=begin Copyright 2010-2014 Tasos Laskos This file is part of the Arachni Framework project and is subject to redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Arachni Framework web site for more information on licensing and terms of use. =end module Arachni # It holds page data like elements, cookies, headers, etc... # # @author Tasos "Zapotek" Laskos class Page include Utilities class Error < Arachni::Error end require_relative 'page/dom' require_relative 'page/scope' # @param [String] url # URL to fetch. # @param [Hash] opts # @option opts [Integer] :precision (2) # How many times to request the page and examine changes between requests. # Used tp identify nonce tokens etc. # @option opts [Hash] :http # HTTP {HTTP::Client#get request} options. # @param [Block] block # Block to which to pass the page object. If given, the request will be # performed asynchronously. If no block is given, the page will be fetched # synchronously and be returned by this method. # # @return [Page] def self.from_url( url, opts = {}, &block ) responses = [] opts[:precision] ||= 2 opts[:precision].times do HTTP::Client.get( url, opts[:http] || {} ) do |res| responses << res next if responses.size != opts[:precision] block.call( from_response( responses ) ) if block_given? end end if !block_given? HTTP::Client.run from_response( responses ) end end # @param [HTTP::Response] response # HTTP response to parse. # # @return [Page] def self.from_response( response ) Parser.new( response ).page end # @option options [String] :url # URL of the page. # @option options [String] :body # Body of the page. # @option options [Array] :links # {Link} elements. # @option options [Array
] :forms # {Form} elements. # @option options [Array] :cookies # {Cookie} elements. # @option options [Array
] :headers # {Header} elements. # @option options [Array] :cookie_jar # {Cookie} elements with which to update the HTTP cookiejar before # auditing. # @option options [Array] :paths # Paths contained in the page. # @option options [Array] :request # {Request#initialize} options. def self.from_data( data ) data = data.dup data[:response] ||= {} data[:response][:code] ||= 200 data[:response][:url] ||= data.delete( :url ) data[:response][:body] ||= data.delete( :body ) || '' data[:response][:request] ||= {} data[:response][:request][:url] ||= data[:response][:url] data[:links] ||= [] data[:forms] ||= [] data[:cookies] ||= [] data[:headers] ||= [] data[:cookie_jar] ||= [] data[:response][:request] = Arachni::HTTP::Request.new( data[:response][:request] ) data[:response] = Arachni::HTTP::Response.new( data[:response] ) new data end ELEMENTS = [ :links, :forms, :cookies, :headers, :link_templates ] # @return [DOM] # DOM snapshot. attr_accessor :dom # @return [HTTP::Response] # HTTP response. attr_reader :response # @return [Hash] # # @private attr_reader :cache # @return [Hash] # Holds page data that will need to persist between {#clear_cache} calls # and other utility data. attr_reader :metadata # @return [Set] # Audit whitelist based on {Element::Capabilities::Auditable#coverage_hash}. # # @see #update_element_audit_whitelist # @see #audit_element? # @see Check::Auditor#skip? attr_reader :element_audit_whitelist # Needs either a `:parser` or a `:response` or user provided data. # # @param [Hash] options # Hash from which to set instance attributes. # @option options [Array, HTTP::Response] :response # HTTP response of the page -- or array of responses for the page for # content refinement. # @option options [Parser] :parser # An instantiated {Parser}. def initialize( options ) fail ArgumentError, 'Options cannot be empty.' if options.empty? options = options.dup @cache = {} @do_not_audit_elements = options.delete(:do_not_audit_elements) @cache[:parser] = options.delete(:parser) @response = @cache[:parser].response if @cache[:parser] # We need to know whether or not the page has been dynamically updated # with elements, in order to optimize #dup and #hash operations. @has_custom_elements = Set.new @metadata ||= {} options.each do |k, v| send( "#{k}=", try_dup( v ) ) end @dom = DOM.new( (options[:dom] || {}).merge( page: self ) ) fail ArgumentError, 'No URL given!' if !url Platform::Manager.fingerprint( self ) @element_audit_whitelist ||= [] @element_audit_whitelist = Set.new( @element_audit_whitelist ) end # @return [Scope] def scope @scope = Scope.new( self ) end # @return [Object] # Object which performed the {#request} which lead to this page. def performer request.performer end # @return [Arachni::URI] def parsed_url Arachni::URI( url ) end # @return [Parser] def parser return if !