(function () { 'use strict'; /** * @ngdoc service * @name Bastion.environments.service:Content * * @description * Provides common functions for managing content types and can build a Nutupane * pre-configured for the content type based on params that are passed in and the * current state of the application. */ function ContentService($injector, Nutupane, $state, translate) { var contentTypes; function currentState() { return $state.current.name.split('.').pop(); } function getContentType(state) { return _.find(contentTypes, function (type) { return state === type.state; }); } this.contentTypes = contentTypes = [ { state: 'content-views', resource: 'ContentView', display: translate('Content Views'), params: {nondefault: true} }, { state: 'repositories', resource: 'Repository', params: {'content_type': 'yum'}, display: 'Yum Repositories' }, { state: 'errata', resource: 'Erratum', display: translate('Errata'), repositoryType: 'yum' }, { state: 'packages', resource: 'Package', display: translate('Packages'), repositoryType: 'yum' }, { state: 'puppet-modules', resource: 'PuppetModule', display: translate('Puppet Modules'), repositoryType: 'puppet' }, { state: 'docker', resource: 'DockerTag', display: translate('Container Image Tags'), repositoryType: 'docker' }, { state: 'ostree', resource: 'OstreeBranch', display: translate('OSTree Branches'), repositoryType: 'ostree' }, { state: 'module-streams', resource: 'ModuleStream', display: translate('Module Streams'), repositoryType: 'yum' } ]; this.getRepositoryType = function () { return getContentType(currentState()).repositoryType; }; this.buildNutupane = function (params) { var nutupane; params = params || {}; params = angular.extend(params, getContentType(currentState()).params); nutupane = new Nutupane($injector.get(getContentType(currentState()).resource), params, 'queryPaged'); return nutupane; }; } angular .module('Bastion.environments') .service('ContentService', ContentService); ContentService.$inject = ['$injector', 'Nutupane', '$state', 'translate']; })();