class Conductor::Condition
Public Class Methods
Initializes the given condition.
@param condition The condition
# File lib/conductor/condition.rb, line 11 def initialize(condition) @condition = condition @env = Conductor::Env.env end
Public Instance Methods
# File lib/conductor/condition.rb, line 381 def operator_to_symbol(operator) return operator if operator.nil? case operator when /(gt|greater( than)?|>|(?:is )?after)/i :gt when /(lt|less( than)?|<|(?:is )?before)/i :lt when /not (ha(?:s|ve)|contains|includes|match(es)?)/i :not_contains when /(ha(?:s|ve)|contains|includes|match(es)?|\*=)/i :contains when /not (suffix|ends? with)/i :not_ends_with when /not (prefix|(starts?|begins?) with)/i :not_starts_with when /(suffix|ends with|\$=)/i :ends_with when /(prefix|(starts?|begins?) with|\^=)/i :starts_with when /is not (an?|type( of)?)/i :not_type_of when /is (an?|type( of)?)/i :type_of when /((?:(?:is|does) )?not(?: equals?)?|!==?)/i :not_equal when /(is|==?|equals?)/i :equal end end
# File lib/conductor/condition.rb, line 412 def parse_condition cond = @condition.to_s.gsub(/\((.*?)\)/) do condition = Regexp.last_match(1) split_booleans(condition) end split_booleans(cond) end
Splits booleans and tests components.
@param condition The condition to test
@return [Boolean] test result
# File lib/conductor/condition.rb, line 32 def split_booleans(condition) split = condition.split(/ ((?:AND )?NOT|AND|OR) /) if split.count == 1 test_condition(split[0]) else res = nil bool = nil prev = false split.each do |cond| if /((?:AND )?NOT|AND|OR|&&|\|\||!!)/.match?(cond) bool = cond.bool_to_symbol next end r = split_booleans(cond) if bool == :and && (!r || !prev) res = false elsif bool == :or && (r || prev) return true elsif bool == :not && (r || prev) res = false else res = r end prev = res end res end end
Splits a natural language condition.
@param condition The condition @return [Array] Value, value to compare, operator
# File lib/conductor/condition.rb, line 99 def split_condition(condition) if condition.match(/(?:((?:does )?not)?(?:ha(?:s|ve)|contains?|includes?) +)?(yaml|headers|frontmatter|mmd|meta(?:data)?|pandoc)(:\S+)?/i) m = Regexp.last_match op = m[1].nil? ? :contains : :not_contains type = case m[2] when /^m/i "mmd" when /^p/i "pandoc" else "yaml" end return ["#{type}#{m[3]}", nil, op] end res = condition.match(/^(?<val1>.*?)(?:(?: +(?<op>(?:is|does)(?: not)?(?: an?|type(?: of)?|equals?(?: to))?|!?==?|[gl]t|(?:greater|less)(?: than)?|<|>|(?:starts|ends) with|(?:ha(?:s|ve) )?(?:prefix|suffix)|has|contains?|includes?) +)(?<val2>.*?))?$/i) [res["val1"], res["val2"], operator_to_symbol(res["op"])] end
# File lib/conductor/condition.rb, line 343 def test_condition(condition) type, value, operator = split_condition(condition) if operator.nil? return case type when /^(true|any|all|else|\*+|catch(all)?)$/i true else false end end case type when /^ext/i test_string(@env[:ext], value, operator) ? true : false when /^tree/i test_tree(@env[:origin], value, operator) when /^(path|dir)/i test_string(@env[:filepath], value, operator) ? true : false when /^(file)?name/i test_string(@env[:filename], value, operator) ? true : false when /^phase/i test_string(@env[:phase], value, :starts_with) ? true : false when /^text/i test_string(Conductor.stdin, value, operator) ? true : false when /^(?:yaml|headers|frontmatter)(?::(.*?))?$/i key = Regexp.last_match(1) || nil Conductor.stdin.yaml? ? test_yaml(Conductor.stdin, value, key, operator) : false when /^(?:mmd|meta(?:data)?)(?::(.*?))?$/i key = Regexp.last_match(1) || nil Conductor.stdin.meta? ? test_meta(Conductor.stdin, value, key, operator) : false when /^pandoc/ test_pandoc(Conductor.stdin, operator) else false end end
Test for MultiMarkdown metadata,
optionally key and value
@param content [String] The text content @param value [String] The value to test for @param key [String] The key to test for @param operator [Symbol] The operator
@return [Boolean] test result
# File lib/conductor/condition.rb, line 310 def test_meta(content, value, key, operator) headers = [] content.split("\n").each do |line| break if line == /^ *\n$/ || line !~ /\w+: *\S/ headers << line end return operator == :not_equal if headers.empty? return operator != :not_equal if value.nil? meta = {} headers.each do |h| parts = h.split(/ *: */) k = parts[0].strip.downcase.gsub(/ +/, "") v = parts[1..].join(":").strip meta[k] = v end if key test_string(meta[key], value, operator) else res = value ? meta.key?(value) : true operator == :not_equal ? !res : res end end
Test operators
