class Kaui::AccountsController < Kaui::EngineController def index if params[:account_id].present? redirect_to kaui_engine.account_path(params[:account_id]) end end def show @key = params[:id] if @key.present? # Remove extra whitespaces @key.strip! begin @account = Kaui::KillbillHelper::get_account_by_key_with_balance_and_cba(@key, options_for_klient) rescue URI::InvalidURIError => e[:error] = "Error while retrieving the account for #{@key}: #{e.message}" render :action => :index and return rescue => e[:error] = "Error while retrieving the account for #{@key}: #{as_string(e)}" render :action => :index and return end if @account.present? and @account.is_a? Kaui::Account begin @tags = Kaui::KillbillHelper::get_tags_for_account(@account.account_id, "NONE", options_for_klient).sort_by do |tag| @tag_definition_name <=> tag.tag_definition_name end @account_emails = Kaui::AccountEmail.where({ :account_id => @account.account_id }, options_for_klient) @overdue_state = Kaui::KillbillHelper::get_overdue_state_for_account(@account.account_id, options_for_klient) @payment_methods = Kaui::KillbillHelper::get_non_external_payment_methods(@account.account_id, options_for_klient) @bundles = Kaui::KillbillHelper::get_bundles(@account.account_id, options_for_klient) @subscriptions_by_bundle_id = {} @bundles.each do |bundle| subscriptions = Kaui::KillbillHelper::get_subscriptions_for_bundle(bundle.bundle_id, options_for_klient) if subscriptions.present? @subscriptions_by_bundle_id[bundle.bundle_id.to_s] = (@subscriptions_by_bundle_id[bundle.bundle_id.to_s] || []) + subscriptions end end rescue => e[:error] = "Error while retrieving account information for account: #{as_string(e)}" render :action => :index end else[:error] = "Account #{@account_id} not found: #{@account}" render :action => :index end else[:error] = "No id given" end end def payment_methods @account_id = params[:id] if @account_id.present? begin @payment_methods = Kaui::KillbillHelper::get_non_external_payment_methods(@account_id, options_for_klient) rescue => e[:error] = "Error while getting payment methods: #{as_string(e)}" end unless @payment_methods.is_a?(Array) flash[:notice] = "No payment methods for account_id '#{@account_id}'" redirect_to :action => :index return end else[:notice] = "No account_id given" end end def add_payment_method account_id = params[:id] begin @account = Kaui::KillbillHelper::get_account(account_id, false, false, options_for_klient) rescue => e[:error] = "Error while adding payment methods: #{as_string(e)}" end if @account.nil? flash[:error] = "Account not found for id #{account_id}" redirect_to :back else render "kaui/payment_methods/new" end end def do_add_payment_method account_id = params[:id] # Needed in the failure case scenario @account = Kaui::KillbillHelper::get_account(account_id, false, false, options_for_klient) # Implementation example using standard credit card fields @card_type = params[:card_type] @card_holder_name = params[:card_holder_name] @expiration_year = params[:expiration_year] @expiration_month = params[:expiration_month] @credit_card_number = params[:credit_card_number] @address1 = params[:address1] @address2 = params[:address2] @city = params[:city] @country = params[:country] @postal_code = params[:postal_code] @state = params[:state] @is_default = params[:is_default] @reason = params[:reason] @comment = params[:comment] payment_method = payment_method.account_id = account_id payment_method.plugin_name = params[:plugin_name] || payment_method.plugin_info = { 'type' => 'CreditCard', 'ccType' => @card_type, 'ccName' => @card_holder_name, 'ccExpirationMonth' => @expiration_month, 'ccExpirationYear' => @expiration_year, 'ccLast4' => @credit_card_number[-4,4], 'address1' => @address1, 'address2' => @address2, 'city' => @city, 'country' => @country, 'zip' => @postal_code, 'state' => @state } begin Kaui::KillbillHelper::add_payment_method(@is_default == 1, payment_method, current_user, @reason, @comment, options_for_klient) flash[:notice] = 'Payment method created' redirect_to kaui_engine.account_timeline_path(account_id) rescue => e[:error] = "Error while adding payment method: #{as_string(e)}" render "kaui/payment_methods/new" end end def set_default_payment_method @account_id = params[:id] @payment_method_id = params[:payment_method_id] if @account_id.present? && @payment_method_id.present? begin @payment_methods = Kaui::KillbillHelper::set_payment_method_as_default(@account_id, @payment_method_id, current_user, params[:reason], params[:comment], options_for_klient) rescue => e flash[:error] = "Error while setting payment method as default #{@payment_method_id}: #{as_string(e)}" end else flash[:notice] = 'No account_id or payment_method_id given' end redirect_to :back end def toggle_email_notifications begin @account = Kaui::KillbillHelper::update_email_notifications(params[:id], params[:is_notified], current_user, params[:reason], params[:comment], options_for_klient) flash[:notice] = "Email preferences updated" rescue => e flash[:error] = "Error while switching email notifications #{invoice_id}: #{as_string(e)}" end redirect_to :back end def pay_all_invoices begin @account = Kaui::KillbillHelper::pay_all_invoices(params[:id], false, current_user, params[:reason], params[:comment], options_for_klient) flash[:notice] = "Successfully triggered a payment for all unpaid invoices" rescue => e flash[:error] = "Error while triggering payments: #{as_string(e)}" end redirect_to :back end end