shared_examples 'live gateway' do def reset(*args, &block) return unless respond_to?(:live_media_wiki_reset, true) @gateway, @user, @pass = live_media_wiki_reset(*args, &block) end before do reset end it 'should match requested version' do |example| @gateway.version.should == example.metadata[:version] end describe '#login' do describe 'with a valid username & password' do it 'should login successfully with the default domain' do @gateway.login(@user, @pass).should == @user end end describe 'with a non-existent username' do it 'should raise an error' do lambda { @gateway.login(@user.swapcase, @pass) }.should raise_error(MediaWiki::Unauthorized) end end describe 'with an incorrect password' do it 'should raise an error' do lambda { @gateway.login(@user, @pass.swapcase) }.should raise_error(MediaWiki::Unauthorized) end end end describe '#get_token' do before do @blank_token = '+\\' end describe 'when not logged in' do describe 'requesting an edit token' do it 'should return a blank token' do token = @gateway.send(:get_token, 'edit', 'Main Page') token.should_not be_nil token.should == @blank_token end end describe 'requesting an import token' do it 'should raise an error' do lambda { @gateway.send(:get_token, 'import', 'Main Page') }.should raise_error(MediaWiki::APIError, /not allowed/) end end end describe 'when logged in as admin user' do before do @gateway.login(@user, @pass) end describe 'requesting an edit token for a single page' do it 'should return a token' do token = @gateway.send(:get_token, 'edit', 'Main Page') token.should_not be_nil token.should_not == @blank_token end end describe 'requesting an edit token for multiple pages' do it 'should return a token' do token = @gateway.send(:get_token, 'edit', 'Main Page|Another Page') token.should_not be_nil token.should_not == @blank_token end end describe 'requesting an import token' do it 'should return a token' do token = @gateway.send(:get_token, 'import', 'Main Page') token.should_not be_nil token.should_not == @blank_token end end end end describe '#get' do describe 'for an existing wiki page' do it 'returns raw page content' do content = @gateway.get('Main Page') content.should be_an_instance_of(String) content.should include('MediaWiki has been successfully installed.') # XXX end end describe 'for an existing empty wiki page' do it 'returns an empty string', skip: '(page does not exist)' do @gateway.get('Empty').should == '' end end describe 'for a missing wiki page' do it 'returns nil' do @gateway.get('page/missing').should be_nil end end describe 'for root (/)' do it 'returns nil' do @gateway.get('').should be_nil end end describe 'when wiki returns 503' do before do @log = double(debug: nil, warn: nil) @fail_gateway = live_media_wiki_gateway(maxlag: -1, retry_delay: 0) allow(@fail_gateway).to receive(:log) { @log } end it 'should retry twice and fail', skip: 'expected Exception but nothing was raised' do lambda { @fail_gateway.get('') }.should raise_error @log.should have_received(:warn).with( '503 Service Unavailable: Maxlag exceeded. Retry in 0 seconds.').twice end end it 'should pass options to RestClient::Request' do gateway = live_media_wiki_gateway({}, verify_ssl: false) RestClient::Request.should receive(:execute).with( hash_including(verify_ssl: false)).and_return([double(elements: {})]) gateway.get('').should be_nil end end describe '#redirect?' do describe 'for an existing redirect page' do it 'returns true', skip: '(page does not exist)' do @gateway.redirect?('Redirect').should == true end end describe 'for an existing non-redirect page' do it 'returns false' do @gateway.redirect?('Main Page').should == false end end describe 'for a missing wiki page' do it 'returns false' do @gateway.redirect?('page/missing').should == false end end end describe '#render' do describe 'for an existing wiki page' do it 'should return the page content' do @gateway.render('Main Page').to_s.should include('MediaWiki has been successfully installed.') # XXX end it 'should raise an ArgumentError on illegal options' do lambda { @gateway.render('Main Page', doesnotexist: :at_all) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end describe 'with option' do it 'should strip img tags', skip: '(page does not exist)' do page = @gateway.render('Foopage', noimages: true) page.to_s.should == 'Sample HTML content.' << '[edit]' << 'interpreted language' end it 'should strip edit sections', skip: '(page does not exist)' do page = @gateway.render('Foopage', noeditsections: true) page.to_s.should == 'Sample HTML content.' << 'Ruby logo.svg' << 'interpreted language' end it 'should make all links absolute', skip: '(page does not exist)' do page = @gateway.render('Foopage', linkbase: '') page.to_s.should == 'Sample HTML content.' << 'Ruby logo.svg' << '[edit]' << 'interpreted language' end end end describe 'for a missing wiki page' do it 'should return nil', skip: 'missingtitle: The page you specified doesn\'t exist' do @gateway.render('Invalidpage').should be_nil end end end describe '#create' do before do @gateway.login(@user, @pass) end describe 'when creating a new page' do it 'should create the page' do page = @gateway.create(title = 'A New Page', 'Some content') node = Nokogiri::XML::Document.parse(page.to_s).at('/api/edit') node['new'].should == '' node['title'].should == title node['result'].should == 'Success' node['newrevid'].to_i.should > node['oldrevid'].to_i end end describe 'when creating a page that already exists' do before do reset end describe 'and the `overwrite` option is set' do it 'should overwrite the existing page' do page = @gateway.create(title = 'Main Page', 'Some new content', summary: 'The summary', overwrite: true) node = Nokogiri::XML::Document.parse(page.to_s).at('/api/edit') node['new'].should be_nil node['title'].should == title node['result'].should == 'Success' node['newrevid'].to_i.should > node['oldrevid'].to_i end end describe 'and the `overwrite` option is not set' do it 'should raise an error' do lambda { @gateway.create('Main Page', 'Some new content') }.should raise_error(MediaWiki::APIError) end end end end describe '#edit' do it 'should overwrite the existing page', skip: '(result differs)' do reset page = @gateway.edit('Main Page', 'Some new content') expect(page.to_s).to be_equivalent_to(<<-EOT) EOT end end describe '#upload' do before do @gateway.login(@user, @pass) end describe 'when uploading a new file', skip: 'badupload_file: File upload param file is not a file upload' do before do @path = 'some/path/sample_image.jpg' allow(File).to receive(:new).with(@path).and_return('SAMPLEIMAGEDATA') @page = @gateway.upload(@path) end it 'should open the file' do File.should have_received(:new).with(@path) end it 'should upload the file' do expect(@page.to_s).to be_equivalent_to(<<-EOT) EOT end end end describe '#delete' do def delete_page title, content = 'Deletable Page', 'Some content' @gateway.send_request( 'action' => 'edit', 'title' => title, 'text' => content, 'summary' => '', 'createonly' => '', 'token' => @gateway.send(:get_token, 'edit', title) ) yield lambda { @gateway.delete(title) } end describe 'when logged in as admin' do describe 'and the page exists' do it 'should delete the page', skip: '(result differs)' do @gateway.login(@user, @pass) delete_page { |block| expect( be_equivalent_to(<<-EOT) EOT } end end describe 'and the page does not exist' do before do @gateway.login(@user, @pass) end it 'should raise an error' do lambda { @gateway.delete('Missing Page') }.should raise_error(MediaWiki::APIError) end end end describe 'when not logged in' do it 'should raise an error' do delete_page { |block| block.should raise_error(MediaWiki::APIError) } end end end describe '#undelete' do describe 'when logged in as admin' do before do reset @gateway.login(@user, @pass) end describe 'and the page no longer exists', skip: '(page does not exist)' do before do @revs = @gateway.undelete('Sandbox:Undeleted') end it 'should recreate the given page' do @gateway.list('Sandbox:Undeleted').should == ['Sandbox:Undeleted'] end it 'should report one undeleted revision' do @revs.should == 1 end end describe 'but the page exists' do before do @revs = @gateway.undelete('Main Page') end it 'should report zero undeleted revisions' do @revs.should == 0 end end end describe 'when not logged in' do it 'should raise an error' do lambda { @gateway.undelete('Undeletable Page') }.should raise_error(MediaWiki::APIError) end end end describe '#list', skip: '(pages do not exist)' do before do reset end describe 'with an empty key' do it 'should list all pages' do @gateway.list('').sort.should == ['Book:Italy', 'Empty', 'Foopage', 'Level/Level/Index', 'Main 2', 'Main Page', 'Redirect'] end end describe 'with a namespace as the key' do it 'should list all pages in the namespace' do @gateway.list('Book:').should == ['Book:Italy'] end end describe 'with a partial title as the key' do it 'should list all pages in the main namespace that start with key' do @gateway.list('Main').sort.should == ['Main 2', 'Main Page'] end end end describe '#search' do before :all do reset { |gateway| gateway.create('Search Test', 'Foo KEY Blah') gateway.create('Search Test 2', 'Zomp KEY Zorg') gateway.create('Book:Search Test', 'Bar KEY Baz') gateway.create('Sandbox:Search Test', 'Evil KEY Evil') } end before do # warning: srlimit may not be over 50 (set to 500) for