@param value1 Value @param value2 Value to test @param operator The operator
@return [Boolean] test result
# File lib/conductor/condition.rb, line 74 def test_operator(value1, value2, operator) case operator when :gt value1.to_f > value2.to_f when :lt value1.to_f < value2.to_f when :contains value1.to_s =~ /#{value2}/i when :starts_with value1.to_s =~ /^#{value2}/i when :ends_with value1.to_s =~ /#{value2}$/i when :not_equal value1 != value2 when :equal value1 == value2 end end
# File lib/conductor/condition.rb, line 338 def test_pandoc(content, operator) res = content.match(/^%% /) %i[not_contains not_equal].include?(operator) ? !res.nil? : res.nil? end
Compare a string based on operator
@param val1 The string to test against @param val2 The value to test @param operator The operator
@return [Boolean] test result
# File lib/conductor/condition.rb, line 152 def test_string(val1, val2, operator) return operator == :not_equal ? val1.nil? : !val1.nil? if val2.nil? return operator == :not_equal if val1.nil? val2 = val2.force_encoding("utf-8") if if val2.time? date1 = val1.to_date date2 = val2.to_date else date1 = operator == :gt ? val1.to_day(:end) : val1.to_day date2 = operator == :gt ? val2.to_day(:end) : val1.to_day end res = case operator when :gt date1 > date2 when :lt date1 < date2 when :equal date1 == date2 when :not_equal date1 != date2 end return res unless res.nil? end val2 = if %r{^/.*?/$}.match?(val2.strip) val2.gsub(%r{(^/|/$)}, "") else Regexp.escape(val2) end val1 = val1.dup.to_s.force_encoding("utf-8") case operator when :contains val1 =~ /#{val2}/i when :not_starts_with val1 !~ /^#{val2}/i when :not_ends_with val1 !~ /#{val2}$/i when :starts_with val1 =~ /^#{val2}/i when :ends_with val1 =~ /#{val2}$/i when :equal val1 =~ /^#{val2}$/i when :not_equal val1 !~ /^#{val2}$/i else false end end
Test for the existince of a
file/directory in the parent tree
@param origin Starting directory @param value The file/directory to search
@param operator The operator
@return [Boolean] test result
# File lib/conductor/condition.rb, line 218 def test_tree(origin, value, operator) return true if File.exist?(File.join(origin, value)) dir = File.dirname(origin) if Dir.exist?(File.join(dir, value)) true elsif [Dir.home, "/"].include?(dir) false else test_tree(dir, value, operator) end end
Test “truthiness”
@param value1 Value to test against @param value2 Value to test @param operator The operator
@return [Boolean] test result
# File lib/conductor/condition.rb, line 241 def test_truthy(value1, value2, operator) return false unless value2&.bool? value2 = value2.to_bool if value2.is_a?(String) res = value1 == value2 operator == :not_equal ? !res : res end
Test for type of value
@param val1 value @param val2 value to test against @param operator The operator
# File lib/conductor/condition.rb, line 125 def test_type(val1, val2, operator) res = case val2 when /number/ val1.is_a?(Numeric) when /int(eger)?/ val1.is_a?(Integer) when /(float|decimal)/ val1.is_a?(Float) when /array/i val1.is_a?(Array) when /(string|text)/i val1.is_a?(String) when /date/i end operator == :type_of ? res : !res end
Test for presence of yaml, optionall for
a key, optionally for a key's value
@param content Text content containing YAML @param value The value to test for @param key The key to test for @param operator The operator
@return [Boolean] test result
# File lib/conductor/condition.rb, line 262 def test_yaml(content, value, key, operator) begin yaml = YAML.load(content.split(/^(?:---|\.\.\.)/)[1]) rescue StandardError return false end return operator == :not_equal unless yaml if key value1 = yaml[key] return operator == :not_equal if value1.nil? if value.nil? has_key = !value1.nil? return operator == :not_equal ? !has_key : has_key end if %i[type_of not_type_of].include?(operator) return test_type(value1, value, operator) end value1 = value1.join(",") if value1.is_a?(Array) if value1.bool? test_truthy(value1, value, operator) elsif value1.number? && value.number? && %i[gt lt equal not_equal].include?(operator) test_operator(value1, value, operator) else test_string(value1, value, operator) end else res = value ? yaml.key?(value) : true (operator == :not_equal) ? !res : res end end
Tests condition
@return [Boolean] test result
# File lib/conductor/condition.rb, line 21 def true? parse_condition end