// ==========================================================================
// Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework
// Copyright: ©2006-2009 Sprout Systems, Inc. and contributors.
// Portions ©2008-2009 Apple, Inc. All rights reserved.
// License: Licened under MIT license (see license.js)
// ==========================================================================
Displays a progress bar. You can display both a defined and an
indeterminate progressbar. The progress bar itself is designed to be styled
using CSS classes with the following structure:
The outer can form the boundary of the bar while the inner will be adjusted
to fit the percentage of the progress.
Creating a ProgressView accepts a number of properties, for example:
value: 50,
minimum: 0,
maximum: 100,
isIndeterminate: NO,
isEnabled: YES
Default isEnabled value is YES.
@extends SC.View
@extends SC.Control
@since SproutCore 1.0
SC.ProgressView = SC.View.extend(SC.Control, {
// ........................................
Bind this to the current value of the progress bar. Note that by default
an empty value will disable the progress bar and a multiple value will make
it indeterminate.
value: 0.50,
valueBindingDefault: SC.Binding.single().notEmpty(),
The minimum value of the progress.
minimum: 0,
minimumBindingDefault: SC.Binding.single().notEmpty(),
Optionally specify the key used to extract the minimum progress value
from the content object. If this is set to null then the minimum value
will not be derived from the content object.
@property {String}
contentMinimumKey: null,
The maximum value of the progress bar.
maximum: 1.0,
maximumBindingDefault: SC.Binding.single().notEmpty(),
Optionally specify the key used to extract the maximum progress value
from the content object. If this is set to null then the maximum value
will not be derived from the content object.
@property {String}
contentMaximumKey: null,
Set to true if the item in progress is indeterminate. This may be
overridden by the actual value.
@returns {Boolean}
isIndeterminate: NO,
isIndeterminateBindingDefault: SC.Binding.bool(),
Set to YES when the process is currently running. This will cause the
progress bar to animate, especially if it is indeterminate.
isRunning: NO,
isRunningBindingDefault: SC.Binding.bool(),
Optionally specify the key used to extract the isIndeterminate value
from the content object. If this is set to null then the isIndeterminate
value will not be derived from the content object.
@property {String}
contentIsIndeterminateKey: null,
// ........................................
classNames: 'sc-progress-view',
// ........................................
_backgroundOffset: 0,
// start animating at the end of the init() method. note that we call this
// here because we want this to make sure this function is called anytime
// the progress view is instantiated.
init: function() {
this.animateProgressBar(); // start animating...
// start/stop running animation based on isRunning state.
animateProgressBar: function() {
if (this.get('isRunning') && this.get('isVisibleInWindow')) {
this._animateProgressBar(500); // wait to start to avoid probs
}.observes('isRunning', 'isVisibleInWindow'),
_animateProgressBar: function(delay) {
if (delay===0) delay = 1000/30;
if (this.get('isRunning') && this.get('isVisibleInWindow')) {
this.invokeLater(this._animateProgressBar, delay, 0);
displayProperties: 'value minimum maximum isIndeterminate'.w(),
render: function(context, firstTime) {
var isIndeterminate = this.get('isIndeterminate');
var isRunning = this.get('isRunning');
var isEnabled = this.get('isEnabled');
var offset = (isIndeterminate && isRunning) ? (-24+Math.floor(Date.now()/75)%24) : 0;
// compute value for setting the width of the inner progress
var value;
if (!isEnabled) {
value = "0%" ;
} else if (isIndeterminate) {
value = "120%";
} else {
var minimum = this.get('minimum') || 0.0;
var maximum = this.get('maximum') || 1.0;
value = this.get('value') || 0.0;
value = (value - minimum) / (maximum - minimum);
if (value > 1.0) value = 1.0;
if(isNaN(value)) value = 0.0;
// cannot be smaller then minimum
if(valuemaximum) value = 1.0;
value = (value * 100) + "%";
var classNames = {
'sc-indeterminate': isIndeterminate,
'sc-empty': (value <= 0),
'sc-complete': (value >= 100)
if(firstTime) {
var classString = this._createClassNameString(classNames);
else {
this.$('.sc-inner').css('width', value).css('left',offset);
contentPropertyDidChange: function(target, key) {
var content = this.get('content');
.updatePropertyFromContent('value', key, 'contentValueKey', content)
.updatePropertyFromContent('minimum', key, 'contentMinimumKey', content)
.updatePropertyFromContent('maximum', key, 'contentMaximumKey', content)
.updatePropertyFromContent('isIndeterminate', key, 'contentIsIndeterminateKey', content)
_createClassNameString: function(classNames) {
var classNameArray = [], key;
for(key in classNames) {
if(!classNames.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue;
if(classNames[key]) classNameArray.push(key);
return classNameArray.join(" ");
}) ;