require "fileutils" require "fog" require "json" require_relative "./utils" require_relative "./security_group" module AWS class Provision include Utils attr_accessor :aws_config, :stage, :application def initialize(stage = 'production', aws_config = {}, application = nil) @aws_config = aws_config @stage = stage @application = application end def describe_env(filter_role = nil) server_config = {} servers = [] all_regions.each do |region| compute = => :aws, :region => region) compute.servers.all.each { |s| servers << s if s.state == 'running' } end stages = {|s| s.tags["stage"] }.uniq stages.each do | st| server_config[st] = {} servers.each do |server| if server.tags["stage"] == st && !server.tags["roles"].nil? config = {} config["roles"] = server.tags["roles"].split /,\s*|:/ || [] config["alias"] = server.tags["name"] if filter_role.nil? || config["roles"].include?(filter_role) server_config[st][server.dns_name] = config end end end end server_config end def build_env raise "Settings file at ~/.fog not found" unless File.exists?("#{ENV['HOME']}/.fog") #first key_pairs key_pairs = aws_config["key_pairs"] key_pairs.each do |name, conf| create_key_pair(name, conf) end unless key_pairs.nil? security_groups = aws_config["security"] if security_groups.nil? or security_groups.size == 0 create_default_security_groups() else security_groups["ec2"].each do |name, conf| create_ec2_security_group(name, conf) end unless security_groups["ec2"].nil? security_groups["rds"].each do |name, conf| create_rds_security_group(name, conf) end unless security_groups["rds"].nil? security_groups["elasticache"].each do |name, conf| create_elasticache_security_group(name, conf) end unless security_groups["elasticache"].nil? end aws_config.each do |type, resources| case type when "ec2" resources.each do |name, conf| create_ec2_server(name, conf) end when "rds" resources.each do |name, conf| create_rds_server(name, conf) end when "s3" resources.each do |name, conf| create_s3_bucket(name, conf) end when "elb" resources.each do |name,conf| create_elb(name, conf) end when "elasticache" resources.each do |name,conf| create_elasticache_cluster(name,conf) end end end end def create_key_pair(name, config = {}) new_conf = config.inject({}){|memo,(k,v)| memo[k.to_sym] = v; memo} region = new_conf[:region] || "us-east-1" compute = => :aws, :region => region) kp = compute.key_pairs.get(name) if kp.nil? #no key pair create and write it out puts "Creating key-pair #{name}" kp = compute.key_pairs.create(:name => name) puts "Writing key into your .ssh directory and adding it to ssh agent""#{ENV['HOME']}/.ssh/#{}.pem", "w") do |io| io << kp.private_key end system("chmod 600 #{ENV['HOME']}/.ssh/#{}.pem") system("ssh-add #{ENV['HOME']}/.ssh/#{}.pem") else puts "Key-pair #{name} already exists. Skipping" end end def create_default_security_groups() create_ec2_security_group('default', {:ports => ["22", "80"]}) create_rds_security_group('default', {:ec2_security_groups => ["default"]}) end def create_ec2_security_group(name, config = {}) new_conf = config.inject({}){|memo,(k,v)| memo[k.to_sym] = v; memo} region = new_conf[:region] || "us-east-1" compute = => :aws, :region => region) sg_name = ec2_name_tag(name) sg = compute.security_groups.get(sg_name) if sg.nil? puts "Creating EC2 Secruity Group #{sg_name}" sg = compute.security_groups.create(:name => sg_name, :description => "#{name} Security Group for #{stage}") new_conf[:ingress].each do |ingress| ingress = ingress.inject({}){|memo,(k,v)| memo[k.to_sym] = v; memo} port = ingress.delete(:port) if ingress[:group_name] ingress[:group_name] = ec2_name_tag(ingress[:group_name]) sg.authorize_ip_permission(,port.to_i),ingress) else