require 'mittsu/math' module Mittsu class Color attr_accessor :r, :g, :b def initialize(*args) case args.length when 3 then self.set_rgb(*args) when 1 then self.set(args.first) when 0 then self.set_rgb(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) else raise ArgumentError, "Arguments must be (r, g, b), (color), or none" end end def set(value) case value when Color self.copy(value) when Fixnum self.set_hex(value) when String self.set_style(value) else raise ArgumentError, "Arguments must be Color, Fixnum or String" end self end def set_hex(hex) hex = hex.floor @r = (hex >> 16 & 255) / 255.0 @g = (hex >> 8 & 255) / 255.0 @b = (hex & 255) / 255.0 self end def set_rgb(r, g, b) @r = r.to_f @g = g.to_f @b = b.to_f self end def set_hsl(h, s, l) # h,s,l ranges are in 0.0 - 1.0 if @r = @g = @b = l else p = l <= 0.5 ? l * (1.0 + s) : l + s - (l * s) q = (2.0 * l) - p @r = hue2rgb(q, p, h + 1.0 / 3.0) @g = hue2rgb(q, p, h) @b = hue2rgb(q, p, h - 1.0 / 3.0) end self end def set_style(style) # rgb(255,0,0) if /^rgb\((\d+), ?(\d+), ?(\d+)\)$/i =~ style @r = [255.0, $1.to_f].min / 255.0 @g = [255.0, $2.to_f].min / 255.0 @b = [255.0, $3.to_f].min / 255.0 return self end # rgb(100%,0%,0%) if /^rgb\((\d+)\%, ?(\d+)\%, ?(\d+)\%\)$/i =~ style @r = [100.0, $1.to_f].min / 100.0 @g = [100.0, $2.to_f].min / 100.0 @b = [100.0, $3.to_f].min / 100.0 return self end # #ff0000 if /^\#([0-9a-f]{6})$/i =~ style self.set_hex($1.hex) return self end # #f00 if /^\#([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])$/i =~ style self.set_hex(($1 + $1 + $2 + $2 + $3 + $3).hex) return self end # red if /^(\w+)$/i =~ style self.set_hex(Mittsu::ColorKeywords[style]) return self end end def copy(color) @r = color.r @g = color.g @b = color.b self end def copy_gamma_to_linear(color, gamma_factor = 2.0) @r = color.r ** gamma_factor @g = color.g ** gamma_factor @b = color.b ** gamma_factor self end def copy_linear_to_gamma(color, gamma_factor = 2.0) safe_inverse = (gamma_factor > 0) ? (1.0 / gamma_factor) : 1.0 @r = color.r ** safe_inverse @g = color.g ** safe_inverse @b = color.b ** safe_inverse self end def convert_gamma_to_linear rr, gg, bb = @r, @g, @b @r = rr * rr @g = gg * gg @b = bb * bb self end def convert_linear_to_gamma @r = Math.sqrt(@r) @g = Math.sqrt(@g) @b = Math.sqrt(@b) self end def hex (@r * 255).to_i << 16 ^ (@g * 255).to_i << 8 ^ (@b * 255).to_i << 0 end def hex_string ('000000' + self.hex.to_s(16))[-6..-1] end def hsl(target = nil) # h,s,l ranges are in 0.0 - 1.0 hsl = target || { h: 0.0, s: 0.0, l: 0.0 } rr, gg, bb = @r, @g, @b max = [r, g, b].max min = [r, g, b].min hue, saturation = nil, nil lightness = (min + max) / 2.0 if min == max hue = 0.0 saturation = 0.0 else delta = max - min saturation = lightness <= 0.5 ? delta / (max + min) : delta / (2.0 - max - min) case max when rr then hue = (gg - bb) / delta + (gg < bb ? 6.0 : 0.0) when gg then hue = (bb - rr) / delta + 2.0 when bb then hue = (rr - gg) / delta + 4.0 end hue /= 6.0 end hsl[:h] = hue hsl[:s] = saturation hsl[:l] = lightness hsl end def style "rgb(#{ (@r * 255).to_i },#{ (@g * 255).to_i },#{ (@b * 255).to_i })" end def offset_hsl(h, s, l) hsl = self.hsl hsl[:h] += h hsl[:s] += s hsl[:l] += l self.set_hsl(hsl[:h], hsl[:s], hsl[:l]) self end def add(color) @r += color.r @g += color.g @b += color.b self end def add_colors(color1, color2) @r = color1.r + color2.r @g = color1.g + color2.g @b = color1.b + color2.b self end def add_scalar(s) @r += s @g += s @b += s self end def multiply(color) @r *= color.r @g *= color.g @b *= color.b self end def multiply_scalar(s) @r *= s @g *= s @b *= s self end def lerp(color, alpha) @r += (color.r - @r) * alpha @g += (color.g - @g) * alpha @b += (color.b - @b) * alpha self end def equals(c) (c.r == @r) && (c.g == @g) && (c.b == @b) end def from_array(array) @r = array[0] @g = array[1] @b = array[2] self end def to_array(array = [], offset = 0) array[offset] = @r array[offset + 1] = @g array[offset + 2] = @b array end def clone, @g, @b) end private def hue2rgb(p, q, t) t += 1.0 if t < 0.0 t -= 1.0 if t > 1.0 return p + (q - p) * 6.0 * t if t < 1.0 / 6.0 return q if t < 1.0 / 2.0 return p + (q - p) * 6.0 * (2.0 / 3.0 - t) if t < 2.0 / 3.0 p end end end