# munemo A port of [mnemo](https://github.com/flon-io/mnemo) from C to Ruby. Mnemo and munemo are reworked versions of [rufus-mnemo](https://github.com/jmettraux/rufus-mnemo). Munemo uses the following syllables to map integer numbers to strings. ```ruby SYLS = %w[ ba bi bu be bo cha chi chu che cho da di du de do fa fi fu fe fo ga gi gu ge go ha hi hu he ho ja ji ju je jo ka ki ku ke ko la li lu le lo ma mi mu me mo na ni nu ne no pa pi pu pe po ra ri ru re ro sa si su se so sha shi shu she sho ta ti tu te to tsa tsi tsu tse tso wa wi wu we wo ya yi yu ye yo za zi zu ze zo ] ``` The syllable `xa` prefixes negative numbers. Interface: ```ruby # Munemo.to_s(i) Munemo.to_s(0) # => 'ba' Munemo.to_s(1) # => 'bi' Munemo.to_s(99) # => 'zo' Munemo.to_s(100) # => 'biba' Munemo.to_s(101) # => 'bibi' Munemo.to_s(392406) # => 'kogochi' Munemo.to_s(25437225) # => 'haleshuha' Munemo.to_s(-1) # => 'xabi' Munemo.to_s(-99) # => 'xazo' Munemo.to_s(-100) # => 'xabiba' # Munemo.to_i(s) Munemo.to_i('blah blah blah') # => ArgumentError: "unknown syllable 'bl'" Munemo.to_i('xabixabi') # => ArgumentError: "unknown syllable 'xa'" Munemo.to_i('yoshida') # => 947110 Munemo.to_i('bajo') # => 34 Munemo.to_i('xabaji') # => -31 Munemo.to_i('tonukatsu') # => 79523582 ``` ## LICENSE MIT, see [LICENSE.txt](LICENSE.txt)