require 'fourflusher' require 'xcpretty' CONFIGURATION = "Debug" PLATFORMS = { 'iphonesimulator' => 'iOS', 'appletvsimulator' => 'tvOS', 'watchsimulator' => 'watchOS' } # Build specific target to framework file # @param [PodTarget] target # a specific pod target # def build_for_iosish_platform(sandbox, build_dir, output_path, target, device, simulator, bitcode_enabled, custom_build_options = [], # Array custom_build_options_simulator = [] # Array ) deployment_target = target.platform.deployment_target.to_s target_label = target.label # name with platform if it's used in multiple platforms Pod::UI.puts "Prebuilding #{target_label}..." other_options = [] # bitcode enabled other_options += ['BITCODE_GENERATION_MODE=bitcode'] if bitcode_enabled # make less arch to iphone simulator for faster build custom_build_options_simulator += ['ARCHS=x86_64', 'ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO'] if simulator == 'iphonesimulator' custom_build_options += ['ARCHS=arm64'] is_succeed, _ = xcodebuild(sandbox, target_label, device, deployment_target, other_options + custom_build_options) exit 1 unless is_succeed is_succeed, _ = xcodebuild(sandbox, target_label, simulator, deployment_target, other_options + custom_build_options_simulator) exit 1 unless is_succeed # paths target_name = # equals target.label, like "AFNeworking-iOS" when AFNetworking is used in multiple platforms. module_name = target.product_module_name device_framework_path = "#{build_dir}/#{CONFIGURATION}-#{device}/#{target_name}/#{module_name}.framework" simulator_framework_path = "#{build_dir}/#{CONFIGURATION}-#{simulator}/#{target_name}/#{module_name}.framework" device_binary = device_framework_path + "/#{module_name}" simulator_binary = simulator_framework_path + "/#{module_name}" return unless File.file?(device_binary) && File.file?(simulator_binary) # the device_lib path is the final output file path # combine the binaries tmp_lipoed_binary_path = "#{build_dir}/#{target_name}" lipo_log = `lipo -create -output #{tmp_lipoed_binary_path} #{device_binary} #{simulator_binary}` puts lipo_log unless File.exist?(tmp_lipoed_binary_path) tmp_lipoed_binary_path, device_binary, :force => true # collect the swiftmodule file for various archs. device_swiftmodule_path = device_framework_path + "/Modules/#{module_name}.swiftmodule" simulator_swiftmodule_path = simulator_framework_path + "/Modules/#{module_name}.swiftmodule" if File.exist?(device_swiftmodule_path) FileUtils.cp_r simulator_swiftmodule_path + "/.", device_swiftmodule_path end # combine the generated swift headers # (In xcode 10.2, the generated swift headers vary for each archs) # simulator_generated_swift_header_path = simulator_framework_path + "/Headers/#{module_name}-Swift.h" device_generated_swift_header_path = device_framework_path + "/Headers/#{module_name}-Swift.h" if File.exist? simulator_generated_swift_header_path device_header = simulator_header = # combined_header_content = %Q{ #if TARGET_OS_SIMULATOR // merged by cocoapods-binaryhqp #{simulator_header} #else // merged by cocoapods-binaryhqp #{device_header} #endif // merged by cocoapods-binaryhqp } File.write(device_generated_swift_header_path, combined_header_content.strip) end # # handle the dSYM files # device_dsym = "#{device_framework_path}.dSYM" # if File.exist? device_dsym # # lipo the simulator dsym # simulator_dsym = "#{simulator_framework_path}.dSYM" # if File.exist? simulator_dsym # tmp_lipoed_binary_path = "#{output_path}/#{module_name}.draft" # lipo_log = `lipo -create -output #{tmp_lipoed_binary_path} #{device_dsym}/Contents/Resources/DWARF/#{module_name} #{simulator_dsym}/Contents/Resources/DWARF/#{module_name}` # puts lipo_log unless File.exist?(tmp_lipoed_binary_path) # tmp_lipoed_binary_path, "#{device_framework_path}.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/#{module_name}", :force => true # end # # move # device_dsym, output_path, :force => true # end # # output output_path.mkpath unless output_path.exist? device_framework_path, output_path, :force => true end def xcodebuild(sandbox, target, sdk='macosx', deployment_target=nil, other_options=[]) args = %W(-project #{sandbox.project_path.realdirpath} -scheme #{target} -configuration #{CONFIGURATION} -sdk #{sdk} ) platform = PLATFORMS[sdk] args +=, platform, deployment_target) unless platform.nil? args += other_options log = `xcodebuild #{args.join(" ")} 2>&1` exit_code = $?.exitstatus # Process::Status is_succeed = (exit_code == 0) if !is_succeed begin if log.include?('** BUILD FAILED **') # use xcpretty to print build log # 64 represent command invalid. printer ={:formatter => XCPretty::Simple, :colorize => 'auto'}) log.each_line do |line| printer.pretty_print(line) end else raise "shouldn't be handle by xcpretty" end rescue puts end end [is_succeed, log] end module Pod class Prebuild # Build the frameworks with sandbox and targets # # @param [String] sandbox_root_path # The sandbox root path where the targets project place # # [PodTarget] target # The pod targets to build # # [Pathname] output_path # output path for generated frameworks # def, target, output_path, bitcode_enabled = false, custom_build_options=[], custom_build_options_simulator=[]) return if target.nil? sandbox_root = Pathname(sandbox_root_path) sandbox = build_dir = self.build_dir(sandbox_root) # -- build the framework case when :ios then build_for_iosish_platform(sandbox, build_dir, output_path, target, 'iphoneos', 'iphonesimulator', bitcode_enabled, custom_build_options, custom_build_options_simulator) when :osx then xcodebuild(sandbox, target.label, 'macosx', nil, custom_build_options) # when :tvos then build_for_iosish_platform(sandbox, build_dir, target, 'appletvos', 'appletvsimulator') when :watchos then build_for_iosish_platform(sandbox, build_dir, output_path, target, 'watchos', 'watchsimulator', true, custom_build_options, custom_build_options_simulator) else raise "Unsupported platform for '#{}': '#{}'" end raise Pod::Informative, 'The build directory was not found in the expected location.' unless # # --- copy the vendored libraries and framework # frameworks ={ |path| File.extname(path) == ".framework" } # Pod::UI.puts "Built #{frameworks.count} #{'frameworks'.pluralize(frameworks.count)}" # pod_target = target # consumer = pod_target.root_spec.consumer( # file_accessor =, consumer) # frameworks += file_accessor.vendored_libraries # frameworks += file_accessor.vendored_frameworks # frameworks.uniq! # frameworks.each do |framework| # FileUtils.mkdir_p destination # FileUtils.cp_r framework, destination, :remove_destination => true # end # build_dir.rmtree if end def self.remove_build_dir(sandbox_root) path = build_dir(sandbox_root) path.rmtree if path.exist? end private def self.build_dir(sandbox_root) # don't know why xcode chose this folder sandbox_root.parent + 'build' end end end