users @gateway = live_media_wiki_gateway(limit: 50) end describe 'with an empty key' do it 'should raise an error' do lambda {'') }.should raise_error(MediaWiki::APIError) end end describe 'with a valid key and no namespaces', skip: '(searches all namespaces)' do it 'should list all matching pages in the main namespace' do'KEY').should =~ ['Search Test', 'Search Test 2'] end end describe 'with a valid key and a namespace string', skip: '(searches all namespaces)' do it 'should list all matching pages in the specified namespaces' do'KEY', 'Book').should == ['Book:Search Test'] end end describe 'with a valid key and a namespace array', skip: 'warning: Unrecognized values for parameter \'srnamespace\'' do it 'should list all matching pages in the specified namespaces' do'KEY', ['Book', 'Sandbox']).should =~ ['Sandbox:Search Test', 'Book:Search Test'] end end describe 'with maximum number of results' do it 'should return at most the maximum number of results asked', skip: 'undefined method `to_i\' for sroffset=\'1\':REXML::Attribute' do'KEY', nil, 2, 1).size.should == 1 end end end describe '#namespaces_by_prefix' do it 'should list all namespaces', skip: '(actual namespaces differ)' do reset @gateway.namespaces_by_prefix.should == { '' => 0, 'Book' => 100, 'Sandbox' => 200 } end end describe '#semantic_query', skip: 'Semantic MediaWiki extension not installed' do it 'should return an HTML string' do response = @gateway.semantic_query('[[place::123]]', ['mainlabel=Page']) response.should include('MediaWiki has been successfully installed.') # XXX end end describe '#import' do let(:import_file) { data('import.xml') } describe 'when not logged in' do it 'should raise an error' do lambda { @gateway.import(import_file) }.should raise_error(MediaWiki::APIError) end end describe 'when logged in as admin' do it 'should import content' do @gateway.login(@user, @pass) page = @gateway.import(import_file) expect(page.to_s).to be_equivalent_to(<<-EOT) EOT end end end describe '#export' do it 'should return export data for the page' do page = @gateway.export(title = 'Main Page') node = Nokogiri::XML::Document.parse(page.to_s).at('/xmlns:mediawiki/xmlns:page')'./xmlns:id').text.should_not be_nil'./xmlns:title').text.should == title'./xmlns:revision').text.should_not be_nil end end describe '#extensions' do it 'should list all extensions', skip: '(extensions are not installed)' do reset @gateway.extensions.should == { 'FooExtension' => 'r1', 'BarExtension' => 'r2', 'Semantic MediaWiki' => '1.5' } end end describe '#create_account' do describe 'when logged in as admin' do before do @gateway.login(@user, @pass) end it 'should get expected result' do page = @gateway.create_account('name' => name = 'FooBar', 'password' => 'BarBaz') node = Nokogiri::XML::Document.parse(page.to_s).at('/api/createaccount') node['token'].should_not be_nil node['userid'].should_not be_nil node['result'].should == 'Success' node['username'].should == name end end end describe '#options' do describe 'when logged in' do before do @gateway.login(@user, @pass) end describe 'requesting an options token' do it 'should return a token' do token = @gateway.send(:get_options_token) token.should_not be_nil token.should_not == '+\\' end end it 'should return the expected response', skip: 'warning: Validation error for \'realname\': cannot be set by this module' do expect(@gateway.options(realname: 'Bar Baz').to_s).to be_equivalent_to('') end end end describe '#user_rights' do describe 'when logged in as admin' do before do @gateway.login(@user, @pass) end describe 'requesting a userrights token for an existing user' do it 'should return a token', skip: '(user does not exist)' do token = @gateway.send(:get_userrights_token, 'nonadmin') token.should_not be_nil token.should_not == '+\\' end end describe 'requesting a userrights token for an nonexistant user' do it 'should raise an error' do lambda { @gateway.send(:get_userrights_token, 'nosuchuser') }.should raise_error(MediaWiki::APIError) end end describe "changing a user's groups with a valid token" do it 'should return a result matching the input', skip: '(user does not exist)' do token = @gateway.send(:get_userrights_token, 'nonadmin') result = @gateway.send(:userrights, 'nonadmin', token, 'newgroup', 'oldgroup', 'because I can') expect(@result.to_s).to be_equivalent_to(<<-EOT) oldgroup newgroup EOT end end end end end unless (pool_size = Integer(ENV['LIVE_POOL_SIZE'] || 2)) > 1 warn 'Docker pool size must be greater than 1.' else ENV.fetch('LIVE_VERSION', '1.23.4').split(/[\s:,]/).each { |version| describe_live(MediaWiki::Gateway, version: version, pool_size: pool_size) { include_examples 'live gateway' } } end