' expect(@client.get_content(url + 'redirect1')).to eq 'hello' expect(@client.get_content(url + 'redirect2')).to eq 'hello' end it 'redirect callback' do called = false @client.redirect_uri_callback = lambda { |uri, res| newuri = res.header['location'][0] called = true newuri } expect(@client.get_content(@srv.u('relative_redirect'))).to eq 'hello' expect(called).to be_truthy end it 'errors' do expect { @client.get_content(@srv.u 'notfound') }.to raise_error(HTTPClient::BadResponseError) expect { @client.get_content(@srv.u 'redirect_self') }.to raise_error(HTTPClient::BadResponseError) end it 'with block' do @client.get_content(@srv.u 'hello') do |str| expect(str).to eq 'hello' end @client.get_content(@srv.u + 'redirect1') do |str| expect(str).to eq 'hello' end @client.get_content(@srv.u + 'redirect2') do |str| expect(str).to eq 'hello' end end it 'compressed' do @client.transparent_gzip_decompression = false content = @client.get_content(@srv.u 'compressed?enc=gzip') expect(content).not_to eq 'hello' expect(content).to eq GZIP_CONTENT @client.transparent_gzip_decompression = true content = @client.get_content(@srv.u 'compressed?enc=gzip') expect(content).to eq 'hello' content = @client.get_content(@srv.u 'compressed?enc=deflate') expect(content).to eq 'hello' end it 'compressed large' do @client.transparent_gzip_decompression = true content = @client.get_content(@srv.u 'compressed_large?enc=gzip') expect(content).to eq LARGE_STR content = @client.get_content(@srv.u 'compressed_large?enc=deflate') expect(content).to eq LARGE_STR end end end describe 'request' do describe 'get with block' do it 'works with filter_block: true' do @client.request(:get, @srv.u('hello')) do |str| expect(str).to eq 'hello' end end it 'works with filter_block: false' do @client.request(:get, @srv.u('hello'), filter_block: false) do |req, str| expect(req.class.name).to eq 'HTTP::Message' expect(str).to eq 'hello' end end end end describe 'agent name' do it 'default' do str = "" @client.debug_dev = str @client.get(@srv.u) lines = str.split(/(?:\r?\n)+/) expect(lines[0]).to eq '= Request' expect(lines[4]).to eq "User-Agent: HTTPClient #{HTTPClient::VERSION}" end it 'custom' do client = HTTPClient.new(nil, "agent_name_foo") str = "" client.debug_dev = str client.get(@srv.u) lines = str.split(/(?:\r?\n)+/) expect(lines[0]).to eq '= Request' expect(lines[4]).to eq 'User-Agent: agent_name_foo' end end describe 'protocol versions' do it '0.9' do @client.protocol_version = 'HTTP/0.9' @client.debug_dev = str = '' @client.test_loopback_http_response << "hello\nworld\n" res = @client.get(@srv.u 'hello') expect(res.http_version).to eq '0.9' expect(res.status).to be_nil expect(res.reason).to be_nil expect(res.content).to eq "hello\nworld\n" lines = str.split(/(?:\r?\n)+/) expect(lines[0]).to eq "= Request" expect(lines[2]).to eq "! CONNECTION ESTABLISHED" expect(lines[3]).to eq "GET /hello HTTP/0.9" expect(lines[7]).to eq "Connection: close" expect(lines[8]).to eq "= Response" expect(lines[9]).to match /^hello$/ expect(lines[10]).to match /^world$/ end it '1.0' do expect(@client.protocol_version).to be_nil @client.protocol_version = 'HTTP/1.0' expect(@client.protocol_version).to eq 'HTTP/1.0' str = "" @client.debug_dev = str @client.get(@srv.u 'hello') lines = str.split(/(?:\r?