dojo.provide("dijit._TimePicker"); dojo.require("dijit.form._FormWidget"); dojo.require(""); /*===== dojo.declare( "dijit._TimePicker.__Constraints", [], { // clickableIncrement: String // see dijit._TimePicker.clickableIncrement clickableIncrement: "T00:15:00", // visibleIncrement: String // see dijit._TimePicker.visibleIncrement visibleIncrement: "T01:00:00", // visibleRange: String // see dijit._TimePicker.visibleRange visibleRange: "T05:00:00" } ); =====*/ dojo.declare("dijit._TimePicker", [dijit._Widget, dijit._Templated], { // summary: // A graphical time picker. // This widget is used internally by other widgets and is not accessible // as a standalone widget. templatePath: dojo.moduleUrl("dijit", "templates/TimePicker.html"), baseClass: "dijitTimePicker", // clickableIncrement: String // ISO-8601 string representing the amount by which // every clickable element in the time picker increases. // Set in local time, without a time zone. // Example: `T00:15:00` creates 15 minute increments // Must divide dijit._TimePicker.visibleIncrement evenly clickableIncrement: "T00:15:00", // visibleIncrement: String // ISO-8601 string representing the amount by which // every element with a visible time in the time picker increases. // Set in local time, without a time zone. // Example: `T01:00:00` creates text in every 1 hour increment visibleIncrement: "T01:00:00", // visibleRange: String // ISO-8601 string representing the range of this TimePicker. // The TimePicker will only display times in this range. // Example: `T05:00:00` displays 5 hours of options visibleRange: "T05:00:00", // value: String // Date to display. // Defaults to current time and date. // Can be a Date object or an ISO-8601 string. // If you specify the GMT time zone (`-01:00`), // the time will be converted to the local time in the local time zone. // Otherwise, the time is considered to be in the local time zone. // If you specify the date and isDate is true, the date is used. // Example: if your local time zone is `GMT -05:00`, // `T10:00:00` becomes `T10:00:00-05:00` (considered to be local time), // `T10:00:00-01:00` becomes `T06:00:00-05:00` (4 hour difference), // `T10:00:00Z` becomes `T05:00:00-05:00` (5 hour difference between Zulu and local time) // `yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss` is the format to set the date and time // Example: `2007-06-01T09:00:00` value: new Date(), _visibleIncrement:2, _clickableIncrement:1, _totalIncrements:10, // constraints: dijit._TimePicker.__Constraints constraints:{}, serialize:, // _filterString: string // The string to filter by _filterString: "", setValue: function(/*Date*/ value){ dojo.deprecated("dijit._TimePicker:setValue() is deprecated. Use attr('value') instead.", "", "2.0"); this.attr('value', value); }, _setValueAttr: function(/*Date*/ date){ // summary: // Hook so attr('value', ...) works. // description: // Set the value of the TimePicker. // Redraws the TimePicker around the new date. this.value = date; this._showText(); }, onOpen: function(best){ if(this._beenOpened && this.domNode.parentNode){ // We've been opened before - so set our filter to to the // currently-displayed value (or empty string if it's already // valid) var p = dijit.byId(this.domNode.parentNode.dijitPopupParent); if(p){ var val = p.getDisplayedValue(); if(val && !p.parse(val, p.constraints)){ this._filterString = val; }else{ this._filterString = ""; } this._showText(); } } this._beenOpened = true; }, isDisabledDate: function(/*Date*/dateObject, /*String?*/locale){ // summary: // May be overridden to disable certain dates in the TimePicker e.g. `` return false; // Boolean }, _getFilteredNodes: function(/*number*/start, /*number*/maxNum, /*Boolean*/before){ // summary: // Returns an array of nodes with the filter applied. At most maxNum nodes // will be returned - but fewer may be returned as well. If the // before parameter is set to true, then it will return the elements // before the given index var nodes = [], n, i = start, max = this._maxIncrement + Math.abs(i), chk = before?