sg.authorize_port_range(,port.to_i),ingress) end end unless new_conf[:ingress].nil? else puts "EC2 Security Group #{sg_name} already exists. Skipping" end end def create_rds_security_group(name, config = {}) unless Fog.mocking? new_conf = config.inject({}){|memo,(k,v)| memo[k.to_sym] = v; memo} region = new_conf[:region] || "us-east-1" rds = => region) rdssg_name = rds_name_tag(name) rdssg = rds.security_groups.get(rdssg_name) if rdssg.nil? puts "Creating RDS Security Group #{rdssg_name}" rdssg = rds.security_groups.create(:id => rdssg_name, :description => "#{name} DB Security Group For #{stage}") new_conf[:ec2_security_groups].each do |ec2_group| rdssg.authorize_ec2_security_group("#{stage}-#{ec2_group}") end else puts "RDS Security Group #{rdssg_name} already exists. Skipping" end end end def create_elasticache_security_group(name, config = {}) unless Fog.mocking? new_conf = config.inject({}){|memo,(k,v)| memo[k.to_sym] = v; memo} region = new_conf[:region] || "us-east-1" elasticache = => region) cache_sg_name = elasticache_name_tag(name) sg_exists = false body = elasticache.describe_cache_security_groups.body sg_exists = body['CacheSecurityGroups'].any? do |group| group['CacheSecurityGroupName'] == cache_sg_name end unless sg_exists puts "Creating Elasticache Security Group #{cache_sg_name}" body = elasticache.create_cache_security_group(cache_sg_name, "#{cache_sg_name} ElastiCache Security Group for #{stage}").body new_conf[:ec2_security_groups].each do |ec2_group| compute = => :aws, :region => region) sg_name = ec2_name_tag(ec2_group) sg = compute.security_groups.get(sg_name) body = elasticache.authorize_cache_security_group_ingress( cache_sg_name,, sg.owner_id).body end else puts "Elasticache Security Group #{cache_sg_name} already exists. Skipping" end end end def create_s3_bucket(name, config = {}) new_conf = config.inject({}){|memo,(k,v)| memo[k.to_sym] = v; memo} region = new_conf[:region] || "us-east-1" storage = => :aws, :region => region) new_conf['LocationConstraint'] = new_conf.delete(:location_constraint) if new_conf[:location_constraint] begin bucket = storage.get_bucket(name) puts "S3 Bucket #{name} already exists. Skipping" rescue Excon::Errors::NotFound puts "Creating S3 Bucket #{name}" storage.put_bucket(name, new_conf) acl = new_conf[:acl] || 'public-read' storage.put_bucket_acl(name, acl) end end def create_elb(name, config = {}) new_conf = config.inject({}){|memo,(k,v)| memo[k.to_sym] = v; memo} region = new_conf[:region] || "us-east-1" elb = => region) zones = new_conf[:availability_zones] || all_availability_zones(region) elb_name = ec2_name_tag(name) lb = elb.load_balancers.get(elb_name) if lb.nil? puts "Creating Elastic Load Balancer #{elb_name}" listeners = []; if new_conf[:listeners].nil? list = Fog::AWS[:elb] listeners << { 'Listener' => list.to_params, 'PolicyNames' => [] } else new_conf[:listeners].each do |listener| listener = listener.inject({}){|memo,(k,v)| memo[k.to_sym] = v; memo} list = Fog::AWS[:elb] listeners << { 'Listener' => list.to_params, 'PolicyNames' => [] } end end lb = elb.load_balancers.create(:id => elb_name, :availability_zones => zones, 'ListenerDescriptions' => listeners) compute = => :aws, :region => region) new_conf[:ingress_for].each do |ingress| ingress = ingress.inject({}){|memo,(k,v)| memo[k.to_sym] = v; memo} port = ingress.delete(:port) sg_name = ec2_name_tag(ingress[:group_name]) sg = compute.security_groups.get(sg_name) lbsgparams = {:group_name => lb.source_group['GroupName'], :user_id => lb.source_group['OwnerAlias']} sg.authorize_ip_permission(,port.to_i),lbsgparams) end unless new_conf[:ingress_for].nil? inst_servers = new_conf[:servers].map { |s| ec2_name_tag(s) } unless new_conf[:servers].nil? list_stage_servers(region).each do |server| #the mocking seems wrong unless Fog.mocking? name = server.tags["name"] lb.register_instances( if (inst_servers.nil? or inst_servers.include?