\n)+/) expect(lines[0]).to eq "= Request" expect(lines[2]).to eq "! CONNECTION ESTABLISHED" expect(lines[3]).to eq "GET /hello HTTP/1.0" expect(lines[7]).to eq "Connection: close" expect(lines[8]).to eq "= Response" end it '1.1' do expect(@client.protocol_version).to be_nil str = "" @client.debug_dev = str @client.get(@srv.u) lines = str.split(/(?:\r?\n)+/) expect(lines[0]).to eq "= Request" expect(lines[2]).to eq "! CONNECTION ESTABLISHED" expect(lines[3]).to eq "GET / HTTP/1.1" expect(lines[7]).to eq "Host: localhost:#{@srv.port}" @client.protocol_version = 'HTTP/1.1' expect(@client.protocol_version).to eq 'HTTP/1.1' str = "" @client.debug_dev = str @client.get(@srv.u) lines = str.split(/(?:\r?\n)+/) expect(lines[0]).to eq "= Request" expect(lines[2]).to eq "! CONNECTION ESTABLISHED" expect(lines[3]).to eq "GET / HTTP/1.1" @client.protocol_version = 'HTTP/1.0' str = "" @client.debug_dev = str @client.get(@srv.u) lines = str.split(/(?:\r?\n)+/) expect(lines[0]).to eq "= Request" expect(lines[2]).to eq "! CONNECTION ESTABLISHED" expect(lines[3]).to eq "GET / HTTP/1.0" end end describe 'accept' do it '*/* by default' do str = "" @client.debug_dev = str @client.get(@srv.u) lines = str.split(/(?:\r?\n)+/) expect(lines[5]).to eq "Accept: */*" end it 'sets properly' do str = "" @client.debug_dev = str @client.get(@srv.u, :header => {:Accept => 'text/html'}) lines = str.split(/(?:\r?\n)+/) expect(lines[4]).to eq "Accept: text/html" lines.each do |line| expect(line).not_to eq "Accept: */*" end end end describe 'POST' do describe '#post_content' do it 'works' do expect(@client.post_content(@srv.u('hello'))).to eq 'hello' expect(@client.post_content(@srv.u("redirect1"))).to eq 'hello' expect(@client.post_content(@srv.u("redirect2"))).to eq 'hello' end end it 'redirect callback' do called = false @client.redirect_uri_callback = lambda { |uri, res| newuri = res.header['location'][0] called = true newuri } expect(@client.post_content(@srv.u("relative_redirect"))).to eq 'hello' expect(called).to be_truthy end it 'errors' do expect { @client.post_content(@srv.u 'notfound') }.to raise_error(HTTPClient::BadResponseError) expect { @client.post_content(@srv.u 'redirect_self') }.to raise_error(HTTPClient::BadResponseError) end describe 'string io' do it do post_body = StringIO.new("1234567890") expect(@client.post_content(@srv.u("servlet"), post_body)).to eq 'post,1234567890' # all browsers use GET for 302 post_body = StringIO.new("1234567890") expect(@client.post_content(@srv.u("servlet_413"), post_body)).to eq '1234567890' expect(@client.get_content(@srv.u("servlet_redirect_413"))).to eq '' post_body = StringIO.new("1234567890") expect(@client.post_content(@srv.u("servlet_redirect_413"), post_body)).to eq '' post_body = StringIO.new("1234567890") expect(@client.post_content(@srv.u("servlet_temporary_redirect"), post_body)).to eq 'post,1234567890' post_body = StringIO.new("1234567890") expect(@client.post_content(@srv.u("servlet_see_other"), post_body)).to eq 'get' end it 'doesnt rewind' do post_body = StringIO.new("1234567890") post_body.read(5) expect(@client.post_content(@srv.u("servlet_temporary_redirect"), post_body)).to eq 'post,67890' end end end describe 'util' do it '#urify' do expect(urify(nil)).to be_nil uri = 'http://foo' # urify(uri).class.name.should eq 'HTTPClient::Util::AddressableURI' expect(urify(uri)).to eq urify(uri) expect(urify(uri).to_s).to eq uri expect(urify(urify(uri))).to eq urify(uri) end end end