-1:1, dec = before?1:0, inc = before?0:1; do{ i = i - dec; n = this._createOption(i); if(n){nodes.push(n);} i = i + inc; }while(nodes.length < maxNum && (i*chk) < max); if(before){ nodes.reverse(); } return nodes; }, _showText:function(){ this.timeMenu.innerHTML = ""; var fromIso =; this._clickableIncrementDate=fromIso(this.clickableIncrement); this._visibleIncrementDate=fromIso(this.visibleIncrement); this._visibleRangeDate=fromIso(this.visibleRange); // get the value of the increments and the range in seconds (since 00:00:00) to find out how many divs to create var sinceMidnight = function(/*Date*/ date){ return date.getHours() * 60 * 60 + date.getMinutes() * 60 + date.getSeconds(); }; var clickableIncrementSeconds = sinceMidnight(this._clickableIncrementDate); var visibleIncrementSeconds = sinceMidnight(this._visibleIncrementDate); var visibleRangeSeconds = sinceMidnight(this._visibleRangeDate); // round reference date to previous visible increment var time = this.value.getTime(); this._refDate = new Date(time - time % (visibleIncrementSeconds*1000)); this._refDate.setFullYear(1970,0,1); // match parse defaults // assume clickable increment is the smallest unit this._clickableIncrement = 1; // divide the visible range by the clickable increment to get the number of divs to create // example: 10:00:00/00:15:00 -> display 40 divs this._totalIncrements = visibleRangeSeconds / clickableIncrementSeconds; // divide the visible increments by the clickable increments to get how often to display the time inline // example: 01:00:00/00:15:00 -> display the time every 4 divs this._visibleIncrement = visibleIncrementSeconds / clickableIncrementSeconds; // divide the number of seconds in a day by the clickable increment in seconds to get the // absolute max number of increments. this._maxIncrement = (60 * 60 * 24) / clickableIncrementSeconds; // find the nodes we should display based on our filter var before = this._getFilteredNodes(0, this._totalIncrements >> 1, true); var after = this._getFilteredNodes(0, this._totalIncrements >> 1, false); if(before.length < this._totalIncrements >> 1){ before = before.slice(before.length / 2); after = after.slice(0, after.length / 2); } dojo.forEach(before.concat(after), function(n){this.timeMenu.appendChild(n);}, this); // TODO: // I commented this out because it // causes problems for a TimeTextBox in a Dialog, or as the editor of an InlineEditBox, // because the timeMenu node isn't visible yet. -- Bill (Bug #????) // dijit.focus(this.timeMenu); }, postCreate:function(){ // instantiate constraints if(this.constraints===dijit._TimePicker.prototype.constraints){ this.constraints={}; } // brings in visibleRange, increments, etc. dojo.mixin(this, this.constraints); // needs the lang in the constraints as locale if(!this.constraints.locale){ this.constraints.locale=this.lang; } // assign typematic mouse listeners to the arrow buttons this.connect(this.timeMenu, dojo.isIE ? "onmousewheel" : 'DOMMouseScroll', "_mouseWheeled"); var _this = this; var typematic = function(){ _this._connects.push( dijit.typematic.addMouseListener.apply(null, arguments) ); }; typematic(this.upArrow,this,this._onArrowUp, 0.8, 500); typematic(this.downArrow,this,this._onArrowDown, 0.8, 500); // Connect some callback functions to the hover event of the arrows var triggerFx = function(cb){ return function(cnt){ // don't run on the first firing if(cnt > 0){, arguments);} }; }; var hoverFx = function(node, cb){ return function(e){ dojo.stopEvent(e); dijit.typematic.trigger(e, this, node, triggerFx(cb), node, 0.85, 250); }; }; this.connect(this.upArrow, "onmouseover", hoverFx(this.upArrow, this._onArrowUp)); this.connect(this.downArrow, "onmouseover", hoverFx(this.downArrow, this._onArrowDown)); this.inherited(arguments); }, _buttonMouse:function(/*Event*/ e){ dojo.toggleClass(e.currentTarget, "dijitButtonNodeHover", e.type == "mouseover"); }, _createOption:function(/*Number*/ index){ // summary: creates a clickable time option var date = new Date(this._refDate); var incrementDate = this._clickableIncrementDate; date.setHours(date.getHours() + incrementDate.getHours() * index, date.getMinutes() + incrementDate.getMinutes() * index, date.getSeconds() + incrementDate.getSeconds() * index); var dateString =, this.constraints); if(this._filterString && dateString.toLowerCase().indexOf(this._filterString) !