@response return @cache[:parser] if @cache[:parser] @cache[:parser] = Parser.new( @response ) # The page may have a browser-assigned body, set it as the one to parse. @cache[:parser].body = body @cache[:parser] end # @param [Array] list # Audit whitelist based on {Element::Capabilities::Auditable elements} or # {Element::Capabilities::Auditable#coverage_hash}s. # # @return [Set] {#element_audit_whitelist} # # @see #element_audit_whitelist # @see Check::Auditor#skip? def update_element_audit_whitelist( list ) [list].flatten.each do |e| @element_audit_whitelist << (e.is_a?( Integer ) ? e : e.coverage_hash ) end end # @param [Element::Capabilities::Auditable, Integer] element # Element or {Element::Capabilities::Auditable#coverage_hash}. # # @return [Bool] # `true` if the element should be audited, `false` otherwise. # # @see #element_audit_whitelist # @see Check::Auditor#skip? def audit_element?( element ) return if @do_not_audit_elements return true if @element_audit_whitelist.empty? @element_audit_whitelist.include?( element.is_a?( Integer ) ? element : element.coverage_hash ) end # It forces {#audit_element?} to always returns false. def do_not_audit_elements @do_not_audit_elements = true end # @return [HTTP::Request] # HTTP request. def request response.request end # @return [String] # URL of the page. def url @url ||= @response.url end # @return [String] # URL of the page. def code return 0 if !@code && !response @code ||= response.code end # @return [Hash] # {#url URL} query parameters. def query_vars @cache[:query_vars] ||= uri_parse_query( url ) end # @return [String] # HTTP response body. def body return '' if !@body && !@response @body ||= response.body end # @param [String] string # Page body. def body=( string ) @has_javascript = nil clear_cache @body = string.to_s.dup.freeze end ELEMENTS.each do |type| parser_method = type parser_method = :cookies_to_be_audited if type == :cookies define_method type do @cache[type] ||= assign_page_to_elements( parser ? parser.send(parser_method) : [] ) end define_method "#{type}=" do |elements| @has_custom_elements << type @cache[type] = assign_page_to_elements( elements ) end end # @return [Array] # Cookies extracted from the supplied cookie-jar. def cookie_jar @cookie_jar ||= (parser ? parser.cookie_jar : []) end # @return [Array] # Paths contained in this page. # # @see Parser#paths def paths @cache[:paths] ||= parser ? parser.paths : [] end # @return [Platform] # Applicable platforms for the page. def platforms Platform::Manager[url] end # @return [Array] # All page elements. def elements ELEMENTS.map { |type| send( type ) }.flatten end # @return [String] # The request method that returned the page def method( *args ) return super( *args ) if args.any? response.request.method end # @return [Nokogiri::HTML] # Parsed {#body HTML} document. def document @cache[:document] ||= (parser.nil? ? Nokogiri::HTML( body ) : parser.document) end # @note Will preserve caches for elements which have been externally modified. # # @return [Page] # `self` with caches cleared. def clear_cache ELEMENTS.each do |type| next if @has_custom_elements.include? type # Remove the association to this page before clearing the elements # from cache to make it easier on the GC. (@cache[type] || []).each { |e| e.page = nil } end @cache.delete_if { |k, _| !@has_custom_elements.include? k } self end def prepare_for_report # We want a hard clear, that's why we don't call #clear_cache. @cache.clear # If we're dealing with binary data remove it before storing. if !text? response.body = nil self.body = nil end @cookie_jar.clear if @cookie_jar @dom.digest = nil @dom.skip_states = nil self end # @return [Boolean] # `true` if the page contains client-side code, `false` otherwise. def has_script? return @has_javascript if !@has_javascript.nil? if !response.headers.content_type.to_s.start_with?