# A (too) simple Gorilla-style shooter for two players. # Shows how Gosu and RMagick can be used together to generate a map, implement # a dynamic landscape and generally look great. # Also shows a very minimal, yet effective way of designing a game's object system. # Doesn't make use of Gosu's Z-ordering. Not many different things to draw, it's # easy to get the order right without it. # Known issues: # * Collision detection of the missiles is lazy, allows shooting through thin walls. # * The look of dead soldiers is, err, by accident. Soldier.png needs to be # designed in a less obfuscated way :) require 'rubygems' require 'gosu' require 'RMagick' NULL_PIXEL = Magick::Pixel.from_color('none') # The class for this game's map. # Design: # * Dynamic map creation at startup, holding it as RMagick Image in @image # * Testing for solidity by testing @image's pixel values # * Drawing from a Gosu::Image instance # * Blasting holes into the map is implemented by drawing and erasing portions # of @image, then recreating the corresponding area in the Gosu::Image class Map WIDTH, HEIGHT = 800, 600 def initialize window # We'll need the window later for re-creating Gosu images. @window = window # Let's start with something simple and load the sky via RMagick. # Loading SVG files isn't possible with Gosu, so say wow! # (Seems to take a while though) sky = Magick::Image.read("media/Landscape.svg").first @sky = Gosu::Image.new(window, sky, true) # Create the map an stores the RMagick image in @image create_rmagick_map # Copy the RMagick Image to a Gosu Image (still unchanged) @gosu_image = Gosu::Image.new(window, @image, true) end def solid? x, y # Map is open at the top. return false if y < 0 # Map is closed on all other sides. return true if x < 0 or x >= 800 or y >= 600 # Inside of the map, determine solidity from the map image. @image.pixel_color(x, y) != NULL_PIXEL end def draw # Sky background. @sky.draw(0, 0, 0) # The landscape. @gosu_image.draw 0, 0, 0 end # Radius of a crater. RADIUS = 25 # Radius of a crater, Shadow included. SH_RADIUS = 45 # Create the crater image (basically a circle shape that is used to erase # parts of the map) and the crater shadow image. CRATER_IMAGE = begin crater = Magick::Image.new(2 * RADIUS, 2 * RADIUS) { self.background_color = 'none' } gc = Magick::Draw.new gc.fill('black').circle(RADIUS, RADIUS, RADIUS, 0) gc.draw crater crater end CRATER_SHADOW = CRATER_IMAGE.shadow(0, 0, (SH_RADIUS - RADIUS) / 2, 1) def blast x, y # Draw the shadow (twice for more intensity), then erase a circle from the map. @image.composite!(CRATER_SHADOW, x - SH_RADIUS, y - SH_RADIUS, Magick::AtopCompositeOp) @image.composite!(CRATER_SHADOW, x - SH_RADIUS, y - SH_RADIUS, Magick::AtopCompositeOp) @image.composite!(CRATER_IMAGE, x - RADIUS, y - RADIUS, Magick::DstOutCompositeOp) # Isolate the affected portion of the RMagick image. dirty_portion = @image.crop(x - SH_RADIUS, y - SH_RADIUS, SH_RADIUS * 2, SH_RADIUS * 2) # Overwrite this part of the Gosu image. If the crater begins outside of the map, still # just update the inner part. @gosu_image.insert dirty_portion, [x - SH_RADIUS, 0].max, [y - SH_RADIUS, 0].max end private def create_rmagick_map # This is the one large RMagick image that represents the map. @image = Magick::Image.new(WIDTH, HEIGHT) { self.background_color = 'none' } # Set up a Draw object that fills with an earth texture. earth = Magick::Image.read('media/Earth.png').first.resize(1.5) gc = Magick::Draw.new gc.pattern('earth', 0, 0, earth.columns, earth.rows) { gc.composite(0, 0, 0, 0, earth) } gc.fill('earth') gc.stroke('#603000').stroke_width(1.5) # Draw a smooth bezier island onto the map! polypoints = [0, HEIGHT] 0.upto(8) do |x| polypoints += [x * 100, HEIGHT * 0.2 + rand(HEIGHT * 0.8)] end polypoints += [WIDTH, HEIGHT] gc.bezier(*polypoints) gc.draw(@image) # Create a bright-dark gradient fill, an image from it and change the map's # brightness with it. fill = Magick::GradientFill.new(0, HEIGHT * 0.4, WIDTH, HEIGHT * 0.4, '#fff', '#666') gradient = Magick::Image.new(WIDTH, HEIGHT, fill) gradient = @image.composite(gradient, 0, 0, Magick::InCompositeOp) @image.composite!