(name)) end end else puts "Elastic Load Balancer #{elb_name} already exists. Skipping" end end def create_ec2_server(name, config = {}) new_conf = config.inject({}){|memo,(k,v)| memo[k.to_sym] = v; memo} region = new_conf[:region] || "us-east-1" compute = => :aws, :region => region) default_key_name = default_params = { :availability_zone => default_availability_zone(region), :flavor_id => "m1.small", :monitoring => true, :key_name => default_key_name, :root_device_type => "instance-store" } params = default_params.merge(new_conf) params[:image_id] = default_image_id(region, params[:flavor_id], params[:root_device_type]) if params[:image_id].nil? tags = {} #need to parse all servers to see if this one exists server = find_server_by_name(name, region) #need to bork if no name in config file ec2_name = ec2_name_tag(name) unless server puts "Creating EC2 Server named #{ec2_name}" tags[:name] = ec2_name tags[:Name] = ec2_name tags[:stage] = stage if new_conf[:roles] new_conf[:roles] << stage unless new_conf[:roles].include? stage tags[:roles] = new_conf[:roles].join(', ') else tags[:roles] = "app, db, #{stage}" end params[:tags] = tags if new_conf[:groups] and new_conf[:groups].size > 0 params[:groups] = new_conf[:groups].collect { |g| "#{stage}-#{g}" } else params[:groups] = ["#{stage}-default"] end server = compute.servers.create(params) server.wait_for { ready? } else puts "EC2 Server named #{ec2_name} already exists. Skipping" end end def create_rds_server(name, config = {}) unless Fog.mocking? new_conf = config.inject({}){|memo,(k,v)| memo[k.to_sym] = v; memo} region = new_conf[:region] || "us-east-1" rds = => region) default_params = { :allocated_storage => 20, :engine => 'mysql', :master_username => 'root', :password => 'password', :backup_retention_period => 8, :multi_az => false, :db_name =>"production", :availability_zone => default_availability_zone(region), :flavor_id => 'db.m1.small' } params = default_params.merge(new_conf) params[:id] = ec2_name_tag(name) params.delete(:availability_zone) if params[:multi_az] if new_conf[:db_security_groups] and new_conf[:db_security_groups].size > 0 params[:security_group_names] = new_conf[:db_security_groups].collect { |g| rds_name_tag(g) } else params[:security_group_names] = [rds_name_tag('default')] end server = rds.servers.get(params[:id]) if server.nil? puts "Creating RDS Server #{params[:id]}" server = rds.servers.create(params) else puts "RDS Server #{params[:id]} already exists. Skipping" end else puts "Fog is mocking. Can't test with RDS Servers. Skipping" end end def create_elasticache_cluster(name, config = {}) unless Fog.mocking? new_conf = config.inject({}){|memo,(k,v)| memo[k.to_sym] = v; memo} region = new_conf[:region] || "us-east-1" elasticache = => region) default_params = { :node_type => "cache.m1.large", :num_nodes => 1, :port => 11211, :preferred_availability_zone => default_availability_zone(region) } params = default_params.merge(new_conf) if new_conf[:security_groups] and new_conf[:security_groups].size > 0 params[:security_group_names] = new_conf[:security_groups].collect { |g| elasticache_name_tag(g) } else params[:security_group_names] = [elasticache_name_tag('default')] end cluster_name = ec2_name_tag(name) cl = elasticache.clusters.get(cluster_name) unless cl puts "Creating ElastiCache cluster #{cluster_name}" params[:id] = cluster_name cl = else puts "Elasticache cluster #{cluster_name} already exists. Skipping" end end end end end