class Ufo::CLI class Scale < Base delegate :service, :service?, :stack_resources, to: :info def initialize(options={}) super @desired = options[:desired] @min = options[:min] @max = options[:max] end def update unless service? logger.error "ERROR: Unable to find the #{service}.".color(:red) logger.error "Are you sure you are trying to scale the right app?" exit 1 end unless @desired || @min || @max <<~EOL No --desired --min or --max options provided Not taking any actions EOL return end "Configuring scaling settings for #{@stack_name}" set_desired_count set_autoscaling warning end def set_desired_count return unless @desired ecs.update_service( service: service.service_name, cluster: @cluster, desired_count: @desired ) "Configured desired count to #{@desired}" end def set_autoscaling return unless @min || @max scalable_target = stack_resources.find do |r| r.logical_resource_id == "ScalingTarget" end register_scalable_target(scalable_target) "Configured autoscaling to min: #{@min} max: #{@max}" end def register_scalable_target(scalable_target) # service/dev/app1-web-dev-EcsService-Q0XkN6VtxGWv|ecs:service:DesiredCount|ecs resource_id, scalable_dimension, service_namespace = scalable_target.physical_resource_id.split('|') applicationautoscaling.register_scalable_target( max_capacity: @max, min_capacity: @min, resource_id: resource_id, scalable_dimension: scalable_dimension, service_namespace: service_namespace, ) rescue Aws::ApplicationAutoScaling::Errors::ValidationException => e logger.error "ERROR: #{e.class} #{e.message}".color(:red) exit 1 end def warning autoscaling = Ufo.config.autoscaling return if autoscaling.manual_changes.warning == false or autoscaling.manual_changes.retain <<~EOL Note: The settings are temporary. They can be overwritten in the next `ufo ship` deploy. You can turn off this warning with config.autoscaling.warning = false Or you can use the config.autoscaling.manual_changes.retain = true For considerations, see: EOL end end end