== 0){ // Doesn't match the filter - return null return null; } var div = dojo.doc.createElement("div"); = date; div.index = index; var innerDiv = dojo.doc.createElement('div'); dojo.addClass(div,this.baseClass+"Item"); dojo.addClass(innerDiv,this.baseClass+"ItemInner"); innerDiv.innerHTML = dateString; div.appendChild(innerDiv); if(index%this._visibleIncrement<1 && index%this._visibleIncrement>-1){ dojo.addClass(div, this.baseClass+"Marker"); }else if(!(index%this._clickableIncrement)){ dojo.addClass(div, this.baseClass+"Tick"); } if(this.isDisabledDate(date)){ // set disabled dojo.addClass(div, this.baseClass+"ItemDisabled"); } if(!, date, this.constraints.selector)){ div.selected = true; dojo.addClass(div, this.baseClass+"ItemSelected"); if(dojo.hasClass(div, this.baseClass+"Marker")){ dojo.addClass(div, this.baseClass+"MarkerSelected"); }else{ dojo.addClass(div, this.baseClass+"TickSelected"); } } return div; }, _onOptionSelected:function(/*Object*/ tgt){ var tdate = ||; if(!tdate || this.isDisabledDate(tdate)){ return; } this._highlighted_option = null; this.attr('value', tdate); this.onValueSelected(tdate); }, onValueSelected:function(value){ }, _highlightOption: function(/*node*/node, /*Boolean*/ highlight){ if(!node){return;} if(highlight){ if(this._highlighted_option){ this._highlightOption(this._highlighted_option, false); } this._highlighted_option = node; }else if(this._highlighted_option !== node){ return; }else{ this._highlighted_option = null; } dojo.toggleClass(node, this.baseClass+"ItemHover", highlight); if(dojo.hasClass(node, this.baseClass+"Marker")){ dojo.toggleClass(node, this.baseClass+"MarkerHover", highlight); }else{ dojo.toggleClass(node, this.baseClass+"TickHover", highlight); } }, onmouseover:function(/*Event*/ e){ var tgr = ( === this.timeMenu) ? :; // if we aren't targeting an item, then we return if(!dojo.hasClass(tgr, this.baseClass+"Item")){return;} this._highlightOption(tgr, true); }, onmouseout:function(/*Event*/ e){ var tgr = ( === this.timeMenu) ? :; this._highlightOption(tgr, false); }, _mouseWheeled:function(/*Event*/e){ // summary: handle the mouse wheel listener dojo.stopEvent(e); // we're not _measuring_ the scroll amount, just direction var scrollAmount = (dojo.isIE ? e.wheelDelta : -e.detail); this[(scrollAmount>0 ? "_onArrowUp" : "_onArrowDown")](); // yes, we're making a new dom node every time you mousewheel, or click }, _onArrowUp:function(){ // summary: remove the bottom time and add one to the top var index = this.timeMenu.childNodes[0].index; var divs = this._getFilteredNodes(index, 1, true); if(divs.length){ this.timeMenu.removeChild(this.timeMenu.childNodes[this.timeMenu.childNodes.length - 1]); this.timeMenu.insertBefore(divs[0], this.timeMenu.childNodes[0]); } }, _onArrowDown:function(){ // summary: remove the top time and add one to the bottom var index = this.timeMenu.childNodes[this.timeMenu.childNodes.length - 1].index + 1; var divs = this._getFilteredNodes(index, 1, false); if(divs.length){ this.timeMenu.removeChild(this.timeMenu.childNodes[0]); this.timeMenu.appendChild(divs[0]); } }, handleKey:function(/*Event*/e){ var dk = dojo.keys; if(e.keyChar || e.charOrCode === dk.BACKSPACE || e.charOrCode == dk.DELETE){ // Set a timeout to kick off our filter setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this, function(){ this._filterString =; this._showText(); }),1); }else if(e.charOrCode == dk.DOWN_ARROW || e.charOrCode == dk.UP_ARROW){ dojo.stopEvent(e); // Figure out which option to highlight now and then highlight it if(this._highlighted_option && !this._highlighted_option.parentNode){ this._highlighted_option = null; } var timeMenu = this.timeMenu, tgt = this._highlighted_option || dojo.query("." + this.baseClass + "ItemSelected", timeMenu)[0]; if(!tgt){ tgt = timeMenu.childNodes[0]; }else if(timeMenu.childNodes.length){ if(e.charOrCode == dk.DOWN_ARROW && !tgt.nextSibling){ this._onArrowDown(); }else if(e.charOrCode == dk.UP_ARROW && !tgt.previousSibling){ this._onArrowUp(); } if(e.charOrCode == dk.DOWN_ARROW){ tgt = tgt.nextSibling; }else{ tgt = tgt.previousSibling; } } this._highlightOption(tgt, true); }else if(this._highlighted_option && (e.charOrCode == dk.ENTER || e.charOrCode === dk.TAB)){ // Accept the currently-highlighted option as the value if(e.charOrCode == dk.ENTER){dojo.stopEvent(e);} setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this, function(){ this._onOptionSelected({target: this._highlighted_option}); }),1); } } } );