3.1.7 (Brainy Betty) 635684d780c190d28f8a5d6cc3062537970b75a1 o:Sass::Tree::RootNode : @options{:@children[ o:Sass::Tree::CommentNode ;@: @silenti;[: @lines[: @linei: @value"G/* Override `$default-background-origin` to change the default. */: @loud0o:Sass::Tree::ImportNode ;@;[; i:@template0:@imported_filename" sharedo:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;@;[: @guarded" !default; i : @name"default-background-origin: @expro:Sass::Script::String ;@; i : @type:identifier; "content-boxo; ;@; i;[; [; i ; "ï/* Position the background off the edge of the padding, border or content * * * Possible values: * * `padding-box` * * `border-box` * * `content-box` * * browser defaults to `padding-box` * * mixin defaults to `content-box` */; 0o:Sass::Tree::MixinDefNode ;@;[o; ;@;[;0; i;" origin;o:Sass::Script::Funcall ;@; i;" unquote:@keywords{: @args[o:Sass::Script::Variable ;@; i;" origin:@underscored_name" origino; ;@; i;[; [; i; "S/* webkit and mozilla use the deprecated short [border | padding | content] */; 0o; ;@;[;0; i;"deprecated;o; ;@; i;" origin;" originu:Sass::Tree::IfNode\[o:Sass::Script::Operation : @options{:@operand2o:Sass::Script::String ;@: @linei: @type:identifier: @value"padding-box; i:@operator:eq:@operand1o:Sass::Script::Variable ;@; i: @name" origin:@underscored_name" origin0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;@:@children[: @guarded0; i;"deprecated: @expro; ;@; i; ; ; " paddingu;Z[o:Sass::Script::Operation : @options{:@operand2o:Sass::Script::String ;@: @linei: @type:identifier: @value"border-box; i:@operator:eq:@operand1o:Sass::Script::Variable ;@; i: @name" origin:@underscored_name" origin0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;@:@children[: @guarded0; i;"deprecated: @expro; ;@; i; ; ; " borderu;\[o:Sass::Script::Operation : @options{:@operand2o:Sass::Script::String ;@: @linei: @type:identifier: @value"content-box; i:@operator:eq:@operand1o:Sass::Script::Variable ;@; i: @name" origin:@underscored_name" origin0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;@:@children[: @guarded0; i;"deprecated: @expro; ;@; i; ; ; " contento; ;@; i;[; [; i; "L/* Support for webkit and mozilla's use of the deprecated short form */; 0o:Sass::Tree::MixinNode ;@;[; i&;"experimental;{;[ o; ;@; i;;; "background-origino; ;@; i;"deprecated;"deprecatedo; ;@; i ;;; " -mozo; ;@; i!;;; " -webkito:!Sass::Script::UnaryOperation ;@; i":@operator:not: @operando; ;@; i";;; "-oo; ;@; i#;!;";#o; ;@; i#;;; "-mso; ;@; i$;!;";#o; ;@; i$;;; " -khtmlo; ;@; i%;!;";#o; ;@; i%;;; " officialo; ;@;[; i.;"experimental;{;[ o; ;@; i';;; "background-origino; ;@; i';" origin;" origino; ;@; i(;!;";#o; ;@; i(;;; " -mozo; ;@; i);!;";#o; ;@; i);;; " -webkito; ;@; i*;;; "-oo; ;@; i+;;; "-mso; ;@; i,;;; " -khtmlo; ;@; i-;;; " official; i;"background-origin:@has_childrenT;[[o;;{;" origin;" origino; ;@l; i;"default-background-origin;"default_background_origin; i;"8// Override `$default-background-origin` to change the default. @import "shared"; $default-background-origin: content-box !default; // Position the background off the edge of the padding, border or content // // * Possible values: // * `padding-box` // * `border-box` // * `content-box` // * browser defaults to `padding-box` // * mixin defaults to `content-box` @mixin background-origin($origin: $default-background-origin) { $origin: unquote($origin); // webkit and mozilla use the deprecated short [border | padding | content] $deprecated: $origin; @if $origin == padding-box { $deprecated: padding; } @if $origin == border-box { $deprecated: border; } @if $origin == content-box { $deprecated: content; } // Support for webkit and mozilla's use of the deprecated short form @include experimental(background-origin, $deprecated, -moz, -webkit, not -o, not -ms, not -khtml, not official ); @include experimental(background-origin, $origin, not -moz, not -webkit, -o, -ms, -khtml, official ); } ;$T