require 'spec_helper' describe Chozo::VariaModel do describe "ClassMethods" do subject do do include Chozo::VariaModel end end describe "::attributes" do it "returns a Hashie::Mash" do subject.attributes.should be_a(Hashie::Mash) end it "is empty by default" do subject.attributes.should be_empty end end describe "::attribute" do it "adds an attribute to the attributes hash for each attribute function call" do subject.attribute 'jamie.winsor' subject.attribute 'brooke.winsor' subject.attributes.should have(2).items end it "adds a validation if :required option is true" do subject.attribute 'brooke.winsor', required: true subject.validations.should have(1).item end it "adds a validation if the :type option is provided" do subject.attribute 'brooke.winsor', type: :string subject.validations.should have(1).item end it "sets a default value if :default option is provided" do subject.attribute 'brooke.winsor', default: 'rhode island' subject.attributes.dig('brooke.winsor').should eql('rhode island') end it "allows an attribute called 'attributes'" do subject.attribute 'attributes', default: 'bag of junk' subject.attributes.dig('attributes').should eql('bag of junk') end it "allows an attribute called 'attribute'" do subject.attribute 'attribute', default: 'some value' subject.attributes.dig('attribute').should eql('some value') end end describe "::validations" do it "returns a Hashie::Mash" do subject.validations.should be_a(Hashie::Mash) end it "is empty by default" do subject.validations.should be_empty end end describe "::validations_for" do context "when an attribute is registered and has validations" do before(:each) do subject.attribute("nested.attribute", required: true, type: String) end it "returns an array of procs" do validations = subject.validations_for("nested.attribute") validations.should be_a(Array) validations.should each be_a(Proc) end end context "when an attribute is registered but has no validations" do before(:each) do subject.attribute("nested.attribute") end it "returns an empty array" do validations = subject.validations_for("nested.attribute") validations.should be_a(Array) validations.should be_empty end end context "when an attribute is not registered" do it "returns an empty array" do validations = subject.validations_for("not_existing.attribute") validations.should be_a(Array) validations.should be_empty end end describe "#assignment_mode" do it "returns the default assignment mode :whitelist" do subject.assignment_mode.should eql(:whitelist) end end describe "#set_assignment_mode" do it "sets the assignment_mode to whitelist" do subject.set_assignment_mode(:whitelist) subject.assignment_mode.should eql(:whitelist) end it "sets the assignment_mode to carefree" do subject.set_assignment_mode(:carefree) subject.assignment_mode.should eql(:carefree) end it "raises if given an invalid assignment mode" do expect { subject.set_assignment_mode(:not_a_real_mode) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end end describe "::validate_kind_of" do let(:types) do [ String, Boolean ] end let(:key) do '' end subject do do include Chozo::VariaModel attribute '', types: [String, Boolean] end end let(:model) do end it "returns an array" do subject.validate_kind_of(types, model, key).should be_a(Array) end context "failure" do before(:each) do = nil end it "returns an array where the first element is ':error'" do subject.validate_kind_of(types, model, key).first.should eql(:error) end it "returns an array where the second element is an error message containing the attribute and types" do types.each do |type| subject.validate_kind_of(types, model, key)[1].should =~ /#{type}/ end subject.validate_kind_of(types, model, key)[1].should =~ /#{key}/ end end context "success" do before(:each) do = true end it "returns an array where the first element is ':ok'" do subject.validate_kind_of(types, model, key).first.should eql(:ok) end it "returns an array where the second element is a blank string" do subject.validate_kind_of(types, model, key)[1].should be_blank end end context "when given two types of the same kind" do let(:types) do [ String, String ] end let(:key) do '' end subject do do include Chozo::VariaModel attribute '', types: [String, Boolean] end end let(:model) do end before(:each) do = nil end it "returns a error message that contains the type error only once" do subject.validate_kind_of(types, model, key)[1].should eql("Expected attribute: '' to be a type of: 'String'") end end end describe "::validate_required" do let(:key) do '' end subject do do include Chozo::VariaModel attribute '', required: true end end let(:model) do end it "returns an array" do subject.validate_required(model, key).should be_a(Array) end it "fails validation if the value of the attribute is nil" do model.set_attribute(key, nil) subject.validate_required(model, key).first.should eql(:error) end it "passes validation if the value of the attribute is false" do model.set_attribute(key, false) subject.validate_required(model, key).first.should eql(:ok) end it "passes validation if the value of the attribute is not nil" do model.set_attribute(key, 'some_value') subject.validate_required(model, key).first.should eql(:ok) end context "failure" do before(:each) do = nil end it "returns an array where the first element is ':error'" do subject.validate_required(model, key).first.should eql(:error) end it "returns an array where the second element is an error message containing the attribute name" do subject.validate_required(model, key)[1].should =~ /#{key}/ end end context "success" do before(:each) do = "hello" end it "returns an array where the first element is ':ok'" do subject.validate_required(model, key).first.should eql(:ok) end it "returns an array where the second element is a blank string" do subject.validate_required(model, key)[1].should be_blank end end end end subject do do include Chozo::VariaModel attribute 'nested.not_coerced', default: 'hello' attribute 'nested.no_default' attribute 'nested.coerced', coerce: lambda { |m| m.to_s } attribute 'toplevel', default: 'hello' attribute 'no_default' attribute 'coerced', coerce: lambda { |m| m.to_s } end describe "GeneratedAccessors" do describe "nested getter" do it "returns the default value" do subject.nested.not_coerced.should eql('hello') end it "returns nil if there is no default value" do subject.nested.no_default.should be_nil end end describe "toplevel getter" do it "returns the default value" do subject.toplevel.should eql('hello') end it "returns nil if there is no default value" do subject.no_default.should be_nil end end describe "nested setter" do it "sets the value of the nested attribute" do subject.nested.not_coerced = 'world' subject.nested.not_coerced.should eql('world') end end describe "toplevel setter" do it "sets the value of the top level attribute" do subject.toplevel = 'world' subject.toplevel.should eql('world') end end describe "nested coerced setter" do it "sets the value of the nested coerced attribute" do subject.nested.coerced = 1 subject.nested.coerced.should eql("1") end end describe "toplevel coerced setter" do it "sets the value of the top level coerced attribute" do subject.coerced = 1 subject.coerced.should eql('1') end end context "given two nested attributes with a common parent and default values" do subject do do include Chozo::VariaModel attribute '', default: 'val_one' attribute 'nested.two', default: 'val_two' end it "sets a default value for each nested attribute" do eql('val_one') subject.nested.two.should eql('val_two') end end context "given two nested attributes with a common parent and coercions" do subject do do include Chozo::VariaModel attribute '', coerce: lambda { |m| m.to_s } attribute 'nested.two', coerce: lambda { |m| m.to_s } end it "coerces each value if both have a coercion" do = 1 subject.nested.two = 2 eql("1") subject.nested.two.should eql("2") end end context "given an attribute called 'attributes'" do subject do do include Chozo::VariaModel attribute 'attributes', default: end it "allows the setting and getting of the 'attributes' mimic methods" do subject.attributes.should be_a(Hash) subject.attributes.should be_empty new_hash = { something: "here" } subject.attributes = new_hash subject.attributes[:something].should eql("here") end end end describe "Validations" do describe "validate required" do subject do do include Chozo::VariaModel attribute 'brooke.winsor', required: true end it "is not valid if it fails validation" do subject.should_not be_valid end it "adds an error for each attribute that fails validations" do