module Foursquare2 module Lists # Retrieve information about a list. # # @param [String] list_id - The id of the list to retrieve. # @param [Hash] options # @option options Integer :limit - Number of results to return, up to 200. # @option options Integer :offset - The number of results to skip. Used to page through results. def list(list_id, options={}) response = connection.get do |req| req.url "lists/#{list_id}", options end return_error_or_body(response, response.body.response.list) end # Add a list: See # # @param [Hash] options # @option options String :name - (required) The name of the list # @option options String :description - The description of the list. # @option options Boolean :collaborative - Boolean indicating if this list can be edited by friends. # @option options String :photoId - The id of a photo that should be set as the list photo. def add_list(options={}) response = do |req| req.url "lists/add", options end return_error_or_body(response, response.body.response.list) end # Follow a list: # # @param [String] list_id - The id of the list to follow. def follow_list(list_id) response = "lists/#{list_id}/follow" return_error_or_body(response, response.body.response.list) end # Unfollow a list: # # @param [String] list_id - The id of the list to unfollow. def unfollow_list(list_id) response = "lists/#{list_id}/unfollow" return_error_or_body(response, response.body.response.list) end # Update a list: # # @param [String] list_id - The id of the list to update # @param [Hash] options # @option options String :name - The name of the list # @option options String :description - The description of the list. # @option options Boolean :collaborative - Boolean indicating if this list can be edited by friends. # @option options String :photoId - The id of a photo that should be set as the list photo. def update_list(list_id, options={}) response = do |req| req.url "lists/#{list_id}/update", options end return_error_or_body(response, response.body.response.list) end # Add an item to a list: # # @param [String] list_id - The id of the list to update # @param [Hash] options (all optional) # @option options String :venueId - A venue to add to the list. # @option options String :text - text to add to item # @option options String :url - associate a url with the tip # @option options String :tipId - Used to add a tip to a list # @option options String :listId - Used with itemId to copy item from a list # @option options String :itemId - Used with listId to copy item from a list def add_list_item(list_id, options={}) response = do |req| req.url "lists/#{list_id}/additem", options end return_error_or_body(response, response.body.response.item) end # Delete an item from a list: # # @param [String] list_id - The id of the list to delete item from # @param [String] item_id = The id of the item to delete from list def delete_list_item(list_id, item_id) response = do |req| req.url "lists/#{list_id}/deleteitem", :itemId => item_id end return_error_or_body(response, response.body.response.item) end # Move an item on a list: # # @param [String] list_id - The id of the list on which the item is moved # @param [String] item_id = The id of the item to move # @param [Hash] options # @option options String :beforeId - (optional) move itemId before beforeId # @option options String :afterId - (optional) move itemId after afterId def move_list_item(list_id, item_id, options={}) response = do |req| req.url "lists/#{list_id}/moveitem", {:itemId => item_id}.merge(options) end return_error_or_body(response, response.body.response.list) end end end