(gradient, 0, 0, Magick::MultiplyCompositeOp) # Finally, place the star in the middle of the map, just onto the ground. star = Magick::Image.read('media/LargeStar.png').first star_y = 0 star_y += 20 until solid?(WIDTH / 2, star_y) @image.composite!(star, (WIDTH - star.columns) / 2, star_y - star.rows * 0.85, Magick::DstOverCompositeOp) end end # Player class. # Note that applies to the whole game: # All objects implement an informal interface. # draw: Draws the object (obviously) # update: Moves the object etc., returns false if the object is to be deleted # hit_by?(missile): Returns true if an object is hit by the missile, causing # it to explode on this object. class Player # Magic numbers considered harmful! This is the height of the # player as used for collision detection. HEIGHT = 14 attr_reader :x, :y, :dead def initialize(window, x, y, color) # Only load the images once for all instances of this class. @@images ||= Gosu::Image.load_tiles(window, "media/Soldier.png", 40, 50, false) @window, @x, @y, @color = window, x, y, color @vy = 0 # -1: left, +1: right @dir = -1 # Aiming angle. @angle = 90 end def draw if dead then # Poor, broken soldier. @@images[0].draw_rot(x, y, 0, 290 * @dir, 0.5, 0.65, @dir * 0.5, 0.5, @color) @@images[2].draw_rot(x, y, 0, 160 * @dir, 0.95, 0.5, 0.5, @dir * 0.5, @color) else # Was moved last frame? if @show_walk_anim # Yes: Display walking animation. frame = Gosu::milliseconds / 200 % 2 else # No: Stand around (boring). frame = 0 end # Draw feet, then chest. @@images[frame].draw(x - 10 * @dir, y - 20, 0, @dir * 0.5, 0.5, @color) angle = @angle angle = 180 - angle if @dir == -1 @@images[2].draw_rot(x, y - 5, 0, angle, 1, 0.5, 0.5, @dir * 0.5, @color) end end def update # First, assume that no walking happened this frame. @show_walk_anim = false # Gravity. @vy += 1 if @vy > 1 then # Move upwards until hitting something. @vy.times do if @window.map.solid?(x, y + 1) @vy = 0 break else @y += 1 end end else # Move downwards until hitting something. (-@vy).times do if @window.map.solid?(x, y - HEIGHT - 1) @vy = 0 break else @y -= 1 end end end # Soldiers are never deleted (they may die, though, but that is a different # concept). true end def aim_up @angle -= 2 unless @angle < 10 end def aim_down @angle += 2 unless @angle > 170 end def try_walk(dir) @show_walk_anim = true @dir = dir # First, magically move up (so soldiers can run up hills) 2.times { @y -= 1 unless @window.map.solid?(x, y - HEIGHT - 1) } # Now move into the desired direction. @x += dir unless @window.map.solid?(x + dir, y) or @window.map.solid?(x + dir, y - HEIGHT) # To make up for unnecessary movement upwards, sink downward again. 2.times { @y += 1 unless @window.map.solid?(x, y + 1) } end def try_jump @vy = -12 if @window.map.solid?(x, y + 1) end def shoot @window.objects << Missile.new(@window, x + 10 * @dir, y - 10, @angle * @dir) end def hit_by? missile if Gosu::distance(missile.x, missile.y, x, y) < 30 then # Was hit :( @dead = true return true else return false end end end # Implements the same interface as Player, except it'S a missile! class Missile attr_reader :x, :y, :vx, :vy # All missile instances use the same sound. EXPLOSION = Gosu::Sample.new("media/Explosion.wav") def initialize(window, x, y, angle) # Horizontal/vertical velocity. @vx, @vy = Gosu::offset_x(angle, 20).to_i, Gosu::offset_y(angle, 20).to_i @window, @x, @y = window, x + @vx, y + @vy end def update # Movement, gravity @x += @vx @y += @vy @vy += 1 # Hit anything? if @window.map.solid?