subject.validate subject.errors.should have(1).item end it "adds a message for each failed validation" do subject.validate subject.errors['brooke.winsor'].should have(1).item subject.errors['brooke.winsor'][0].should eql("A value is required for attribute: 'brooke.winsor'") end end describe "validate type" do subject do do include Chozo::VariaModel attribute 'brooke.winsor', type: String end before(:each) do subject.brooke.winsor = false end it "returns false if it fails validation" do subject.should_not be_valid end it "adds an error if it fails validation" do subject.validate subject.errors.should have(1).item subject.errors['brooke.winsor'].should have(1).item subject.errors['brooke.winsor'][0].should eql("Expected attribute: 'brooke.winsor' to be a type of: 'String', 'NilClass'") end end end describe "#set_attribute" do subject do do include Chozo::VariaModel attribute 'brooke.winsor', type: String, default: 'sister' attribute 'brooke.costantini', type: String, default: 'sister' end it "sets the value of the given attribute" do subject.set_attribute('brooke.winsor', 'rhode island') subject.brooke.winsor.should eql('rhode island') end it "does not disturb the other attributes" do subject.set_attribute('brooke.winsor', 'rhode island') subject.brooke.costantini.should eql('sister') end end describe "#get_attribute" do subject do do include Chozo::VariaModel attribute 'brooke.winsor', type: String, default: 'sister' end it "returns the value of the given dotted path" do subject.get_attribute('brooke.winsor').should eql('sister') end it "returns nil if the dotted path matches no attributes" do subject.get_attribute('brooke.costantini').should be_nil end end describe "#mass_assign" do subject do do include Chozo::VariaModel attribute 'brooke.winsor', type: String, default: 'sister' attribute 'jamie.winsor', type: String, default: 'brother' attribute 'gizmo', type: String, default: 'dog' end it "sets the values of all matching defined attributes" do new_attrs = { brooke: { winsor: "other" }, jamie: { winsor: "other_two" } } subject.mass_assign(new_attrs) subject.brooke.winsor.should eql("other") subject.jamie.winsor.should eql("other_two") end it "leaves the values of untouched attributes" do new_attrs = { brooke: { winsor: "other" }, jamie: { winsor: "other_two" } } subject.mass_assign(new_attrs) subject.gizmo.should eql("dog") end it "ignores values which are not defined attributes" do new_attrs = { undefined_attribute: "value" } subject.mass_assign(new_attrs) subject.get_attribute(:undefined_attribute).should be_nil subject.should_not respond_to(:undefined_attribute) end context "when in carefree assignment mode" do subject do do include Chozo::VariaModel set_assignment_mode :carefree end it "does not ignore values which are not defined" do new_attrs = { undefined_attribute: "value" } subject.mass_assign(new_attrs) subject.get_attribute(:undefined_attribute).should eql("value") end end end describe "#from_json" do subject do do include Chozo::VariaModel attribute 'first_name', type: String attribute 'nick', type: String end it "returns self" do subject.from_json(MultiJson.encode(first_name: "jamie", nick: "reset")).should be_a(described_class) end it "updates self from JSON data" do subject.from_json(MultiJson.encode(first_name: "jamie", nick: "reset")) subject.first_name.should eql("jamie") subject.nick.should eql("reset") end end describe "#from_hash" do subject do do include Chozo::VariaModel attribute 'first_name', type: String attribute 'nick', type: String end it "returns self" do subject.from_hash(first_name: "jamie", nick: "reset").should be_a(described_class) end it "updates and returns self from a Hash" do subject.from_hash(first_name: "jamie", nick: "reset") subject.first_name.should eql("jamie") subject.nick.should eql("reset") end end describe "#to_json" do subject do do include Chozo::VariaModel attribute 'first_name', type: String attribute 'nick', type: String end it "returns a JSON string containin the serialized attributes" do subject.first_name = "brooke" subject.nick = "leblanc" subject.to_json.should eql(MultiJson.encode(first_name: "brooke", nick: "leblanc")) end end describe "#to_hash" do it "returns all of the varia dattributes" do subject.to_hash.should eql(subject.send(:_attributes_)) end end end