== 3.5.0 - 2013/03/10 * Browser#name returns :internet_explorer instead of :ie. * Element#visible? returns true for child element with visibility set to visible even if parent has visibility set to hidden. Fixes #52. * Loosen up RAutomation dependency version. * Make FileField window titles, button values etc configurable for multi language environments. Closes #50. * When searching elements with :css locator then elements should be of class Watir::Element. Closes https://github.com/watir/watir/issues/7 == 3.4.0 - 2013/01/06 * All deprecated methods will print out warnings. * Documentation overhaul - http://rubydoc.info/github/watir/watir-classic/frames * Element#flash returns self instead of nil. * Fix frame locator in Frame#attach_command (issue #45). * Remove :zero_based_indexing option - from now on all index options are starting from zero. * Remove global variable $HIDE_IE - use IE.visible= method instead. Support for command line switch -b is also removed. * Remove global varialbe $FAST_SPEED - IE.speed= method instead. Support for command line switch -f is also removed. * Remove IE#close_all - use browser.windows.each(&:close) instead. * Remove IE#close_modal - use browser.modal_dialog.close instead. * Remove IE#close_others - use browser.windows.reject(&:current?).each(&:close) instead. * Remove unused ie-new-process.rb. * Remove unused PageContainer module. * Remove unused PageContainer#check_for_http_error. * Remove unused PageContainer#enabled_popup - use browser.modal_dialog instead. == 3.3.0 - 2012/10/27 * Add support for optional Element#style property argument, which allows to get specific css style attribute value. * Add support for locating Link by a :name. Fixes #42. * Avoid endless loop when focusing elements inside of a frame. Closes #41. * Cookies#delete handles the situation if browser is on about:blank. * Remove Image#file_created_date method since IE does not provide accurate information. Closes #36. * Use MultiJSON gem instead of the Yajl::Ruby gem as a dependency for parsing #execute_script results. == 3.2.0 - 2012/09/17 * Add Element#browser method as an alias for Element#page_container. * Fix SelectList#{select|clear} to fire onChange events for