(x, y) or @window.objects.any? { |o| o.hit_by?(self) } then # Create great particles. 5.times { @window.objects << Particle.new(@window, x - 25 + rand(51), y - 25 + rand(51)) } @window.map.blast(x, y) # Weeee, stereo sound! EXPLOSION.play_pan((2 * @x - Map::WIDTH) / Map::WIDTH) return false else return true end end def draw # Just draw a small quad. @window.draw_quad(x-2, y-2, 0xff800000, x+2, y-2, 0xff800000, x-2, y+2, 0xff800000, x+2, y+2, 0xff800000, 0) end def hit_by?(missile) # Missiles can't be hit by other missiles! false end end # Very minimal object that just draws a fading particle. class Particle def initialize(window, x, y) # All Particle instances use the same image @@image ||= Gosu::Image.new(window, 'media/Smoke.png', false) @x, @y = x, y @color = Gosu::Color.new(255, 255, 255, 255) end def update @y -= 5 @x = @x - 1 + rand(3) @color.alpha -= 5 # Remove if faded completely. @color.alpha > 0 end def draw @@image.draw(@x - 25, @y - 25, 0, 1, 1, @color) end def hit_by?(missile) # Smoke can't be hit! false end end # Finally, the class that ties it all together. # Very straightforward implementation. class GameWindow < Gosu::Window attr_reader :map, :objects def initialize() super(800, 600, false) self.caption = "Gosu & RMagick Integration Demo" # Texts to display in the appropriate situations. @player_instructions = [] @player_won_messages = [] 2.times do |plr| @player_instructions << Gosu::Image.from_text(self, "It is the #{ plr == 0 ? 'green' : 'red' } toy soldier's turn.\n" + "(Arrow keys to walk and aim, Return to jump, Space to shoot)", Gosu::default_font_name, 30, 0, width, :center) @player_won_messages << Gosu::Image.from_text(self, "The #{ plr == 0 ? 'green' : 'red' } toy soldier has won!", Gosu::default_font_name, 30, 5, width, :center) end # Create everything! @map = Map.new(self) @players = [Player.new(self, 200, 40, 0xff308000), Player.new(self, 600, 40, 0xff803000)] @objects = @players.dup # Let any player start. @current_player = rand(2) # Currently not waiting for a missile to hit something. @waiting = false end def draw # Draw the main game. @map.draw @objects.each { |o| o.draw } # If any text should be displayed, draw it - and add a nice black border around it # by drawing it four times, with a little offset in each direction. cur_text = @player_instructions[@current_player] if not @waiting cur_text = @player_won_messages[1 - @current_player] if @players[@current_player].dead if cur_text then x, y = 0, 30 cur_text.draw(x - 1, y, 0, 1, 1, 0xff000000) cur_text.draw(x + 1, y, 0, 1, 1, 0xff000000) cur_text.draw(x, y - 1, 0, 1, 1, 0xff000000) cur_text.draw(x, y + 1, 0, 1, 1, 0xff000000) cur_text.draw(x, y, 0, 1, 1, 0xffffffff) end end def update # if waiting for the next player's turn, continue to do so until the missile has # hit something. @waiting &&= !@objects.grep(Missile).empty? # Remove all objects whose update method returns false. @objects.reject! { |o| o.update == false } # If it's a player's turn, forward controls. if not @waiting and not @players[@current_player].dead then player = @players[@current_player] player.aim_up if button_down? Gosu::KbUp player.aim_down if button_down? Gosu::KbDown player.try_walk(-1) if button_down? Gosu::KbLeft player.try_walk(+1) if button_down? Gosu::KbRight player.try_jump if button_down? Gosu::KbReturn end end def button_down(id) if id == Gosu::KbSpace and not @waiting and not @players[@current_player].dead then # Shoot! This is handled in button_down because holding space shouldn't auto-fire. @players[@current_player].shoot @current_player = 1 - @current_player @waiting = true end # Very important feature! ;) close if id == Gosu::KbEscape end end # So far we have only defined how everything *should* work - now set it up and run it! GameWindow.new.show