module Formotion class Row < Formotion::Base PROPERTIES = [ # @form.render will contain row's value as the value for this key. :key, # the user's (or configured) value for this row. :value, # set as cell.titleLabel.text :title, # set as cell.detailLabel.text :subtitle, # configures the type of input this is (string, phone, switch, etc) # either Formotion::RowType or a string/symbol representation of one # see row_type.rb :type, # Stores possible formatting information (used by date pickers, etc) # if :type == :date, accepts values in [:short, :medium, :long, :full] :format, # alternative title for row (only used in EditRow for now) :alt_title, # The following apply only to text-input fields # placeholder text :placeholder, # whether or not the entry field is secure (like a password) :secure, # given by a UIReturnKey___ integer, string, or symbol # EX :default, :google :return_key, # given by a UITextAutocorrectionType___ integer, string, or symbol # EX :yes, :no, :default :auto_correction, # given by a UITextAutocapitalizationType___ integer, string, or symbol # EX :none, :words :auto_capitalization, # field.clearButtonMode; given by a UITextFieldViewMode__ integer, string, symbol # EX :never, :while_editing # DEFAULT is nil, which is used as :while_editing :clear_button, # row height as integer; used for heightForRowAtIndexPath # EX 200 # DEFAULT is nil, which is used as the tableView.row_height :row_height, # range used for slider min and max value # EX (1..100) # DEFAULT is (1..10) :range, # Array used for control row items # EX ['free', 'pro'] # DEFAULT is [] :items, # A hash for a Form used for subforms # DEFAULT is nil :subform, # Used in a subform row; when given, # will display the value of the matching key # of the subform's rendering. # DEFAULT is nil :display_key, # A hash for a Row used for templates # DEFAULT is nil :template, # Indents row when set to true # DEFAULT is false :indented, # Shows a delete sign next to the row # DEFAULT is false :deletable, # When a row is deleted, actually remove the row from UI # instead of just nil'ing the value. # DEFAULT is false EXCEPT for template-generated rows :remove_on_delete ] PROPERTIES.each {|prop| attr_accessor prop } BOOLEAN_PROPERTIES = [:secure, :indented, :deletable, :remove_on_delete] BOOLEAN_PROPERTIES.each { |prop| alias_method "#{prop}?", prop } SERIALIZE_PROPERTIES = PROPERTIES # Reference to the row's section attr_accessor :section # Index of the row in the section attr_accessor :index # The reuse-identifier used in UITableViews # By default is a stringification of section.index and row.index, # thus is unique per row (bad for memory, to fix later.) attr_accessor :reuse_identifier # The following apply only to text-input fields # reference to the row's UITextField. attr_reader :text_field # callback for what happens when the user # hits the enter key while editing #text_field attr_accessor :on_enter_callback # callback for what happens when the user # starts editing #text_field. attr_accessor :on_begin_callback # callback for what happens when the user # taps a ButtonRow attr_accessor :on_tap_callback # RowType object attr_accessor :object # Owning template row, if applicable attr_accessor :template_parent def initialize(params = {}) super BOOLEAN_PROPERTIES.each { |prop| Formotion::Conditions.assert_nil_or_boolean(self.send(prop)) } end # called after section and index have been assigned def after_create if self.type == :template and (self.value && self.value.any?) self.value.each do |value| new_row = self.object.build_new_row({:value => value}) end end end ######################### # pseudo-properties def index_path NSIndexPath.indexPathForRow(self.index, inSection:self.section.index) end def form self.section.form end def reuse_identifier @reuse_identifier || "Formotion_#{self.object_id}" end def next_row # if there are more rows in this section, use that. return self.section.rows[self.index + 1] if self.index < (self.section.rows.count - 1) # if there are more sections, then use the first row of that section. return self.section.next_section.rows[0] if self.section.next_section nil end def previous_row return self.section.rows[self.index - 1] if self.index > 0 # if there are more sections, then use the first row of that section. return self.section.previous_section.rows[-1] if self.section.previous_section nil end def button? object.button? end def subform? self.type == :subform end ######################### # getter overrides def items if @items.respond_to?(:call) @items = end @items end ######################### # setter overrides def type=(type) @object = Formotion::RowType.for(type).new(self) @type = type end def range=(range) if range case range when Range # all good when Array range =[0], range[1]) else raise Formotion::InvalidClassError, "Attempted Row.range = #{range.inspect} should be of type Range or Array" end end @range = range end def return_key=(value) @return_key = const_int_get("UIReturnKey", value) end def auto_correction=(value) @auto_correction = const_int_get("UITextAutocorrectionType", value) end def auto_capitalization=(value) @auto_capitalization = const_int_get("UITextAutocapitalizationType", value) end def clear_button=(value) @clear_button = const_int_get("UITextFieldViewMode", value) end ######################### # setters for callbacks def on_enter(&block) self.on_enter_callback = block end def on_begin(&block) self.on_begin_callback = block end # Used in :button type rows def on_tap(&block) self.on_tap_callback = block end ######################### # Methods for making cells # Called in UITableViewDataSource methods # in form_delegate.rb def make_cell if self.object.nil? raise Formotion::NoRowTypeError, "No row type specified for row #{self.index_path.row} in section #{self.index_path.section}; specify a :type" end cell, text_field = Formotion::RowCellBuilder.make_cell(self) @text_field = text_field self.object.after_build(cell) cell end # Called on every tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: # so keep implementation details minimal def update_cell(cell) self.object.update_cell(cell) cell end ######################### # Retreiving data def to_hash h = super if h[:range] && h[:range].is_a?(Range) h[:range] = [self.range.begin, self.range.end] end if subform? h[:subform] = self.subform.to_form.to_hash end h end def subform=(subform) @subform = subform # enables you do to row.subform.to_form @subform.instance_eval do def to_form return @hash_subform if @hash_subform if self.is_a? Hash @hash_subform = elsif not self.is_a? Formotion::Form raise Formotion::InvalidClassError, "Attempted subform = '#{self.inspect}' should be of type Formotion::Form or Hash" end @hash_subform ||= self end end @subform end private def const_int_get(base, value) return value if value.is_a? Integer value = value.to_s.camelize Kernel.const_get("#{base}#{value}") end # Looks like RubyMotion adds UIKit constants # at compile time. If you don't use these # directly in your code, they don't get added # to Kernel and const_int_get crashes. def load_constants_hack [UITextAutocapitalizationTypeNone, UITextAutocapitalizationTypeWords, UITextAutocapitalizationTypeSentences,UITextAutocapitalizationTypeAllCharacters, UITextAutocorrectionTypeNo, UITextAutocorrectionTypeYes, UITextAutocorrectionTypeDefault, UIReturnKeyDefault, UIReturnKeyGo, UIReturnKeyGoogle, UIReturnKeyJoin, UIReturnKeyNext, UIReturnKeyRoute, UIReturnKeySearch, UIReturnKeySend, UIReturnKeyYahoo, UIReturnKeyDone, UIReturnKeyEmergencyCall, UITextFieldViewModeNever, UITextFieldViewModeAlways, UITextFieldViewModeWhileEditing, UITextFieldViewModeUnlessEditing, NSDateFormatterShortStyle, NSDateFormatterMediumStyle, NSDateFormatterLongStyle, NSDateFormatterFullStyle ] end end end