# pg_search changelog ## 0.7.2 * Add :threshold option for configuring how permissive trigram searches are. ## 0.7.1 * Fix issue with {:using => :trigram, :ignoring => :accents} that generated bad SQL. (Steven Harman) ## 0.7.0 * Start requiring Ruby 1.9.2 or later. ## 0.6.4 * Fix issue with using more than two features in the same scope. ## 0.6.3 * Fix issues and deprecations for Active Record 4.0.0.rc1. ## 0.6.2 * Add workaround for issue with how ActiveRecord relations handle Arel OR nodes. ## 0.6.1 * Fix issue with Arel::InfixOperation that prevented #count from working, breaking pagination. ## 0.6.0 * Drop support for Active Record 3.0. * Address warnings in Ruby 2.0. * Remove all usages of sanitize_sql_array for future Rails 4 compatibility. * Start using Arel internally to build SQL strings (not yet complete). * Disable eager loading, fixes issue #14. * Support named schemas in pg_search:multisearch:rebuild. (Victor Olteanu) ## 0.5.7 * Fix issue with eager loading now that the Scope class has been removed. (Piotr Murach) ## 0.5.6 * PgSearch#multisearchable accepts :if and :unless for conditional inclusion in search documents table. (Francois Harbec) * Stop using array_to_string() in SQL since it is not indexable. ## 0.5.5 * Fix bug with single table inheritance. * Allow option for specifying an alternate function for unaccent(). ## 0.5.4 * Fix bug in associated_against join clause when search scope is chained after other scopes. * Fix autoloading of PgSearch::VERSION constant. ## 0.5.3 * Prevent multiple attempts to create pg_search_document within a single transaction. (JT Archie & Trace Wax) ## 0.5.2 * Don't save twice if pg_search_document is missing on update. ## 0.5.1 * Add ability to override multisearch rebuild SQL. ## 0.5 * Convert migration rake tasks into generators. * Use rake task arguments for multisearch rebuild instead of environment variable. * Always cast columns to text. ## 0.4.2 * Fill in timestamps correctly when rebuilding multisearch documents. (Barton McGuire) * Fix various issues with rebuilding multisearch documents. (Eugen Neagoe) * Fix syntax error in pg_search_dmetaphone() migration. (Casey Foster) * Rename PgSearch#rank to PgSearch#pg_search_rank and always return a Float. * Fix issue with :associated_against and non-text columns. ## 0.4.1 * Fix Active Record 3.2 deprecation warnings. (Steven Harman) * Fix issue with undefined logger when PgSearch::Document.search is already defined. ## 0.4 * Add ability to search again tsvector columns. (Kris Hicks) ## 0.3.4 * Fix issue with {:using => {:tsearch => {:prefix => true}}} and hyphens. * Get tests running against PostgreSQL 9.1 by using CREATE EXTENSION ## 0.3.3 * Backport array_agg() aggregate function to PostgreSQL 8.3 and earlier. This fixes :associated_against searches. * Backport unnest() function to PostgreSQL 8.3 and earlier. This fixes {:using => :dmetaphone} searches. * Disable {:using => {:tsearch => {:prefix => true}}} in PostgreSQL 8.3 and earlier. ## 0.3.2 * Fix :prefix search in PostgreSQL 8.x * Disable {:ignoring => :accents} in PostgreSQL 8.x ## 0.3.1 * Fix syntax error in generated dmetaphone migration. (Max De Marzi) ## 0.3 * Drop Active Record 2.0 support. * Add PgSearch.multisearch for cross-model searching. * Fix PostgreSQL warnings about truncated identifiers * Support specifying a method of rank normalisation when using tsearch. (Arthur Gunn) * Add :any_word option to :tsearch which uses OR between query terms instead of AND. (Fernando Espinosa) ## 0.2.2 * Fix a compatibility issue between Ruby 1.8.7 and 1.9.3 when using Rails 2 (James Badger) ## 0.2.1 * Backport support for searching against tsvector columns (Kris Hicks) ## 0.2 * Set dictionary to :simple by default for :tsearch. Before it was unset, which would fall back to PostgreSQL's default dictionary, usually "english". * Fix a bug with search strings containing a colon ":" * Improve performance of :associated_against by only doing one INNER JOIN per association ## 0.1.1 * Fix a bug with dmetaphone searches containing " w " (which dmetaphone maps to an empty string) ## 0.1 * Change API to {:ignoring => :accents} from {:normalizing => :diacritics} * Improve documentation * Fix bug where :associated_against would not work without an :against present ## 0.0.2 * Fix gem ownership. # ## 0.0.1 * Initial release.