# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- require 'rubygems' require 'open-uri' require 'vortex_client' require 'uri' require 'nokogiri' require 'htmlentities' require 'json' require 'iconv' class MigrateSuicidologi attr :vortex, :uri def initialize(url) @vortex = Vortex::Connection.new(url,:osx_keychain => true) @uri = URI.parse(url) end # Common regexp for title and introduction def clean_string(string) string = string.gsub(/\r|\n/,'').sub(/^ */,'').sub(/\s*$/,'').gsub(/ +/,' ') coder = HTMLEntities.new() string = coder.decode(string) # Remove html entities return string end # Return a list of all documents found, recursively. def crawler(url) result = [] doc = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(open(url)) row = doc.xpath("//tr[4]").first while(row)do row_doc = Nokogiri::HTML(row.to_s) link = row_doc.xpath("//a").first if(link)then href = url + link.attribute("href").value if(href =~ /\/$/)then result = result + crawler(href) else result << href end end row = row.next end return result end # Scrape an issue def scrape_periodical(url) html = open(url).read doc = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(html) # Detect encoding doc.encoding = 'iso-8859-1' if(doc.to_s =~ /æ|ø|å/)then puts "Encoding detected: iso-8859-1" else doc2 = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(html) doc2.encoding = 'utf-8' if(doc2.to_s =~ /æ|ø|å/)then # This method only works for norwegian puts "Encoding detected: utf-8" doc = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(html) doc.encoding = 'utf-8' else puts "Encoding detected: unknown" end end issue = { } issue[:title] = clean_string( doc.css('.MenuHeading1').inner_text ) issue[:title] =~ /,(.*)/ folder_title = clean_string( $1 ) folder_title = folder_title[0..0].upcase + folder_title[1..9999] issue[:folder_title] = folder_title issue[:introduction] = clean_string( doc.css('.MenuHeading2').inner_text ) issue[:body] = clean_html(doc.xpath("//ul")).to_s url =~ /([^\/]*)-(.*)\..*$/ issue[:year] = $1 issue[:folder_name] = $2 url =~ /([^\/|]*)\.html$/ path = 'http://www.med.uio.no/ipsy/ssff/suicidologi/' + $1 + "/" issue[:files] = crawler(path) return issue end # Remove unwanted tags from body def clean_html(doc) # Remove font tags doc.xpath('//font').each do |node| node.children.each do |child| child.parent = node.parent end node.remove end # Remove path to links: doc.xpath('//a').each do |node| href = node.attr("href") href =~ /([^\/]*)$/ node.set_attribute("href", $1) end # Remove
tags within li elements doc.xpath('//li').each do |li| li.xpath('//br').each do |br| br.remove end end # Remove

tags within li elements doc.xpath('//li').each do |li| li.xpath('//p').each do |p| p.children.each do |child| child.parent = p.parent end p.remove end end return doc end def create_folders(issue) puts "Creating folders?" year_folder = @uri.path + issue[:year] if(not(@vortex.exists?(year_folder)))then puts " Creating folder #{year_folder}/" @vortex.mkdir(year_folder) @vortex.proppatch(year_folder, 'article-listing') @vortex.proppatch(year_folder, 'article-listing') end issue_folder = year_folder + "/" + issue[:folder_name] if(not(@vortex.exists?(issue_folder)))then puts " Creating folder #{issue_folder}/" @vortex.mkdir(issue_folder) @vortex.proppatch(issue_folder, 'article-listing') @vortex.proppatch(issue_folder, 'article-listing') @vortex.proppatch(issue_folder, '' + issue[:folder_title] + '') end end def copy_files(issue) puts "Copying pdf files." issue[:files].each do |url| url =~ /([^\/]*)$/ basename = $1 content = open(url).read path = @uri.path + issue[:year] + "/" + issue[:folder_name] + "/" + basename puts url + " => " + path @vortex.put_string(path,content) end end def publish_article(issue) puts "Publising article" pathname = @uri.path + issue[:year] + "/" + issue[:folder_name] + "/index.html" article = Vortex::StructuredArticle.new(:title => issue[:title], :introduction => issue[:introduction], :body => issue[:body], :url => pathname, :publishedDate => Time.now ) #, # :author => "Halvor Aarnes") path = @vortex.publish(article) end def migrate_issue(url) issue = scrape_periodical(url) debug = false if(debug)then puts "Year : '#{issue[:year]}'" puts "folder: '#{issue[:folder_name]}' / '#{issue[:folder_title]}'" puts "Tittel: '#{issue[:title]}'" puts "Intro : '#{issue[:introduction]}'" puts "Body : '#{issue[:body][0..110]}.." end # require 'pp' # pp issue[:files] # puts create_folders(issue) publish_article(issue) copy_files(issue) end def migrate_all_issues(url) files =crawler(url) files.each do |file| migrate_issue(file) puts file end end end # Scrape all webpages found in src_url and store in dest_url dest_url = 'https://nyweb1-dav.uio.no/konv/ssff/suicidologi/' src_url = 'http://www.med.uio.no/ipsy/ssff/suicidologi/innholdsfortegnelser/' migration = MigrateSuicidologi.new(dest_url) migration.migrate_all_issues(src_url) # url = 'http://www.med.uio.no/ipsy/ssff/suicidologi/innholdsfortegnelser/2009-nr1.html' # TODO # - Sette publisert dato til år og ....? # - Alle ingressene har tegnsettproblemer? Iconv?