describe HybridPlatformsConductor::Config do it 'returns the hybrid-platforms dir correctly' do with_platforms '' do |hybrid_platforms_dir| expect(test_config.hybrid_platforms_dir).to eq hybrid_platforms_dir end end it 'returns 1 defined OS image' do with_platforms 'os_image :image1, \'/path/to/image1\'' do expect(test_config.known_os_images).to eq [:image1] end end it 'returns 1 defined OS image with its directory' do with_platforms 'os_image :image1, \'/path/to/image1\'' do expect(test_config.os_image_dir(:image1)).to eq '/path/to/image1' end end it 'returns several defined OS images' do with_platforms ' os_image :image1, \'/path/to/image1\' os_image :image2, \'/path/to/image2\' ' do expect(test_config.known_os_images.sort).to eq %i[image1 image2].sort end end it 'returns the tests provisioner correctly' do with_platforms 'tests_provisioner :test_provisioner' do expect(test_config.tests_provisioner_id).to eq :test_provisioner end end it 'accesses the platform handler repositories if needed from the config' do with_repository do |repository| with_platforms " test_platform path: '#{repository}' do |repository_path| os_image :image1, \"\#{repository_path}/image_path\" end " do expect(test_config.known_os_images.sort).to eq %i[image1].sort expect(test_config.os_image_dir(:image1)).to eq "#{repository}/image_path" end end end it 'includes several configuration files' do with_platforms ' os_image :image1, \'/path/to/image1\' include_config_from "#{__dir__}/my_conf_1.rb" include_config_from "#{__dir__}/my_conf_2.rb" ' do |hybrid_platforms_dir| File.write("#{hybrid_platforms_dir}/my_conf_1.rb", <<~EOS) os_image :image4, '/path/to/image4' include_config_from "\#{__dir__}/my_conf_3.rb" EOS File.write("#{hybrid_platforms_dir}/my_conf_2.rb", 'os_image :image2, \'/path/to/image2\'') File.write("#{hybrid_platforms_dir}/my_conf_3.rb", 'os_image :image3, \'/path/to/image3\'') expect(test_config.known_os_images.sort).to eq %i[image1 image2 image3 image4].sort end end it 'applies nodes specific configuration to all nodes by default' do with_platforms ' expect_tests_to_fail :my_test, \'Failure reason\' ' do expect(test_config.expected_failures).to eq [ { nodes_selectors_stack: [], reason: 'Failure reason', tests: [:my_test] } ] end end it 'filters nodes specific configuration to nodes sets in a scope' do with_platforms ' for_nodes(%w[node1 node2 node3]) do expect_tests_to_fail :my_test_1, \'Failure reason 1\' end expect_tests_to_fail :my_test_2, \'Failure reason 2\' ' do sort_proc = proc { |expected_failure_info| expected_failure_info[:reason] } expect(test_config.expected_failures.sort_by(&sort_proc)).to eq [ { nodes_selectors_stack: [%w[node1 node2 node3]], reason: 'Failure reason 1', tests: [:my_test_1] }, { nodes_selectors_stack: [], reason: 'Failure reason 2', tests: [:my_test_2] } ].sort_by(&sort_proc) end end it 'filters nodes specific configuration in a scoped stack' do with_platforms ' for_nodes(%w[node1 node2 node3]) do expect_tests_to_fail :my_test_1, \'Failure reason 1\' for_nodes(%w[node2 node3 node4]) do expect_tests_to_fail :my_test_2, \'Failure reason 2\' end end ' do sort_proc = proc { |expected_failure_info| expected_failure_info[:reason] } expect(test_config.expected_failures.sort_by(&sort_proc)).to eq [ { nodes_selectors_stack: [%w[node1 node2 node3]], reason: 'Failure reason 1', tests: [:my_test_1] }, { nodes_selectors_stack: [%w[node1 node2 node3], %w[node2 node3 node4]], reason: 'Failure reason 2', tests: [:my_test_2] } ].sort_by(&sort_proc) end end it 'returns the expected failures correctly' do with_platforms ' expect_tests_to_fail :my_test_1, \'Failure reason 1\' expect_tests_to_fail %i[my_test_2 my_test_3], \'Failure reason 23\' for_nodes(%w[node1 node2 node3]) do expect_tests_to_fail :my_test_4, \'Failure reason 4\' end ' do sort_proc = proc { |expected_failure_info| expected_failure_info[:reason] } expect(test_config.expected_failures.sort_by(&sort_proc)).to eq [ { nodes_selectors_stack: [], reason: 'Failure reason 1', tests: [:my_test_1] }, { nodes_selectors_stack: [], reason: 'Failure reason 23', tests: %i[my_test_2 my_test_3] }, { nodes_selectors_stack: [%w[node1 node2 node3]], reason: 'Failure reason 4', tests: [:my_test_4] } ].sort_by(&sort_proc) end end it 'returns the retriable errors correctly' do with_platforms ' retry_deploy_for_errors_on_stdout \'Retry stdout global\' retry_deploy_for_errors_on_stderr [ \'Retry stderr global\', /.+Retry stderr regexp global/ ] for_nodes(%w[node1 node2 node3]) do retry_deploy_for_errors_on_stdout \'Retry stdout nodes\' retry_deploy_for_errors_on_stderr \'Retry stderr nodes\' end ' do sort_proc = proc { |retriable_error_info| ((retriable_error_info[:errors_on_stdout] || []) + (retriable_error_info[:errors_on_stderr] || [])).first.to_s } expect(test_config.retriable_errors.sort_by(&sort_proc)).to eq [ { nodes_selectors_stack: [], errors_on_stdout: ['Retry stdout global'] }, { nodes_selectors_stack: [], errors_on_stderr: ['Retry stderr global', /.+Retry stderr regexp global/] }, { nodes_selectors_stack: [%w[node1 node2 node3]], errors_on_stdout: ['Retry stdout nodes'] }, { nodes_selectors_stack: [%w[node1 node2 node3]], errors_on_stderr: ['Retry stderr nodes'] } ].sort_by(&sort_proc) end end it 'returns the deployment schedules correctly' do with_platforms ' deployment_schedule(\'2020-05-01 11:22:33 UTC\'))) for_nodes(%w[node1 node2 node3]) do deployment_schedule(\'2020-05-02 22:33:44 UTC\'))) end ' do sort_proc = proc { |deployment_schedule_info| deployment_schedule_info[:schedule].to_ical } expect(test_config.deployment_schedules.sort_by(&sort_proc)).to eq [ { nodes_selectors_stack: [], schedule:'2020-05-01 11:22:33 UTC')) }, { nodes_selectors_stack: [%w[node1 node2 node3]], schedule:'2020-05-02 22:33:44 UTC')) } ].sort_by(&sort_proc) end end it 'returns the deployment schedules correctly using the daily helper' do with_platforms 'deployment_schedule(daily_at(\'11:22:33\'))' do schedule = test_config.deployment_schedules.first[:schedule] expect(Time.parse("#{schedule.start_time.strftime('%F')} 00:00:00")).to be <= expect(schedule.start_time.strftime('%T')).to eq '11:22:33' expect(schedule.recurrence_rules.first.to_hash).to eq( validations: {}, rule_type: 'IceCube::DailyRule', interval: 1 ) end end it 'returns the deployment schedules correctly using the weekly helper' do with_platforms 'deployment_schedule(weekly_at(:monday, \'11:22:33\'))' do schedule = test_config.deployment_schedules.first[:schedule] expect(Time.parse("#{schedule.start_time.strftime('%F')} 00:00:00")).to be <= expect(schedule.start_time.strftime('%T')).to eq '11:22:33' expect(schedule.recurrence_rules.first.to_hash).to eq( validations: { day: [1] }, week_start: 0, rule_type: 'IceCube::WeeklyRule', interval: 1 ) end end end