" Vim syntax file " Language: Mustache " Maintainer: Juvenn Woo " Screenshot: http://imgur.com/6F408 " Version: 1 " Last Change: 2009 Oct 15 " Remark: " It lexically hilights embedded mustaches (exclusively) in html file. " While it was written for Ruby-based Mustache template system, it should work for Google's C-based *ctemplate* as well as Erlang-based *et*. All of them are, AFAIK, based on the idea of ctemplate. " References: " [Mustache](http://github.com/defunkt/mustache) " [ctemplate](http://code.google.com/p/google-ctemplate/) " [ctemplate doc](http://google-ctemplate.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/doc/howto.html) " [et](http://www.ivan.fomichev.name/2008/05/erlang-template-engine-prototype.html) " TODO: Feedback is welcomed. " Read the HTML syntax to start with if version < 600 so :p:h/html.vim else runtime! syntax/html.vim unlet b:current_syntax endif if version < 600 syntax clear elseif exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif " Standard HiLink will not work with included syntax files if version < 508 command! -nargs=+ HtmlHiLink hi link else command! -nargs=+ HtmlHiLink hi def link endif syntax match mustacheError '}}}\?' syntax match mustacheInsideError '{{[{#<>=!\/]\?' containedin=@mustacheInside syntax region mustacheVariable matchgroup=mustacheMarker start=/{{/ end=/}}/ containedin=@htmlMustacheContainer syntax region mustacheVariableUnescape matchgroup=mustacheMarker start=/{{{/ end=/}}}/ containedin=@htmlMustacheContainer syntax region mustacheSection matchgroup=mustacheMarker start='{{[#/]' end=/}}/ containedin=@htmlMustacheContainer syntax region mustachePartial matchgroup=mustacheMarker start=/{{[<>]/ end=/}}/ syntax region mustacheMarkerSet matchgroup=mustacheMarker start=/{{=/ end=/=}}/ syntax region mustacheComment start=/{{!/ end=/}}/ contains=Todo containedin=htmlHead " Clustering syntax cluster mustacheInside add=mustacheVariable,mustacheVariableUnescape,mustacheSection,mustachePartial,mustacheMarkerSet syntax cluster htmlMustacheContainer add=htmlHead,htmlTitle,htmlString,htmlH1,htmlH2,htmlH3,htmlH4,htmlH5,htmlH6 " Hilighting " mustacheInside hilighted as Number, which is rarely used in html " you might like change it to Function or Identifier HtmlHiLink mustacheVariable Number HtmlHiLink mustacheVariableUnescape Number HtmlHiLink mustachePartial Number HtmlHiLink mustacheSection Number HtmlHiLink mustacheMarkerSet Number HtmlHiLink mustacheComment Comment HtmlHiLink mustacheMarker Identifier HtmlHiLink mustacheError Error HtmlHiLink mustacheInsideError Error let b:current_syntax = "mustache" delcommand HtmlHiLink