( 'text/html' ) || !text? || !document return @has_javascript = false end # First check, quick and simple. return @has_javascript = true if document.css( 'script' ).any? # Check for event attributes, if there are any then there's JS to be # executed. Browser::Javascript.events.flatten.each do |event| return @has_javascript = true if document.xpath( "//*[@#{event}]" ).any? end # If there's 'javascript:' in 'href' and 'action' attributes then # there's JS to be executed. [:action, :href].each do |candidate| document.xpath( "//*[@#{candidate}]" ).each do |attribute| if attribute.attributes[candidate.to_s].to_s.start_with?( 'javascript:' ) return @has_javascript = true end end end @has_javascript = false end # @return [Boolean] # `true` if the body of the page is text-base, `false` otherwise. def text? return false if !response response.text? end # @return [String] # Title of the page. def title document.css( 'title' ).first.text rescue nil end # @return [Hash] # Converts the page data to a hash. def to_h skip = [:@document, :@do_not_audit_elements, :@has_custom_elements, :@scope] instance_variables.inject({}) do |h, iv| next h if skip.include? iv h[iv.to_s.gsub( '@', '').to_sym] = try_dup( instance_variable_get( iv ) ) h end.merge(@cache).tap { |h| h.delete :parser } end alias :to_hash :to_h def persistent_hash digest.persistent_hash end def hash digest.hash end def ==( other ) hash == other.hash end def eql?( other ) self == other end def dup self.class.new to_initialization_options end def to_initialization_options h = {} [:body, :cookie_jar, :element_audit_whitelist, :metadata].each do |m| h[m] = try_dup( instance_variable_get( "@#{m}".to_sym ) ) h.delete( m ) if !h[m] end ELEMENTS.each do |type| next if !@has_custom_elements.include?( type ) h[type] = @cache[type] if !h[type] || h[type].empty? h.delete( type ) next end h[type] = h[type].map { |e| c = e.dup; c.page = nil; c } end h[:response] = response h[:do_not_audit_elements] = @do_not_audit_elements h[:dom] = dom.to_h.keys.inject({}) do |dh, k| dh[k] = try_dup( dom.send( k ) ) dh end h end # @return [Hash] # Data representing this instance that are suitable the RPC transmission. def to_rpc_data data = to_initialization_options.stringify_keys(false) data['dom'] = dom.to_rpc_data data['element_audit_whitelist'] = element_audit_whitelist.to_a data['response'] = data['response'].to_rpc_data %w(links forms cookies).each do |e| next if !data[e] data[e] = send(e).map(&:to_rpc_data) end data.delete 'cookie_jar' data end # @param [Hash] data # {#to_rpc_data} # # @return [Page] def self.from_rpc_data( data ) dom = data.delete('dom') normalized_data = {} data.each do |name, value| value = case name when 'response' HTTP::Response.from_rpc_data( value ) when 'metadata' sanitized = {} %w(link form cookie header).each do |e| next if !value[e] || !value[e]['nonces'] sanitized[e.to_sym] = {} sanitized[e.to_sym][:nonces] = value[e]['nonces'] end sanitized when 'links', 'forms', 'cookies' value.map do |e| Element.const_get(name[0...-1].capitalize.to_sym).from_rpc_data( e ) end.to_a else value end normalized_data[name.to_sym] = value end instance = new( normalized_data ) instance.instance_variable_set( '@dom', DOM.from_rpc_data( dom.merge( page: instance ) ) ) instance end def _dump( _ ) Marshal.dump( to_initialization_options ) end def self._load( data ) new( Marshal.load( data ) ) end private def digest element_hashes = [] ELEMENTS.each do |type| next if !@has_custom_elements.include?( type ) || !(list = @cache[type]) element_hashes |= list.map(&:hash) end "#{dom.playable_transitions.hash}:#{body.hash}#{element_hashes.sort}" end [:url, :response, :cookie_jar, :element_audit_whitelist, :metadata].each do |attribute| attr_writer attribute end def paths=( paths ) @cache[:paths] = paths end def assign_page_to_elements( list ) list.map do |e| e.page = self store_nonce_to_metadata e restore_nonce_from_metadata e e end.freeze end def store_nonce_to_metadata( element ) ensure_metadata_nonces( element ) return if !element.respond_to?(:has_nonce?) || !element.has_nonce? @metadata[element.type][:nonces][element.coverage_hash] = element.nonce_name end def restore_nonce_from_metadata( element ) ensure_metadata_nonces( element ) return if !element.respond_to?(:nonce_name=) || element.has_nonce? element.nonce_name = @metadata[element.type][:nonces][element.coverage_hash] end def ensure_metadata_nonces( element ) @metadata[element.type] ||= {} @metadata[element.type][:nonces] ||= {} end def try_dup( v ) v.dup rescue v end end end