class String { """ Strings are sequences of characters and behave as such. All literal Strings within Fancy code are instances of the String class. They also include @Fancy::Enumerable@, which means you can use all the common sequence methods on them, like @Fancy::Enumerable#map:@, @Fancy::Enumerable#select:@ etc. """ include: Fancy Enumerable method_documentation: <[ '== => """ Compares @self to another @String@ and returns @true, if equal, @false otherwise. """, 'uppercase => """ @return Uppercased version of @self. Example: \"hello world\" uppercase # => \"HELLO WORLD\" """, 'lowercase => """ @return Lowercased version of @self. Example: \"HELLO WORLD\" lowercase # => \"hello world\" """ ]> def ++ other { """ @other Object to concatenate @self with as a @String@. @return Concatenation of @self with @other. Concatenate @self with another Object's @String@ representation. \"foo\” ++ 42 # => \”foo42\” """ self + (other to_s) } def whitespace? { """ @return @true, if @self consists only of a single whitespace character or is empty, @false otherwise. Indicates, if a @String@ is empty or a single whitespace character. """ empty? or: (self == " ") } def blank? { """ @return @true if @self consists only of whitespace, @false otherwise. Indicates, if a @String@ consists only of whitespace. """ match self { case /^\s*$/ -> true case _ -> false } } def * num { """ @num Amount of concatenations to do with @self. @return @String@ that is the num-fold concatenation of @self. Returns a @String@ that is the num-fold concatenation of itself. Example: \"foo\" * 3 # => \"foofoofoo\" """ str = "" num to_i times: { str << self } str } def words { """ @return @Array@ of all the whitespace seperated words in @self. Example: \"hello world\" words # => [\"hello\", \"world\"] """ split } def raise! { """ Raises a new @StandardError@ with self as the message. """ StandardError new: self . raise! } def rest { """ @return @String@ containing all but the first character. Returns a @String@ containing all but the first character. \"hello\" rest # => \"ello\" """ from: 1 to: -1 } def lines { """ @return @Array@ of all the lines in @self. Returns the lines of a @String@ as an @Array@. """ split: "\n" } def << object { """ @object An @Object@ who's @String@ representation will be appended to @self. @return @self, but modified. Appends @object's @String@ representation to @self. Example: str = \"hello\" str << \" \" str << 42 str # => \"hello 42\" """ append: $ object to_s } def skip_leading_indentation { """ Remove leading white space for multi-line strings. This method expects the first character to be an line return. """ str = self m = /^(\r?\n)*(\s+)/ match(str) str = str strip() if: m then: { pattern = "^ {" ++ (m[2] size()) ++ "}" rex = str = str gsub(rex, ""); } str } def characters { """ @return @Array@ of all characters (as @String@) in @self. """ scan: /./ } def character { """ @return @Fixnum@ (byte / ASCII) value of first character in @self. """ self bytes each: |c| { return c } return nil } def bytes { """ @return @Fancy::Enumerator@ of all bytes (@Fixnum@ values) in @self. """ enum = bytes() def enum each: block { each(&block) } Fancy Enumerator new: enum } def relative_path: path { """ @path Relative path to @self. @return Absolute @File@ path relative to @self. Example: __FILE__ relative: \"../foo/bar\" """ File expand_path: $ File dirname(self) + "/" + path } def multiline? { """ @return @true if @self is a multiline string, @false otherwise. Example: \"foo\nbar\" multiline? # => true \"foo bar\" multiline? # => false \"\" multiline? # => false \"\n\n\n\" multiline? # => true """ grep: /\n/ . size > 0 } def main? { """ @return @true if @self is the filename of the script that got executed initially. """ File expand_path: (ARGV[0] to_s) == self } def if_main: main_block else: else_block ({}) { """ @main_block @Block@ to be run if @String#:main?@ returns true. @else_block @Block@ to be called otherwise. Same as: if: main? then: else_block else: else_block """ if: main? then: main_block else: else_block } def snake_cased { """ Returns a snake cased version of @self. """ r1 = Regexp new("([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])") r2 = Regexp new("([a-z\d])([A-Z])") gsub(r1,"\1_\2") gsub(r2,"\1_\2") tr("-", "_") lowercase } def camel_cased { """ Returns camel cased version of @self which is expected to be a snake cased @String@. """ self split: "_" . map: @{ capitalize } . join } def uppercase? { """ @return @true if @self is completely uppercase, @false otherwise. Example: \"F\" uppercase? # => true \"FOO\" uppercase? # => true \"f\” uppercase? # => false \"Foo\" uppercase? # => false """ { return false } if: blank? uppercase == self } def lowercase? { """ @return @true if @self is completely lowercase, @false otherwise. Example: \"f\” lowercase? # => true \"foo\" lowercase? # => true \"F\" lowercase? # => false \"Foo\" lowercase? # => false """ { return false } if: blank? lowercase == self } def starts_with?: string { from: 0 to: (string size - 1) == string } }