module Capistrano module Template module Helpers module DSL # rubocop: disable Metrics/AbcSize def template(from, to = nil, mode = 0640, user = nil, group = nil, locals: {}) fail ::ArgumentError, "template #{from} not found Paths: #{template_paths_lookup.paths_for_file(from).join(':')}" unless template_exists?(from) return if dry_run? template =, self, fetch(:templating_digster), locals), from), self, digest: template.digest, digest_cmd: fetch(:templating_digest_cmd), mode_test_cmd: fetch(:templating_mode_test_cmd), user_test_cmd: fetch(:templating_user_test_cmd), group_test_cmd: fetch(:templating_group_test_cmd), mode: mode, user: user, group: group, io: template.as_io ).call end # rubocop: enable Metrics/AbcSize def template_exists?(template) template_paths_lookup.template_exists?(template) end def template_file(template) template_paths_lookup.template_file(template) end def template_paths_lookup, self) end def _uploader_factory ->(*args) {*args) } end def _paths_factory ->(*args) {*args) } end def remote_path_for(path, includes_filename = false) filename = nil if includes_filename filename = File.basename(path) path = File.dirname(path) end cd_cmd = "cd #{path}" cd_cmd = "cd #{pwd_path}; #{cd_cmd}" if pwd_path remote_path = capture("/bin/bash -c '(#{cd_cmd} && pwd -P) || readlink -sf #{path}'").chomp includes_filename ? File.join(remote_path, filename) : remote_path end def _template_factory ->(from, context, digester, locals) {, context, locals: locals), digester) } end def method_missing(method_name, *args) if self.class.respond_to? method_name self.class.send(method_name, *args) else super end end def dry_run? if ::Capistrano::Configuration.respond_to?(:dry_run?) ::Capistrano::Configuration.dry_run? else ::Capistrano::Configuration.env.send(:config)[:sshkit_backend] == SSHKit::Backend::Printer end end def get_to(to, from) to ||= "#{release_path}/#{File.basename(from, '.erb')}" remote_path_for(to, true) end end end end end