require 'spec_helper' describe VCR::Configuration do describe '#cassette_library_dir=' do let(:tmp_dir) { VCR::SPEC_ROOT + '/../tmp/cassette_library_dir/new_dir' } after(:each) { FileUtils.rm_rf tmp_dir } it 'creates the directory if it does not exist' do expect { subject.cassette_library_dir = tmp_dir }.to change { File.exist?(tmp_dir) }.from(false).to(true) end it 'does not raise an error if given nil' do expect { subject.cassette_library_dir = nil }.to_not raise_error end it 'resolves the given directory to an absolute path, so VCR continues to work even if the current directory changes' do relative_dir = 'tmp/cassette_library_dir/new_dir' subject.cassette_library_dir = relative_dir absolute_dir = File.join(VCR::SPEC_ROOT.sub(/\/spec\z/, ''), relative_dir) expect(subject.cassette_library_dir).to eq(absolute_dir) end end describe '#default_cassette_options' do it 'has a hash with some defaults' do expect(subject.default_cassette_options).to eq({ :match_requests_on => VCR::RequestMatcherRegistry::DEFAULT_MATCHERS, :allow_unused_http_interactions => true, :record => :once, :serialize_with => :yaml, :persist_with => :file_system }) end it "returns #{VCR::RequestMatcherRegistry::DEFAULT_MATCHERS.inspect} for :match_requests_on when other defaults have been set" do subject.default_cassette_options = { :record => :none } expect(subject.default_cassette_options).to include(:match_requests_on => VCR::RequestMatcherRegistry::DEFAULT_MATCHERS) end it "returns :once for :record when other defaults have been set" do subject.default_cassette_options = { :erb => :true } expect(subject.default_cassette_options).to include(:record => :once) end it "allows defaults to be overriden" do subject.default_cassette_options = { :record => :all } expect(subject.default_cassette_options).to include(:record => :all) end it "allows other keys to be set" do subject.default_cassette_options = { :re_record_interval => 10 } expect(subject.default_cassette_options).to include(:re_record_interval => 10) end end describe '#register_request_matcher' do it 'registers the given request matcher' do expect { VCR.request_matchers[:custom] }.to raise_error(VCR::UnregisteredMatcherError) matcher_run = false subject.register_request_matcher(:custom) { |r1, r2| matcher_run = true } VCR.request_matchers[:custom].matches?(:r1, :r2) expect(matcher_run).to be true end end describe '#hook_into' do it 'requires the named library hook' do expect(subject).to receive(:require).with("vcr/library_hooks/fakeweb") expect(subject).to receive(:require).with("vcr/library_hooks/excon") subject.hook_into :fakeweb, :excon end it 'raises an error for unsupported stubbing libraries' do expect { subject.hook_into :unsupported_library }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, /unsupported_library is not a supported VCR HTTP library hook/i) end it 'invokes the after_library_hooks_loaded hooks' do called = false subject.after_library_hooks_loaded { called = true } subject.hook_into :fakeweb expect(called).to be true end end describe '#ignore_hosts' do it 'delegates to the current request_ignorer instance' do expect(VCR.request_ignorer).to receive(:ignore_hosts).with('', '') subject.ignore_hosts '', '' end end describe '#ignore_localhost=' do it 'delegates to the current request_ignorer instance' do expect(VCR.request_ignorer).to receive(:ignore_localhost=).with(true) subject.ignore_localhost = true end end describe '#ignore_request' do let(:uri){ URI('') } it 'registers the given block with the request ignorer' do block_called = false subject.ignore_request { |r| block_called = true } VCR.request_ignorer.ignore?(double(:parsed_uri => uri)) expect(block_called).to be true end end describe '#allow_http_connections_when_no_cassette=' do [true, false].each do |val| it "sets the allow_http_connections_when_no_cassette to #{val} when set to #{val}" do subject.allow_http_connections_when_no_cassette = val expect(subject.allow_http_connections_when_no_cassette?).to eq(val) end end end describe "request/configuration interactions", :with_monkey_patches => :fakeweb do specify 'the request on the yielded interaction is not typed even though the request given to before_http_request is' do before_record_req = before_request_req = nil VCR.configure do |c| c.before_http_request { |r| before_request_req = r } c.before_record { |i| before_record_req = i.request } end VCR.use_cassette("example") do ::Net::HTTP.get_response(URI("http://localhost:#{VCR::SinatraApp.port}/foo")) end expect(before_record_req).not_to respond_to(:type) expect(before_request_req).to respond_to(:type) end unless (RUBY_VERSION =~ /^1\.8/ || RUBY_INTERPRETER == :jruby) specify 'the filter_sensitive_data option works even when it modifies the URL in a way that makes it an invalid URI' do VCR.configure do |c| c.filter_sensitive_data('') { 'localhost' } end 2.times do VCR.use_cassette("example") do ::Net::HTTP.get_response(URI("http://localhost:#{VCR::SinatraApp.port}/foo")) end end end end [:before_record, :before_playback].each do |hook_type| describe "##{hook_type}" do it 'sets up a tag filter' do called = false VCR.configuration.send(hook_type, :my_tag) { called = true } VCR.configuration.invoke_hook(hook_type, double, double(:tags => [])) expect(called).to be false VCR.configuration.invoke_hook(hook_type, double, double(:tags => [:my_tag])) expect(called).to be true end end end %w[ filter_sensitive_data define_cassette_placeholder ].each do |method| describe "##{method}" do let(:interaction) { double('interaction').as_null_object } before(:each) { allow(interaction).to receive(:filter!) } it 'adds a before_record hook that replaces the string returned by the block with the given string' do subject.send(method, 'foo', &lambda { 'bar' }) expect(interaction).to receive(:filter!).with('bar', 'foo') subject.invoke_hook(:before_record, interaction, double.as_null_object) end it 'adds a before_playback hook that replaces the given string with the string returned by the block' do subject.send(method, 'foo', &lambda { 'bar' }) expect(interaction).to receive(:filter!).with('foo', 'bar') subject.invoke_hook(:before_playback, interaction, double.as_null_object) end it 'tags the before_record hook when given a tag' do expect(subject).to receive(:before_record).with(:my_tag) subject.send(method, 'foo', :my_tag) { 'bar' } end it 'tags the before_playback hook when given a tag' do expect(subject).to receive(:before_playback).with(:my_tag) subject.send(method, 'foo', :my_tag) { 'bar' } end it 'yields the interaction to the block for the before_record hook' do yielded_interaction = nil subject.send(method, 'foo', &lambda { |i| yielded_interaction = i; 'bar' }) subject.invoke_hook(:before_record, interaction, double.as_null_object) expect(yielded_interaction).to equal(interaction) end it 'yields the interaction to the block for the before_playback hook' do yielded_interaction = nil subject.send(method, 'foo', &lambda { |i| yielded_interaction = i; 'bar' }) subject.invoke_hook(:before_playback, interaction, double.as_null_object) expect(yielded_interaction).to equal(interaction) end end end describe "#after_http_request" do let(:raw_request) { } let(:response) { } def request(type), type) end it 'handles symbol request predicate filters properly' do yielded = false subject.after_http_request(:stubbed_by_vcr?) { |req| yielded = true } subject.invoke_hook(:after_http_request, request(:stubbed_by_vcr), response) expect(yielded).to be true yielded = false subject.invoke_hook(:after_http_request, request(:ignored), response) expect(yielded).to be false end end describe "#around_http_request, when called on ruby 1.8" do it 'raises an error since fibers are not available' do expect { subject.around_http_request { } }.to raise_error(/requires fibers, which are not available/) end end if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9' describe "#cassette_serializers" do let(:custom_serializer) { double } it 'allows a custom serializer to be registered' do expect { subject.cassette_serializers[:custom] }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) subject.cassette_serializers[:custom] = custom_serializer expect(subject.cassette_serializers[:custom]).to be(custom_serializer) end end describe "#cassette_persisters" do let(:custom_persister) { double } it 'allows a custom persister to be registered' do expect { subject.cassette_persisters[:custom] }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) subject.cassette_persisters[:custom] = custom_persister expect(subject.cassette_persisters[:custom]).to be(custom_persister) end end describe "#uri_parser=" do let(:custom_parser) { double } it 'allows a custom uri parser to be set' do subject.uri_parser = custom_parser expect(subject.uri_parser).to eq(custom_parser) end it "uses Ruby's standard library `URI` as a default" do expect(subject.uri_parser).to eq(URI) end end describe "#preserve_exact_body_bytes_for?" do def message_for(body) double(:body => body) end context "default hook" do it "returns false when there is no current cassette" do expect(subject.preserve_exact_body_bytes_for?(message_for "string")).to be false end it "returns false when the current cassette has been created without the :preserve_exact_body_bytes option" do VCR.insert_cassette('foo') expect(subject.preserve_exact_body_bytes_for?(message_for "string")).to be false end it 'returns true when the current cassette has been created with the :preserve_exact_body_bytes option' do VCR.insert_cassette('foo', :preserve_exact_body_bytes => true) expect(subject.preserve_exact_body_bytes_for?(message_for "string")).to be true end end it "returns true when the configured block returns true" do subject.preserve_exact_body_bytes { |msg| msg.body == "a" } expect(subject.preserve_exact_body_bytes_for?(message_for "a")).to be true expect(subject.preserve_exact_body_bytes_for?(message_for "b")).to be false end it "returns true when any of the registered blocks returns true" do called_hooks = [] subject.preserve_exact_body_bytes { called_hooks << :hook_1; false } subject.preserve_exact_body_bytes { called_hooks << :hook_2; true } expect(subject.preserve_exact_body_bytes_for?(message_for "a")).to be true expect(called_hooks).to eq([:hook_1, :hook_2]) end it "invokes the configured hook with the http message and the current cassette" do VCR.use_cassette('example') do |cassette| expect(cassette).to be_a(VCR::Cassette) message = double(:message) yielded_objects = nil subject.preserve_exact_body_bytes { |a, b| yielded_objects = [a, b] } subject.preserve_exact_body_bytes_for?(message) expect(yielded_objects).to eq([message, cassette]) end end end describe "#configure_rspec_metadata!" do it "only configures the underlying metadata once, no matter how many times it is called" do expect(VCR::RSpec::Metadata).to receive(:configure!).once VCR.configure do |c| c.configure_rspec_metadata! end VCR.configure do |c| c.configure_rspec_metadata! end end end end