require 'benchmark' # A simple profiling callback system. # # @api public module Puppet::Util::Profiler require 'puppet/util/profiler/wall_clock' require 'puppet/util/profiler/object_counts' require 'puppet/util/profiler/around_profiler' @profiler = # Reset the profiling system to the original state # # @api private def self.clear @profiler.clear end # Retrieve the current list of profilers # # @api private def self.current @profiler.current end # @param profiler [#profile] A profiler for the current thread # @api private def self.add_profiler(profiler) @profiler.add_profiler(profiler) end # @param profiler [#profile] A profiler to remove from the current thread # @api private def self.remove_profiler(profiler) @profiler.remove_profiler(profiler) end # Profile a block of code and log the time it took to execute. # # This outputs logs entries to the Puppet masters logging destination # providing the time it took, a message describing the profiled code # and a leaf location marking where the profile method was called # in the profiled hierachy. # # @param message [String] A description of the profiled event # @param metric_id [Array] A list of strings making up the ID of a metric to profile # @param block [Block] The segment of code to profile # @api public def self.profile(message, metric_id, &block) @profiler.profile(message, metric_id, &block) end end