# Config file for collectd(1).
# Some plugins need additional configuration and are disabled by default.
# Please read collectd.conf(5) for details.
# You should also read /usr/share/doc/collectd/README.Debian.plugins before
# enabling any more plugins.
#Hostname "localhost"
FQDNLookup true
#BaseDir "/var/lib/collectd"
#PluginDir "/usr/lib/collectd"
#TypesDB "/usr/lib/collectd/types.db" "/etc/collectd/my_types.db"
#Interval 10
#ReadThreads 5
#LoadPlugin logfile
LoadPlugin syslog
# LogLevel "info"
# Timestamp true
LogLevel info
#LoadPlugin apache
#LoadPlugin apcups
#LoadPlugin ascent
#LoadPlugin battery
LoadPlugin cpu
#LoadPlugin cpufreq
LoadPlugin csv
# LoadPlugin df
LoadPlugin disk
#LoadPlugin dns
#LoadPlugin email
#LoadPlugin entropy
#LoadPlugin exec
#LoadPlugin hddtemp
LoadPlugin interface
#LoadPlugin ipmi
LoadPlugin iptables
#LoadPlugin ipvs
#LoadPlugin irq
LoadPlugin libvirt
LoadPlugin load
#LoadPlugin mbmon
#LoadPlugin memcached
LoadPlugin memory
#LoadPlugin multimeter
#LoadPlugin mysql
#LoadPlugin netlink
LoadPlugin network
# LoadPlugin nfs
#LoadPlugin nginx
#LoadPlugin ntpd
#LoadPlugin nut
#LoadPlugin perl
#LoadPlugin ping
#LoadPlugin powerdns
# LoadPlugin processes
LoadPlugin rrdtool
#LoadPlugin sensors
#LoadPlugin serial
#LoadPlugin snmp
# LoadPlugin swap
#LoadPlugin tail
LoadPlugin tcpconns
#LoadPlugin teamspeak2
#LoadPlugin unixsock
LoadPlugin users
LoadPlugin uuid
#LoadPlugin vmem
#LoadPlugin vserver
#LoadPlugin wireless
# URL "http://localhost/status?auto"
# User "www-user"
# Password "secret"
# VerifyPeer false
# VerifyHost false
# CACert "/etc/ssl/ca.crt"
# Host "localhost"
# Port "3551"
# URL "http://localhost/ascent/status/"
# User "www-user"
# Password "secret"
# CACert "/etc/ssl/ca.crt"
# DataDir "/var/lib/collectd/csv"
# StoreRates false
# Device "/dev/sda1"
# Device ""
# MountPoint "/home/eucalyptus"
# FSType "ext3"
# IgnoreSelected false
# Disk "hda"
# Disk "/sda[23]/"
# IgnoreSelected false
# Interface "eth0"
# IgnoreSource ""
# SocketGroup "collectd"
# SocketPerms "0770"
# MaxConns 5
# Exec user "/path/to/exec"
# Exec "user:group" "/path/to/exec"
# NotificationExec user "/path/to/exec"
# Host ""
# Port 7634
# TranslateDevicename false
# Interface "eth0"
# IgnoreSelected false
# Chain "table" "chain"
# Irq 7
# Irq 8
# Irq 9
# IgnoreSelected true
Connection "qemu:///system"
# Connection "xen:///"
RefreshInterval 10
# Domain "name"
# BlockDevice "name:device"
# InterfaceDevice "name:device"
# IgnoreSelected false
HostnameFormat hostname name
# Host ""
# Port 411
# Host ""
# Port "11211"
# Host "database.serv.er"
# User "db_user"
# Password "secret"
# Database "db_name"
# Interface "All"
# VerboseInterface "All"
# QDisc "eth0" "pfifo_fast-1:0"
# Class "ppp0" "htb-1:10"
# Filter "ppp0" "u32-1:0"
# IgnoreSelected false
<%= "Server #{@node[:collectd][:server]}" %>
Listen "<%= @node.ipaddress %>"
# Server "ff18::efc0:4a42" "25826"
# Server "" "25826"
# Listen "ff18::efc0:4a42" "25826"
# Listen "" "25826"
# TimeToLive "128"
# Forward false
# CacheFlush 1800
# URL "http://localhost/status?auto"
# User "www-user"
# Password "secret"
# VerifyPeer false
# VerifyHost false
# CACert "/etc/ssl/ca.crt"
# Host "localhost"
# Port 123
# ReverseLookups false
# UPS "upsname@hostname:port"
# IncludeDir "/my/include/path"
# BaseName "Collectd::Plugin"
# EnableDebugger ""
# LoadPlugin "foo"
# LoadPlugin "bar"
# Host "host.foo.bar"
# Host "host.baz.qux"
# TTL 255
# Collect "latency"
# Collect "udp-answers" "udp-queries"
# Socket "/var/run/pdns.controlsocket"
# Collect "questions"
# Collect "cache-hits" "cache-misses"
# Socket "/var/run/pdns_recursor.controlsocket"
# LocalSocket "/opt/collectd/var/run/collectd-powerdns"
# Process "name"
DataDir "/var/lib/collectd/rrd"
# CacheTimeout 120
# CacheFlush 900
# The following settings are rather advanced
# and should usually not be touched:
# StepSize 10
# HeartBeat 20
# RRARows 1200
# RRATimespan 158112000
# XFF 0.1
# Sensor "it8712-isa-0290/temperature-temp1"
# Sensor "it8712-isa-0290/fanspeed-fan3"
# Sensor "it8712-isa-0290/voltage-in8"
# IgnoreSelected false
# See /usr/share/doc/collectd/examples/snmp-data.conf.gz for a
# comprehensive sample configuration.
# Type "voltage"
# Table false
# Instance "input_line1"
# Values "SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.6050."
# Type "users"
# Table false
# Instance ""
# Values "HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrSystemNumUsers.0"
# Type "if_octets"
# Table true
# Instance "IF-MIB::ifDescr"
# Values "IF-MIB::ifInOctets" "IF-MIB::ifOutOctets"
# Address ""
# Version 1
# Community "community_string"
# Collect "std_traffic"
# Inverval 120
# Address ""
# Version 2
# Community "another_string"
# Collect "std_traffic" "hr_users"
# Address ""
# Version 1
# Community "more_communities"
# Collect "powerplus_voltge_input"
# Interval 300
# Instance "exim"
# Regex "S=([1-9][0-9]*)"
# DSType "CounterAdd"
# Type "ipt_bytes"
# Instance "total"
# Regex "\\"
# DSType "CounterInc"
# Type "counter"
# Instance "local_user"
# ListeningPorts false
# LocalPort "25"
# RemotePort "25"
# Host ""
# Port "51234"
# Server "8767"
# SocketFile "/var/run/collectd-unixsock"
# SocketGroup "collectd"
# SocketPerms "0660"
# UUIDFile "/etc/uuid"
# Verbose false
Include "/etc/collectd/thresholds.conf"