= SalesKing Api Schema SalesKing API description using JSON Schema(http://json-schema.org/) For ruby users this project provides a gem with some basic utility functions besides the schema. Other languages can take advantage of the raw json files. To get a fully working ruby client take a look at http://github.com/salesking/sk-api which will be replaced soon by a new gem at http://github.com/salesking/sk_api_activeresource == Notice: This gem is used actively by SalesKing to deliver it's api resources BUT commits and changes in here might not be directly reflected. The gem version does not reflect the api version. The version, for now, is keept in the folder-name and as long as there are no major changes(breaking backwards compatibility), the version number will remain. Especially within the next couple of weeks (until beginning of march) you will see some more resources made available. Links within each resource, will also be available but still need some cleanup. == Install gem install sk_api_schema Copyright (c) 2010 Georg Leciejewski, released under the MIT license