require 'facet/object/constant' require 'facet/string/underscore' require 'facet/string/demodulize' require 'glue/configuration' require 'glue/template' module Glue # A collection of helper methods. class Fixtures # The directory where the fixtures are located. setting :root_dir, :default => 'test/fixture', :doc => 'The directory where the fixtures are located' @fixtures = {} class << self def load(*classes) for klass in classes f = @fixtures[] = f end end def [](klass) @fixtures[klass] end def []=(klass, fixture) @fixtures[klass] = fixture end def method_missing(sym) if f = @fixtures[sym.to_s] return f end super end end end # Fixtures is a fancy word for ‘sample data’. Fixtures allow you # to populate your database with predefined data. Fixtures are # typically used during testing or when providing initial data # (bootstrap data) for a live application. # # A Fixture is a collection (Hash) of objects. class Fixture < Hash # The name of this Fixture. attr_accessor :name # The class that the Fixtures refer to. attr_accessor :klass # Used to keep the order. attr_accessor :objects def initialize(klass, options = { } ) @klass = klass @name = class_to_name(klass) @objects = [] load(options[:root_dir] || options[:root] || Fixtures.root_dir) end def load(root_dir = Fixtures.root_dir) raise("The fixture root director '#{root_dir}' doesn't exits") unless File.exist?(root_dir) if path = "#{root_dir}/#{@name}.yml" and File.exist?(path) parse_yaml(path) end if path = "#{root_dir}/#{@name}.csv" and File.exist?(path) parse_csv(path) end return self end # Parse a fixture file in YAML format. def parse_yaml(path) require 'yaml' str = if yaml = YAML::load(str) for name, data in yaml self[name] = instantiate(data) end end # sort the objects. str.scan(/^(\w*?):$/).each do |key| @objects << self[key.to_s] end end # Parse a fixture file in CSV format. Many RDBM systems and # Spreadsheets can export to CVS, so this is a rather useful # format. def parse_csv(path) require 'csv' str = reader = CSV::Reader.create(str) header = reader.shift reader.each_with_index do |row, i| data = {} row.each_with_index do |cell, j| data[header[j].to_s.strip] = cell.to_s.strip end self["#{@name}_#{i+1}"] = obj = instantiate(data) @objects << obj end end private # Instantiate an actual object from the Fixture data. def instantiate(data) obj = @klass.allocate for key, value in data obj.instance_variable_set("@#{key}", value) end return obj end def class_to_name(klass) klass.to_s.demodulize.underscore end end end # * George Moschovitis