# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*- require 'fileutils' require 'aruba/api' def postcommit_hook_git '.git/hooks/post-commit' end def postcommit_hook_mercurial '.hg/hgrc' end def default_repo 'myrepo' end def default_loldir absolute_path("~/.lolcommits/#{default_repo}") end Given(/^I am in a directory named "(.*?)"$/) do |dir_name| steps %( Given a directory named "#{dir_name}" And I cd to "#{dir_name}" ) end Given(/^a git repo named "(.*?)"$/) do |repo_name| steps %( Given I successfully run `git init --quiet "#{repo_name}"` ) end Given(/^I am in a git repo named "(.*?)"$/) do |repo| steps %( Given a git repo named "#{repo}" And I cd to "#{repo}" ) end Given(/^I am in a git repo$/) do steps %( Given I am in a git repo named "#{default_repo}" ) end Given(/^I am in a git repo named "(.*?)" with lolcommits enabled$/) do |repo| steps %( Given I am in a git repo named "#{repo}" And I successfully run `lolcommits --enable` ) end Given(/^I am in a git repo with lolcommits enabled$/) do steps %( Given I am in a git repo named "#{default_repo}" with lolcommits enabled ) end Given(/^a git post\-commit hook with "(.*?)"$/) do |file_content| steps %( Given a file named "#{postcommit_hook_git}" with: """ #{file_content} """ ) end Then(/^the lolcommits git post\-commit hook should be properly installed$/) do steps %( Then the git post-commit hook should contain "lolcommits --capture" ) end Then(/^the git post\-commit hook (should|should not) contain "(.*?)"$/) do |should, content| steps %( Then the file "#{postcommit_hook_git}" #{should} contain "#{content}" ) end Given(/^a mercurial repo named "(.*?)"$/) do |repo_name| steps %( Given I successfully run `hg init "#{repo_name}"` ) end Given(/^I am in a mercurial repo named "(.*?)"$/) do |repo| steps %( Given a mercurial repo named "#{repo}" And I cd to "#{repo}" ) end Given(/^I am in a mercurial repo$/) do steps %( Given I am in a mercurial repo named "#{default_repo}" ) end Given(/^I am in a mercurial repo named "(.*?)" with lolcommits enabled$/) do |repo| steps %( Given I am in a mercurial repo named "#{repo}" And I successfully run `lolcommits --enable` ) end Given(/^I am in a mercurial repo with lolcommits enabled$/) do steps %( Given I am in a mercurial repo named "#{default_repo}" with lolcommits enabled ) end Given(/^a mercurial post\-commit hook with "(.*?)"$/) do |file_content| steps %( Given a file named "#{postcommit_hook_mercurial}" with: """ #{file_content} """ ) end Then(/^the lolcommits mercurial post\-commit hook should be properly installed$/) do steps %( Then the mercurial post-commit hook should contain "lolcommits --capture" ) end Then(/^the mercurial post\-commit hook (should|should not) contain "(.*?)"$/) do |should, content| steps %( Then the file "#{postcommit_hook_mercurial}" #{should} contain "#{content}" ) end Given(/^I have environment variable (.*?) set to (.*?)$/) do |var, value| set_env var, value end Given(/^its loldir has (\d+) lolimages$/) do |num_images| steps %( Given a loldir named "#{default_repo}" with #{num_images} lolimages ) end Given(/^a loldir named "(.*?)" with (\d+) lolimages$/) do |repo, num_images| loldir = absolute_path("~/.lolcommits/#{repo}") FileUtils.mkdir_p loldir num_images.to_i.times do hex = format('%011x', (rand * 0xfffffffffff)).to_s FileUtils.cp 'test/images/test_image.jpg', File.join(loldir, "#{hex}.jpg") end end Then(/^there should be exactly (.*?) (jpg|gif|pid)s? in its loldir$/) do |n, type| steps %( Then there should be exactly #{n} #{type} in "#{default_loldir}" ) end Then(/^there should be exactly (.*?) (jpg|gif|pid)s? in "(.*?)"$/) do |n, type, folder| expect(Dir[absolute_path(folder, "*.#{type}")].count).to eq(n.to_i) end Then(/^the output should contain a list of plugins$/) do step %(the output should contain "Available plugins: ") end When(/^I do a git commit with commit message "(.*?)"$/) do |commit_msg| filename = FFaker::Lorem.words(1).first steps %( Given a 98 byte file named "#{filename}" And I successfully run `git add #{filename}` And I successfully run `git commit -m "#{commit_msg}"` ) end When(/^I do a git commit$/) do step %(I do a git commit with commit message "#{FFaker::Lorem.sentence}") end When(/^I do (\d+) git commits$/) do |n| n.to_i.times do step %(I do a git commit) sleep 0.1 end end Then(/^there should be (\d+) commit entries in the git log$/) do |n| sleep 1 # let the file writing catch up expect(n.to_i).to eq `git shortlog | grep -E '^[ ]+\w+' | wc -l`.chomp.to_i end When(/^I do a mercurial commit with commit message "(.*?)"$/) do |commit_msg| filename = FFaker::Lorem.words(1).first steps %( Given a 98 byte file named "#{filename}" And I successfully run `hg add #{filename}` And I successfully run `hg commit -m "#{commit_msg}"` ) end When(/^I do a mercurial commit$/) do step %(I do a mercurial commit with commit message "#{FFaker::Lorem.sentence}") end When(/^I do (\d+) mercurial commits$/) do |n| n.to_i.times do step %(I do a mercurial commit) sleep 0.1 end end Then(/^there should be (\d+) commit entries in the mercurial log$/) do |n| sleep 1 # let the file writing catch up expect(n.to_i).to eq `hg log | grep '^changeset:' | wc -l`.chomp.to_i end Given(/^I am using a "(.*?)" platform$/) do |host_os_name| set_env 'LOLCOMMITS_FAKE_HOST_OS', host_os_name end When(/^I wait for the child process to exit in "(.*?)"$/) do |repo_name| pid_loc = absolute_path("~/.lolcommits/#{repo_name}/lolcommits.pid") sleep 0.1 while File.exist?(pid_loc) end