#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e if [ ! -z $DEBUG ] then set -x fi case "$DB" in postgres|postgresql) RAILSDB="postgresql" ;; mysql) RAILSDB="mysql" ;; sqlite3|sqlite) RAILSDB="sqlite3" ;; '') echo "~~> Use 'export DB=[postgres|mysql|sqlite]' to control the DB adapter" RAILSDB="sqlite3" ;; *) echo "Invalid value specified for the Solidus sandbox: DB=\"$DB\"." echo "Please use 'postgres', 'mysql', or 'sqlite' instead." exit 1 ;; esac echo "~~> Using $RAILSDB as the database engine" if [ -n $SOLIDUS_BRANCH ] then BRANCH=$SOLIDUS_BRANCH else echo "~~> Use 'export SOLIDUS_BRANCH=[master|v3.2|...]' to control the Solidus branch" BRANCH="master" fi echo "~~> Using branch $BRANCH of solidus" if [ -z $SOLIDUS_FRONTEND ] then echo "~~> Use 'export SOLIDUS_FRONTEND=[solidus_frontend|solidus_starter_frontend]' to control the Solidus frontend" SOLIDUS_FRONTEND="solidus_frontend" fi echo "~~> Using branch $SOLIDUS_FRONTEND as the solidus frontend" extension_name="solidus_product_assembly" # Stay away from the bundler env of the containing extension. function unbundled { ruby -rbundler -e'b = proc {system *ARGV}; Bundler.respond_to?(:with_unbundled_env) ? Bundler.with_unbundled_env(&b) : Bundler.with_clean_env(&b)' -- $@ } rm -rf ./sandbox unbundled bundle exec rails new sandbox --database="$RAILSDB" \ --skip-bundle \ --skip-git \ --skip-keeps \ --skip-rc \ --skip-spring \ --skip-test \ --skip-javascript if [ ! -d "sandbox" ]; then echo 'sandbox rails application failed' exit 1 fi cd ./sandbox cat <<RUBY >> Gemfile gem 'solidus', github: 'solidusio/solidus', branch: '$BRANCH' gem 'rails-i18n' gem 'solidus_i18n' gem '$extension_name', path: '..' group :test, :development do platforms :mri do gem 'pry-byebug' end end RUBY unbundled bundle install --gemfile Gemfile unbundled bundle exec rake db:drop db:create unbundled bundle exec rails generate solidus:install \ --auto-accept \ --user_class=Spree::User \ --enforce_available_locales=true \ --with-authentication=true \ --payment-method=none \ --frontend=${SOLIDUS_FRONTEND} \ $@ unbundled bundle exec rails generate solidus:auth:install --auto-run-migrations unbundled bundle exec rails generate ${extension_name}:install --auto-run-migrations echo echo "๐ Sandbox app successfully created for $extension_name!" echo "๐งช This app is intended for test purposes."